Why would I want to play this game?

well to me it just came across as “why would I play THIS when there’s so many other games I could play?” even though yeah the rest of the post doesn’t give that tone

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If you get the majority of your enjoyment strictly from being top of a leaderboard, then this game is likely never gonna give you enough “pat myself on the back cuz I’m the greatest” moments to keep you coming back to it. Its team based mechanics mean it’s almost impossible to quantify which individual was the best since so many abilities and ultimates have such a wide range of effects at any given moment.

This is definitely not a game for grandstanding, tho many still do try to, and the fact that not enough people have come to that realization yet is one of the major reasons the competetitive scene is such a cesspool of toxic egos.

In other words, if you get off on being top of the charts with obvious statistics that you are awesome ready and available to bandy about, you won’t get that here because 11 other people will be constantly arguing that they were more awesome and the game does not provide enough information for any one to actually be proven correct.


for me the answer is quite simple.

I just don’t own any better fps games. Hopefully, i’ll find another good one so i could quit this game for good.

No worries.

If you do get serious about it. I’d suggest learning Lucio, Mercy, Soldier, and Reinhardt. As they are currently some of the more basic character types.

One big performance booster is disabling a feature in Windows called “High Precision Event Timer”. Because unless you are a professional scientist, you don’t care if your machine is accurate to one billion’th of a second. Otherwise it’s slowing your PC down for nothing.

I’d also suggest these settings:

Thanks alot! I’ve just chatted with the Blizz. support and although they were extremely nice it seems I won’t be getting a refund. Luckily I don’t struggle with performance in this game at all and I’ve set all my graphics to low when I first launched it anyways.
I’ll give Lucio a try though, Reinhardt really didn’t float my boat, I’m trying to play aim heavy heroes as were I lack any gamesens and coordination I at least have solid aim from playing other shooters.
Thanks for the answers man! :slight_smile:

Well, for quickplay, I like playing Orisa instead of Rein myself. Since it’s very sniper heavy. But she’s a bit tricky to pick up. So you’d probably want to read some actual tutorials for her.

You mean TF2 right?
