Why would “YOU” pick Mercy?

Really the only time I have trouble is when people single-file or lone wolf. Those are situations where no support will help.

The primary condition I need to do well with Mercy is a modicum of teamwork, same as every support.

Well, found none of it in EU region. It’s always one player, who has to be strong enough to carry whole team to success. Familiar situation since TF2, except this time I am lacking strong buffs for that “chosen one”.

If you regularly see one person who is able to carry the entire game, that would mean the other teams are equally as bad - where is all this damage coming from?

Other team just has more powerful healer, so even while they are likely to be equally as bad, they don’t die.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(20 characters required.)

I find GA really fun. I have toggle beam on, so I can usually just mess around with GA mid teamfight while damage boosting. I even managed to use the backwards GA once due to my practicing. Idk. I like her mobility. (and i can spam “someone call the whambulance”)

Give me any roughly equally skilled teams and I can keep up or out-heal any opposing support the majority of the time.

To do some stupid BS like this


mercy is very fun to play.

I like playing her aggressively.
I like being swift and skinny with her.
risky rezzes are fun.
her whole kit is fun.
and damage boost is very useful.


Basically if I have people playing Bastion, pharah, and sometimes with snipes, only if they are good. She was my main so I kinda don’t like that I don’t play her much because she hasn’t been meta for a while, but Baptiste is my main so yeah.

Some aren’t aware, but it doesn’t just boost their DPS, it speeds up how fast they get their ult, all while giving Mercy her ult, to then boost multiple targets to power them up as well. Boost is awesome.

As an example, I (Mercy) can give a Zarya or Mei a good 2-3 more ults in a round depending on the fights than they could get on their own…and Mercy’s getting ult charge at the same time. Mercy doesn’t get credit for the increase in DPS created (say…Reaper uses his DB), or the opportunities created, but she played an important part regardless.

And that all kind of answers one reason why I play Mercy. I have great fun with her. She’s my fave.

  • somewhat unfortunately she’s my best hero,
  • I like zipping around (praise super jump),
  • battle mercy feels fun when it works out (widows, pharahs, etc. beware if you annoy me too much),
  • if the map has a lot of verticality you bet I’m going mercy,
  • if I need to dodge certain flankers I’d be better off on mercy than most other supports,
  • honestly other supports don’t interest me as much in terms of kit design wise. like yeah baptiste has a nice rapid-ish fire hitscan weapon and lamp, but nothing that great in self sustain (one of the things I really like in a main), ana and zen makes me feel like flanker fodder, brigitte’s too passive for me, lucio kinda doesn’t heal enough, yes I do main moira and I use her depending on the comp I have.
  • my aim obvs isn’t the best


This is the core of why it sucks to play Mercy. Other healers can bail out bad play or mistakes to an extent.

Mercy just gets to watch people die or miss their damage boosted shots.

You lack agency.


In team-based games, I just like helping others. Rather it an MMO as a healer or other FPS as an Medic. It’s not the most glamorous job but someone has got to do it.

Whenever I play Mercy, I feel like I’m being the most helpful by damage boosting, rezing, and keep my teammates alive. The feeling I get during overtime when my teammates and out numbered, down a healer and I pull out Valkyrie and we somehow change the tide is awesome. Other support characters (outside maybe Moira) gives me a rush when playing them in the clutch.

Now when, despite my efforts of me pocketing Teammates and they still struggle get kills and stay alive? That when this helpful Mercy, becomes a vengeful Moira.

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because I can’t aim and like zooming around the battlefield


because of the super jump, its broken against flankers, and she requires no aim.

When in Diamond+ I find her the easiest support to play.

I would NOT play her in lower ranks.

  • Best pick for solo heal

  • Generally enables all casts thanks to her consistent heals

  • Ana provides strong heals but sacrifices mobility to keep up.

  • If your team has Pharah/Echo, they may indirectly peel you by giving you aerial mobility from flankers. Despite I can just do superjump.

  • I played a lot of Medic in TF2. Her gameplay kinda resembles his.

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