Why would YOU be happy with a forced 2-2-2

But that’s part of OW, is it not? That’s why learning multiple heroes/roles was the core design theory of Overwatch. This isn’t something Blizzard should be “fixing.” This is a player-behavior problem and not a game problem. If people actually learned how to play the game, they will have more success.

You’re not always going to have a perfect team. You NEVER will when you’re queuing up for a game. This isn’t a problem just with your team, the enemy team likely has the same issue. That’s just part of playing any MMO.

Something I just thought of:

What is stopping someone for ruining other people’s games by queuing for games with a role they really suck at? Just for the lulz? You can’t report someone for trying to play, but you can be upset at them for being awful.

If someone who can’t play DPS to save their lives decides to spend all their time queuing up and playing Widow, what do you do now? You have one person on the team that is taking up 1/2 of your DPS slots and have all the DPS heroes available to them. No one else has access to that role and now the game is lost anyway.

I think there is a lot of potential for tomfoolery with forced roles.

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Throwers are already common though.

If the game has separate role SR, that would keep the widow hardstuck bronze.

If they truly are terrible but want to improve their dps game, that would be a good way to gauge your growth in the role.

If Blizzard implements the system correctly, your concerns will be a non-issue.


Considering the development team is adding role queue with forced 2-2-2, it’s not. Or at least it won’t be for long. You act like I don’t play anything but support, which isn’t true. I’ve put significant time on tanks and DPS on my alt accounts, but that doesn’t change the fact that I do not and cannot play them at a masters level.

They specifically addressed this. People will have separate SR for separate roles, which is how it should be.

That’s not a thrower. A thrower is someone who purposefully fails at the game to try and get a loss for the team. Being a poo player is just that-- being bad.

If you’re going to separate MMR based on roles, that just complicates things EVEN further. So not only will I be shackled to my queued role (and have like what, 6 heroes to choose from after my partner chooses their hero lol???), but now I will also be segregated in MMR based on what I chose to play that day?

So if I was going to play comp, Iw ould need to do 10 placements for tank, 10 for healing, 10 for dps before I can get my SR in place? Many people don’t even do 30 games in an entire season, let alone having to do a million placement before I can even get my complete ranking.

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It makes sense though if you think about it. Your tank, healer, and dps skills are not all on the same level of skill. If you plan on being truly competitive in this game, separate SR makes sense.

I know what a thrower is, but the thrower would still be hardstuck bronze in that case same as a person who just sucks at their role. Hopefully the thrower would be banned though.

I mean, I was super into competitive for many seasons. I might actually come back to the game if role queue goes through. Until then I am not even touching the game. I assume there’s plenty of people that feel the same way.

Throwers currently exist in ranked, this is a moot point.

It really doesn’t, it simplifies things. We currently have a system where we roll the dice and hope we get teammates who can play tank, dps, or support at the level they’re currently at. With separate MMR for separate roles, we know that they’re capable of playing their role at their rank.

I very seriously doubt that’s how they would do it, you’re just making the worst assumptions you can think of to fit your already solidified viewpoint.

Forced role queue will only make trolling and griefing worse, and lead to exponential increases in salt.

Have none of the forced role queue brigade played WoW??? The DPS queues are horrible, entitled terribad tanks are everywhere, and people playing hybrids queue as tank or heals and then insta-swap to DPS the minute the instance begins.

The fix for these problems is vote-kick, which is another thing trolls love. Imagine THAT in Overwatch. The alternative is DPS Moiras, “reddit” Lucios, and “fat DPS” Roadhogs and D.Vas as your tanks every game, due to DPS not wanting to sit and wait for an hour or three to play a single game.

The problem isn’t the composition. The problem is the player community is full of selfish, rude, entitled brats who blame everyone but themselves when things don’t go their way, and who cause losses by tilting their entire team before anyone can even leave spawn.

There is NO programmatic fix for a player base full of raging howler monkeys who think “teamwork” is a dirty word or translates to “everyone works around me”.




My exact fear like I stated above. It is so easy to troll with this system.


So I can play tank, and not worry about having 5 dps.


My POV as a 1 trick: Forced 2-2-2 is a mistake that should never be added.

But you can still one-trick in a roleq scenario. I dont understand that argument.

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Forced role queue is a mistake, it takes away the freedom and creativity of the players.

In favor of an actual competitive environment over a clown fiesta.


Who doesn’t enjoy a good trash fire?

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Half the pros that used to stream Overwatch :man_shrugging:



So i can have a balanced match instead of the 5 DPS instalockers wanting i go healer, and if not, they incite the people in the other team to report me due i dont “contribute” to their team or i m being “toxic” or “throwing” the match.

So yeah… i hope the 2-2-2 try at least fix that, hopefully in a different mode, or maybe or giving us the option of choosing to play under those rules or not.

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I’d only support it if Brigitte were to receive MASSIVE nerf reverts to make her place strong in 2-2-2. You’d have to give SB damage back and lower cooldown and her repair pack. I’d even be ok if they reverted her barrier nerf too.

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One word: GOATS
or were you sleeping on the moon?

i’d like it.
I pretty much always wanna go 2-2-2.