Why would I want to play this game?

I am really confused as to what this game is supposed to be or why anyone would be motivated to play it.
Looking back I’ve played shooters pretty much exclusively since 2011 or so, starting with bf3 and working my way up to playing Siege in ESL since mid 2017.
So two days ago I picked this game up for 20 bucks in a sale and tried to have fun with it but I cant seem to have any as I am too confused about what this game is actually trying to be.

Winning gunfights isn’t about aim but rather about coordinating tanks and healers in the right way to overshadow individual skill from what I’ve seen so far. I feel like this is not a shooter but LOL from a different perspective, is that correct?
Half of the heroes seem to come with aim assist or rather “tracking weapons” anyways (Eg. gatling shotguns on Dva, the “beam” of Moira(?), the ability of Soldier 76, the snow spray)?

Again, what kind of game is this supposed to be? It’s not a shooter by my definition but rather some MOBA, isn’t it? Especially considering that from what I’ve seen your performance is capped by your heros abilities instead of your individual skill.
I’m trying really hard to enjoy this game but it’s concept is just so weird to me, what exactly are you supposed to do from a gameplay perspective?


Shooter with MOBA Elements

i play it for the waifus. since the beginning.

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This game, if you are wondering in sincerity, is the salvaged remnants of Project Titan, Blizzard’s abandoned attempt at a new MMO IP. It was never a shooter, or a MOBA, or any of those things. Rather, it draws influence from many, many sources.

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I think the game tipped to far in the MOBA direction when the meta turned to Tanks and Healers only.
Next patch, it should tip right back towards a lot more gunplay.

Also, I’d caution your final judgment until you play Competitive.
Quickplay isn’t a terribly good representation of what the game has to offer.

If you do get into Comp, at level 25, here’s a pretty good explanation of what Comp is all about, to bring you up to speed with people who have been playing it for years:

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Just go play tf2 or RSS those are much better team shooters than OW imo.


MOBA with shooter elements

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Same thing for me…

another troll with 0 posts!

why do you guys keep falling for this?

What exactly makes me a troll? If you read like, the first three lines you would not be so ignorant LOL


return it and never look back.

I mean just because someone with zero posts is complaining doesn’t make them a troll. Do you even know what a troll is? If anyone is a troll you are.

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you can still use individual skill to achieve what you want. You may prefer the competitive game mode more than quick play so i guess you should try that out and see how it goes for you

however it is a team game. you can still shine on your own and ppl would call that carrying if you can single handedly wipe the other team with or without their help. it can happen. but i rarely see that in my skill rating which is mid/high masters.

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I’ll check that out later, thanks

Well the game is essentially a “defeat-simulator” 90% of the time, I just finished my placements 20 minutes ago and out of the 10 games I played I won 1. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t fun. It is essentially the dark souls of multiplayer games. You have to be willing to lose many many matches in order to win 1.

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No sorry, I don’t have almost 1600 posts of experience around here so my troll-detector hasn’t calibrated yet

pretty sure that he could have worded the thread title and opening statement in a less inflammatory way

There are people who play it because its not generic shooter.

Well if they have to take people like you into account @ChrisPChickn it suddenly becomes hard to be critical about anything. You yell troll as soon as something is slightly negative…

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Some people have clickbaity titles that really don’t reflect the rest of the post. Sometimes they don’t have anything to do with the title. It’s always important to read the post and consider the words being used before replying. Trust me you don’t need 1000+ posts to get it right, as there are TONS of people who have been posting for longer than me and still don’t know how to read.

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The fact that it is one of the greatest team shooter games ever made is hidden by the fact that we NEED to know every hero’s sexual orientation before the broken aspects of the game are fixed.