Why would I ever not pick Precision hitscan?

IMO, pickrate has always been the best indicator. People pick to win in comp.

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You donā€™t even need good accuracy for hitscan though. The skill floor was lowered for hitscan way more than it was for a lot of projectile heroes due to the HP changes and the skill ceiling is just easier to get to as well. :woman_shrugging:

If you play the game youā€™ll know ECHO is a decent pick.

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Last I checked, it was lowered for both hitscan AND projectile, so your argument is a moot point. Everyone gained a few percentage of accuracy universally across the board. I would rather they just kept the 200 hp and size buffs, but Iā€™m fine with it.


Very strongly disagree. Echo and Genji got several magnitudes easier than any hitscan did, even including Widow.

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For the challenge my man, to tilt the other dps by stomping them with a much worse hero.

Nah im just kidding, dont play them. There is a fine line between frustrating and fun when it comes to the bad heroes, and season 9 has firmly drop kicked all the bad heroes solidly into the frustrating end of the spectrum.

I thought that was Bastion lol


notice I said ā€œsome ofā€

Using soldier to shield break is a waste of bullets and time takes to longā€¦ I just go from behind or up top and bypass the shield crap. But then again I dont play aimbot very after


If you have a bunch of heroes that can do a lot of damage quickly, shooting the shield is a fantastic idea.


The quickest way to kill a tank is to hammer them, especially after the dps passive addition.

I swear people dont play this game correctly, exactly.

Awww ur cute pat pat I know how to play correctly I just dont feel like wasting time taking down a shield that can be bypassed by other means. But its ok U play the way u likeā€¦ Ill play the way I like

Incorrectly, clearly. Donā€™t appreciate the tone either.

Apparently not if it works for me pat pat

Why cuz I dont use aimbot to break shields? Sorry I rather just pick off their supports then take a good min to break a shieldā€¦ if I want to break a shield quickly with the most amount of damage then I will go Bastion the brain dead characterā€¦ But since so many people want to play dps and wrong most of the timeā€¦ I am stuck being the support to keep them alive.

So again ur cute pat pat

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Hp breakpoints made most burst dmg projectiles ttk skyrocket. Hanzo canā€™t kill anything on his own and needs to be relagated to spam chokepoint and maybe get lucky role, mei needs one whole extra shot, junk is in trashcan, pharah needs also one extra shot. While on precision hitscans the worst you got is soldier who needs to hit 3 more shots which are in return way easier to hit with big hitboxes. Echo is great cuz he didnā€™t really suffer from breakpoints changes, her beam and bombs still melts targets. It was to be expected from patchnotes that they are very hitscan heavy, whose ttk is unchanged (probably went down) while burst projectile ttk skyrocketed

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It absolutely does not take a minute or even a large fraction of one to burst a barrier. We are talking seconds here, and thats just solo.

Aww if u keep showing me this much attention Im gonna think u like baby cakes *bats eyes"

It is kind of like zarya bubbles. If you have an entire team focusing an overextended zarya, you can burn through her bubbles and then herself, it doesnt matter if you just gave her full charge when she is face down on the asphalt. It is when you get people not on the same page and some shoot the bubble and other are going after something else that problems arise. Shields are a less severe but similar problem. One or two people shooting a shield, probably not doing a whole lot.

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Comments to a responseā€¦ Its ok, easy block. Strange person.