Why would YOU be happy with a forced 2-2-2

Flex player here, goats is the absolute worst thing ever to happen to this game.

The only people that really like this are the people who are role-specialists or have a “main.”

Many of real, honest flex players think this system is very limiting.

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<------Is flex player


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Did you read the part where I said many, not all?

I also disagree.

I mean, why generalize?

I can do it to. Many of the real, honest players think the system would be great.

See how it works both ways and does nothing?

Cool. Then satisfy both ways.

Get your Role Queue mode, and then have classic/traditional QP/Comp mode.

There, everyone is happy.

Tank main, been playing since s5. I’ve always known that 2,2,2 works best for my style of play with Zarya.

At this point, I think Blizzard are finally prepared to try things to help Overwatch stay healthy. So they’re giving us 2,2,2, they’re giving us balance changes, new heroes, etc.

Hopefully they continue being more pro-active and pushing out new content with good balance.

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There won’t be a situation where everyone is happy unfortunately. The point is that we won’t know how good or bad this is for the game until it happens as we won’t know how or even if Blizzard plans to implement it.

Everything until that is speculation. The issue stems from people thinking their way to play the game (in this case flexing) is the only acceptable way to play.

But that’s how OW was meant to be played. There is a reason why you’re allowed to switch to any hero throughout the game.

The design literally is: Here is a toolbox. Use whatever tools you need to win.
You’re not just given a choice of one tool and do what you can with it. You literally have the entire tool box.

STraying away from this philosophy destroys the game at it’s core.

If I have to queue up and just be ONE ROLE all game. MY toolbox has clearly diminished by A LOT.

Because as a support player, I was able to play support heroes in 2 out of my 10 placements games. I was stuck in tank jail for 8 games even though I can’t play Rein, Winston, or D.Va at my SR.

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I used to be a dps main.

Then I devolved into a flex main.

Then I devolved into a tank main.

I used to dream of winning a 1v6 as Genji. I used to crave praise for being a good Widow.

But it never works, because there’s almost always two other people on the team who also want to play dps, and someone has to suffer for the sake of the team comp.

So I flex. And do a fair bit of tanking. Lately though I’ve been more aggressive about grabbing Ana so that someone else can hold right click as Rein for the whole game, but for the most part I am tank main, if my 70+ hours on Reinhardt are any indication.

With that being said, 2-2-2 would cause more problems then it would solve. Bad team comps, bad communication, bad gameplay, ALL these problems come from the players themselves. Force a 2-2-2 comp onto players and you would only be treating a symptom of the disease rather than the disease itself. If this game is to be good and fun then players need to be calm, respectful, and at least somewhat care about the happiness of people beyond themselves.

Force 2-2-2 onto players and you will have only punished the players who know how to responsibly build maverick team comps.

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Can’t you easily just get into a game and lock in a support hero? I rarely, RARELY, see 2x support heroes instalocked.

Or you can spend some time learning the tank role and become a better player as a result.

I agree!

20 character limits be DAMNED!!!

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The key difference being that LoL doesn’t allow players to swap heroes during the game. That leads to lots of games being lost before they ever began, because players have no recourse if they are hard countered. This was one of the reasons that Overwatch was designed with hero swapping as a core function.

Maybe you have two DPS on your team that want to play Junkrat and Symmetra. Based on your logic, neither of them should ever have to swap if an enemy Pharah is wrecking the entire team. And with forced 2/2/2 nobody else can swap to a hitscan to deal with it either. Better hope you have a support that is a decent shot with Ana, or it’s going to be a long game.

Refusing to swap when needed is detrimental to your team. It’s not about it being The One True Way ™, it’s about facing reality. In many situations you can play what you want and lose, or you can swap and win. If you choose to lose and take 5 other players down with you, that is selfish play and you are the problem.

It’s not a design flaw, it’s a player flaw. You can force us into whatever hard-coded meta you want, you won’t fix it. All you’ll do is take perfectly viable options away from the rest of us.


I get what you are saying, but the game has reached a point where it can either stay the way it has been or change to something different.

The same thing happened when choosing the same hero was removed from competitive and qp. The game changed drastically from it’s philosophy and yet it was better for the game in the long run.

Who knows, you might be able to swap roles after you have queued. We don’t know how they would implement a system, but hopefully it would take your playstyle into consideration as well.

If I instalock a support hero, that doesn’t change the fact that someone else on my team is probably going to be playing tank without really knowing how to play the role. It doesn’t solve the issue at it’s core, which is players not being able to play the role they want to play. Also, I have an alt account where I practiced my main tank and never got past 3.3k, but the skill difference between a diamond tank and a masters tank is immense, so it’s still throw if I play it on my main account.

Other sports have forced positioning and roles, anything else is anarchy.

Blizzard tried anarchy and its impossible to balance.

Personally I think they are close but not quite there with 2-2-2.

I think the ruling should be NO MORE than 2 tanks, and NO MORE than 2 healers.

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I think if they want to force 2v2v2 they should have an equal amount of support tank and damage heroes to choose from.

I actually like to play quick play and would never want it forced there. I like the randomness.

your ignorance is showing XD