Why would I ever not pick Precision hitscan?

Like, why would I literally ever pick Mei, Junkrat, Echo, Reaper, Torb, Pharah, Hanzo

Over Cass, Widowmaker, Soldier, Ashe, Sojourn.

Why do these heroes literally always get to dominate the game for years upon years?


Because if you did, you would lose your whining rights for taking the high road and playing the harder and more skillful characters and we can’t have that.


cuz sometimes its better to be harder to shoot, trading basic precision for skillful movement and prediction, and do more for your team than just left clicking on heads

try playing any of those heroes against shields

Soldier has some of the best barrier break in the game.


Wdym Echo is super strong right now


You’d pick Echo over every hitscan barring Tracer because she’s just… Better?(Not counting Soj since she’s not completely hitscan)

Also… you don’t need to pick S tier picks to climb or win games…

Also also, reaper is hitscan…


h ttps://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&role=damage&timeWindow=3months

Where exactly?

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If you’re shooting shields constantly on Soldier you’re playing him wrong, full stop.


I pick echo on maps with a lot of high ground like Gibraltar or lots of cover like illios well. Echo is pretty good in certain situations

People don’t like it when junkrat or torb are strong/meta because of their design

Reapers design is so bad he’s getting a rework

And Hanzo lost his one shot so we’ll see if he gets any other buffs eventually.

People didn’t like phara so much so she also got a rework and they haven’t really buffed her since


It’s a shame because of how actual braindead he is.


And he literally is a hitscan too…

shhhh… youre gonna make him harder to kill

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Play whatever you like, it does not matter, you’re still going to receive your daily loss streak (you only won two games in a row).


Overbuff :skull: :skull: :skull:

But because you asked, I went ahead and sorted by comp → past month → master/GM. Shows Echo at second highest WR after Tracer. Is that how this is supposed to work?

To be frank, that can’t really happen. It takes soldier roughly 3 seconds to destroy Sigma’s and Winston’s barrier followed by about 10 seconds of downtime. Double shield is a thing of the past.


No actually, since at the highest ranks, they pick niche heroes only in niche situations, artificially inflating their winrate. Unless you mean to tell me that the highest ranked players arent picking to win…

You go for pickrate to see who is considered meta, ie best.

Otherwise we would have to accept that Sym is largely the best hero in the game

Are you saying the hitscan are harder? Because that’s a joke. Their projectile hitboxes have increased exponentially.

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No. I’m saying that so many projectile players on this forum have the victim mentality where boo hoo projectile weak and hitscan = instant free win.

Hitscan is just more consistent the more consistent you are. Projectile is good for situations where you don’t need good accuracy, but you’re good at predicting enemy movement patterns. Different skillsets for different people.


You’re supposed to pick the number that most looks like a number that would indicate whatever it is you’re claiming….even if it doesn’t necessarily do that

Ok, but you kinda missed my point.

Bastion shoots shields because he has to in order to do his job. Hanzo sometimes does too.

Soldier doesn’t. He’s the best hitscan at taking aggressive off angles and aggressive high. You generally don’t want to be playing in a position where you can be blocked by shield. You want to be in a position where the shield opens them up to your team.

If you have to afk back by your team, soldier is a terrible pick. He doesn’t get much value that way.

Also, Sigma has suck and staggers his shield with it and Winston doesn’t just throw bubble down the same way other tanks use their shields. Those are kinda weird examples. Sigma literally completely denies soldier unless he can get creative with how he approaches fights.