Why Widowmaker is OP

even in my diamond games I find that often games revolve around snipers, and whichever gets either a pick first, or kills the other.

Most games have to be changed to quad tank comps when the enemy team has a widow, to force them to switch off

I also feel like the argument “don’t peak” is really proving the point that she’s oppresive


I’m in Gm and maybe my opinion is a but biased cause I’m a Bastion main.
However the thing is that I’m the first one complaining about Widow on this forum, and I get a great sucess out of it for some reason, find it funny, it’s like I’m the one who started this whole Widowmaker is Op mode.

Actually, this post is much better than mine and I agree 100% with it.

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Let me tell an another counter to widow: dive her team first, put a bubble down, use defensive matrix, she was so far away that she is no help to her team except shooting at the shield. Do that and you can have a 6v5 then a 6v1 thereafter, rinse and repeat till her team got mad and tell her to switch.

Can’t do that? Fine, send a flanker or a ball to go bother her if you can’t outduel her. Don’t forget to take flanking route to close the gap first, can’t shoot you if she can’t see you. While she is occupied, try to win 5v5, then wave at her and say hi.

what about your zen? he’s not going to be playing in the bubble?

of many other healers?

Also dont you have to sheild dance? so your going to have to go in and out of sheild?

what if shes so far back that trying to get there is a waste of time. (think about horizon point 2)

Oh, I can tell you how it’s clearly gonna go

Either Dive (where Widow was still picked alot) will become meta again, or Double-Sniper (where I shouldn’t have to explain how hugely powerful she is here) will come back, and since you can’t stack tanks anymore that means this comp will be even more powerful than before

These next few months are gonna suck

This doesn’t work. Seem like bad advice for me. Also, there is a reason why she is meta in GM right now, and it’s not because you can easily counter her.


Swap Zen for a Lucio? If your team can’t even escort a Zen or an Ana through choke safely he/she should just swap for some thing more mobile and evasive.

Horizont map is widow map through and through, but there is no such place that too far for Hammond or a mobile flanker

great, so then that healer has to play SUPER passivly. Lucio wont be able to go for aggresive boops anymore becuase he cant leave bubble.

ana/zen will have to only play around corners/walls so that ana cant snipe them

Mercy HAS to play close range with dive tanks, I shouldn’t need to explain

Brig has her sheild (that can be two shot)

Bap is the only ecception due to the fact that he can use immortality

Are you GM? Are you dealing with GM widow? If not, it should be plenty enough for you.

And if you are GM, you know the reason why dive is ineffective nowadays, and that reason will be fixed the next patch

This Month, PC, GM.
There is a reason to why X hero is meta or not.
Most of the time, a meta can’t be countered.

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take notice to the fact that widowmaker has a near 55% winrate, even for gm thats pretty high (especailly for her pickrate)

That stats show me Ana and Zen are still the most picks, despite the fact that they are dead the moment they dare to walk out of spawn into the forum widow’s los

what this really shows is that ana and zen are forced to hug their orisa sheild and never dare show their faces to a widowmaker

There is a reason that orisa is picked often along with ana and zen

Yeah, blame Widow for that, when Ana and Zen have been top tier picks forever.

I’m flattered. I honestly don’t know how people keep finding my thread, though. There hasn’t been a new post in it for ages.

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ana and zen are their own issues. It’s pretty obvious that ana needs nerfs and zen just has the meta in his favour

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No, it’s not that reason. If you’re talking of Brigitte it’s not that reason now.
The burst damage/heal has evolved and you’ll see that dive will not be able to kill Orisa anymore.

uh, where do you see a Zenyatta on this pic ?
This is this month, PC, GM.
Rere-edited I’m just blind.

zen is right there? under hog?

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Streamers told their sheeps viewers she’s OP.

Oh, yeah, I didn’t see him.
He was hiding behind hog.
Uh, i’m blind help.

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