Why you will never climb!

Stopped reading there.

Smurfs are infesting this game at every level. It’s even worse on consoles where smurf accounts are free to make.

The impact this has had on the matchmaker and match quality is staggering, yet Blizzard aren’t doing anything about it.

Worst thing Blizzard ever did with Overwatch was allow a player to have multiple accounts. Baffling, too, given that they consider smurfing to be cheating according to their in-game definition of same (specifically “unfair advantage”).


Alternative idea…with all these Smurfs in our games…does that mean Everytime we win…we just won’t a diamond or master’s game? Technically, the Smurfs are giving us an excellent chance to train skill and communication…and if we can whip their butts at our rank…what’s stopping us from wrecking them again at their rank…I mean…do you honestly think a Smurf gets better at a game that isn’t a challenge…than the players who are heavily challenged…

If Smurfs want to screw themselves over…shouldn’t we assist them :shushing_face:

I somewhat agree and disagree…although medals don’t win games they are a decent enough indication of how well you and your team is performing…I’ve received multiple gold medals as a tank in many many games…if not gold then silver. Mind you I main Sigma and his damage is ridiculous but I have played other tanks that should be no where near gold anything except maybe objective time. I have noticed a difference in the quality of players when they out damage me vs when I out damage them. I completely agree with the Moira part of that statement though…waaaaaaay to many Moira’s especially in Gold/Plat are too focus on damage over healing and it’s noticeable in team fights. Moira has made healers complacent and she needs a slight rework imo. Removing her nerfing her damage orb as well as reducing the range on her right click would shift her focus more on healing that dpsing



kind of true, but up to platinum not that crucial.

Well, sort of, but you don’t really need gamesense or knowledge up to masters.

The most important point is missing, mechanical skills.
Quite honestly, up to high master only mechanical skills are needed.

I can only speculate. I’d rather not do that.

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