Overbuff used to be a fairly reliable and accurate way to get information about the game. Even after the introduction of private profiles, it was still reasonably accurate for a time. However, it has stopped being so especially for the data at higher ranks which is what we always look at.
There’s 3 different types of evidence I want to present.
First, it’s dev comments. In the last AMA, Josh Noh said Overbuff was fairly accurate, for win rates. But what he didn’t specify was only in the most populated ranks. Later Gavin Winter clarified that it is not accurate for high ranks.
The second is comparing GM data currently to what I just compiled from top 500 pick rates. Now, I think if you look at this, the top 500 rates I compiled aren’t that surprising. They pretty much match up with your expectations. But the Overbuff rates will be surprising and won’t fit what you are expecting to see at all.
Here is a link to my post. Top 500 Pick Rates - Season 11
Quick summary if you don’t want to look at the full post:
- Most picked tanks are Sigma, Winston, and D.Va in that order.
- Most picked DPS are Cassidy, Tracer, and Pharah in that order.
- Most picked Supports are Ana, Baptiste, and Kiriko in that order.
Here’s what Overbuff has for GM, this month, PC
- Does anyone actually believe that Wrecking Ball is the clear meta tank with a 63% win rate or that Winston is the 3rd lowest pick rate with only a 38% win rate?
- Does anyone actually believe that Mercy has a near 100% pick rate and the highest support win rate? Even if you hate Mercy, surely this doesn’t look right to you.
- Show of hands on who believes that Genji and Mei are the meta picks for DPS right now?
- Is it in any way believable that Cassidy has a near non-existent pick rate with only a 5.56% win rate?
The final piece is that I can get different data on the site by accessing it differently. As previously shown you can see that Wrecking Ball has a 9.47% pick rate with 63.37. There are 2 other ways to access the data for approximately the same time and as you can see the numbers are slightly different.
Three different pick rates and 3 different win rates from the same site for the same season. Even different data on the KDA ratio and other data also. Which is right? Well, none of them unfortunately.
I know this won’t stop people from using Overbuff. That said, I hope that this opens some people’s eyes to exactly how bad and skewed the data is. It’s not even remotely close. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.