Why Widowmaker is OP

Dude I already play in masters with mercy. If the enemy team doesn’t have a widow/hanzo its much safer to try and go for aggressive rez’s/damage boosts.

When the enemy team has a hanzo/widow the only option we really have is a hanzo/widow of our own, or to bunker down.

There’s a third option here: nerf snipers. They are the root cause of the DPS powercreep, because it’s almost impossible for DPS characters to compete with characters that can play safer than anyone else, and one-shot most of the roster.


Well, if you force someone to keep backing up until it isn’t worth chasing them anymore, then you’ve probably driven them out of position. With Widow, that’s a victory in itself.

The only map where that might not work is Junkertown’s first point with an offense Widow

Horizon point 2, that widowmaker sitting on the left side is not diveable and has sightlines on the entire point, each choke and a bit farther than each choke.

even if you dive her she can hook around to any of the other perches, or back to her team. Then your stuck there like a cupcake in an obese mans home

Nerf snipers just makes tanks have no fear.

The nerf option is just the devs making the same mistake leading to a dumber meta than the previous one.

Nerf Mercy oh that didn’t solve anything, nerf Brigitte, wait nerf Lucio, no nerf DVA, wait nerf armor.

Oh look we are still back to a hero being unbalanced because something was taken away.

Not diveable? You’re crazy, if her team has pushed onto the point, a solo Winston is enough at that point. You could even send a Genji, or if you have a soldier or Mcree, sneaking up on her through the staircase below isn’t hard.

All of this goes whether she’s on defense or offense too

And again, if she leaves her perch back to her team, that’s still a victory. Widow is way worse off of her perch

how is a 76/mccree meant to get to that widow in the first place (defence), her team will see it and call it out

dude she can still kill people at her new perch or with her team, and you can still be killed off now that you’ve dove her. Its only ten seconds of “uselessness” anyways

I agree with you. I am 2700SR widow and she is easy to get. IF someone is getting you it is due that player is better than you and you can show it with Widow. IT is so hard to play widow you need to play her 24/7 and put so much effort into her to see some QQ around who picks the like of bastion, sym, mercy,wiston, etc getting you for free if you do a mistake.

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So you are adjusting playstyle to counter enemy dps, what is wrong with it? You want your rezz always go unchallenged?

Going all the way left, through the room under her platform. It may be called out, but if somebody makes it to that staircase then the Widow has to worry about it and won’t be able to focus on either the point or that person completely

If you think moving Widow off of her perch is pointless, then you don’t know what you’re talking about and that’s final.

Orisa is already pretty tanky…Any shield should be enough but strangly Widow is used a lot.
Less tanking doesnt really help widow. She doesnt need any help if nobody but hammond can stop her…

I shouldn’t have to sit behind a sheild and corners for the entire game because they have a widow, its not fun.

the rez’s are still dangerous but I can actually have a chance at being able to pull it off. Hanzo is on high ground? welp can’t rez, he’ll see me. 76 on highground? I’ll wait till he reloads.

Why would tanks have no fear? They already don’t fear snipers all that much. It’s the DPS characters that fear snipers.

Probably because they never thought to nerf snipers, since the elitist sniper community would throw a tantrum if their mains received any significant nerfs, no matter well-thought-out or well-deserved they may be.


Zen had always the meta is his favour…
And you can’t argue for Ana nerf without blanket nerfing the rest of the support class too.
That’d be just nerfing a hero for daring to have a proper alskill curve, just like the Widow nerf…

It s usually not advisable to duel snipers with soldier or Mcccree unless you are behind the shield. Actually seems like everyone assumes master+ players all have 100 accuracy, why not use Mcccree to dink widow head once or twice to force her back?

Exuse me? Ana is easily the best support, in GM the is NO REASON to pick either of the other main healers over her (other than quad dps/pharah)
She already needs a nerf, no healer should have a 11% pickrate (people justified mercy nerfs due to her 11% winrate)

I don’t really care about this “skill curve” nonesense. Mercy/Moira are both rather bad in masters+

Heck I cant get through one masters game without someone asking for me to switch off of moira or mercy, I’ve even had people tell me that moira is a throw pick

The only reason people want to nerf snipers, is because they have a high skill cap, and their player base actually improved over time.

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When I said put them after her, I meant fight her once they are in close range where Widow is less likely to blow their heads off, and they are more likely to damage her.

Plus, as a bonus, you sneak up on a Widow with Mcree and you get the flashhammer for a free kill. I play in masters games regularly, and you’d be suprised how easy it is to suprise a Widow if you find yourself behind them, even there. Their focus on the shooting hurts their awareness

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you aren’t sheilded from nerfs just because you are hard to play.