Why Widowmaker is OP

The issue with widowmaker is that on some maps she can just keep backing up further and further, so much so that hit scans do no damage (do to fall off) and diving her is a waste of time, because of how long it take’s to get her.

This results in widowmaker, having only one counter being herself.

Like at some point she’s so far away that neither winston or D.va can dive her, and if a ball tries he’s probably going to get killed on the way there.


And here, ladies & gents we see the 100000000x+ thread where people are complaining how ‘‘op’’ Widowmaker is.


I’m EXPLAINING why she’s op. this isn’t just a winey thread


Even you do in a wierd way, shes not ‘‘op’’ at all.


There’s literally zero evidence Widowmaker is OP.

In Overwatch:

  1. Heroes have different critical boxes and different character models. This makes sniping harder.
  2. Widowmaker has a charge mechanic. This makes sniping harder.
  3. There’s cover, barriers and shields, which makes sniping significantly harder. Small maps with generally no open spaces more often than not and small lines of sight more often than not.
  4. Overwatch has no movement acceleration which makes A/D + Crouch spam incredibly easy to do and incredibly easy to dodge sniping.
  5. Finally, Widowmaker’s effectiveness also depends on how good the mechanical skill of the player is which alone is an effective skill check.

Not to mention dive tanks like Winston, Diva, Hammond can counter and dive Widowmaker with ease. Same for Sombra, Genji and Tracer, flankers can absolutely shut down Widowmaker. Sombra can also disable hook + grappling.

You even have Immortality Field now which practically eliminates one-shotting from the game. Not to mention Goats has rained supreme for year+ making DPS in the game a throw-pick.

Sorry but Widowmaker who has remained relatively unchanged is absolutely fine as a hero and doesn’t need any nerfs.

Widowmaker is fine.


Her and Hanzo do have amazing stat in GM. I doubt I could say op but in Gm they are by far the best dps. And when we balance we balance around them.
Also in what world does Dive tank counter widowmaker. Tracer, wtf are you on bro she can’t high ground. Genji maybe, but it’s more a skill matchup and Sombra is too obvious.


read the post please


There are 2 interpretations of being “op”:

  1. First is like Mercy after her rework, the “moth” meta. She was a must-pick and it didn’t really matter who played her and how practiced the player was with Mercy.
  2. The second version is how someone works by a practiced player. Currently with a skilled Widow she has probably the biggest solo-carry potential. Yes, it is hard to achieve and yes, being good should be rewarded but IMO none of the heroes should have such big solo carry potential.

Jayne explained these “op” meanings a year ago I guess. By the second interpretation Widow is very op right now.


The reason that Widow is OP is that it’s way too easy to pocket her. A sniper’s main weakness should be his/her lack of sustainability, meaning that they need to retreat when taking too much damage, even if it’s just chip damage.

Look at TF2 for the closest comparison. A sniper who can aim is really strong, but can’t do much if he gets a rocket in his face every x seconds because his medic usually won’t be anywhere in the vicinity (I know medic can heal sniper with the crusader’s crossbow, but even that takes more effort than healing with Ana in OW).

Then you have Overwatch where half of the supports can heal up Widow to full in a matter of seconds from across the map. Boom, Widow’s main weakness is gone.

Even if you would outright remove Widow, but not address this issue, complaints will just shift to the next best DPS hero that can kill enemies the most efficient.


I read your post. Overwatch’s map design is generally not incredibly conducive to sniping as opposed to other FPS games with only the latest map being with slightly better in terms of line of sight distance.

Not to mention, you have shields and barriers effectively making sniping useless unless Widowmaker gets an angle. For which she needs to get close.

You are playing an FPS? Stuff is supposed to die you know? Widowmaker is not OP, not by a long shot.


That’s what I’m saying. The Widow complaints are pretty much the first step down the slippery slope with at the bottom a game where nothing ever dies.

Ah, we are on the same page then. I think we pretty much reached it with Goats. Supports are absurdly strong at this point. They basically gave rise to the Sniper meta and Goats. If you ask me, the healing output needs to be nerfed across the board so sustain damage is actually possible and we don’t need to use Burst constantly for stuff to actually die.

But we’ll see how 2/2/2 will go.


No. She’s really not.

Just cause of someone is good at this hero/any hero overall doesnt mean that she’s/those heroes are ‘‘op’’.

If she’s ‘‘that op’’ why dont you & others play her then & go like top500, etc?


CEOs are very very good are their jobs.
Therefore it’s fine that they make $300 million a year.


I don’t think Widowmaker is OP. At least not by FPS standards. The problem with Widow is the same with any other sniper in shooter games - they don’t belong there in the first place.

Widow is problematic though, in a way other snipers in other games aren’t. The two big things you use to counter snipers - figuring out where they are and avoiding their fire lanes, and using lots of strategic cover to move around, are both negated by her abilities. Oops.

Snipers in any game aren’t fun to play against. And way too many battles are decided upon which team’s sniper can negate the other first, then start picking off the entire rest of the opposing team or forcing them into strict cover where they can be easily overwhelmed by the rest of your team.

Yet, I’d still a Widowmaker on the enemy team, or a Sombra, or even both, rather than a Mei. Mei is just freaking broken OP. Not just OverPowered, but OPressive too. She snipes, she wins any close-range encounter by halfway disabling an opponent near-instantly and completely disabling them a second later, guaranteeing their swift demise by herself or the rest of team. She has an invulnerability shield that also heals her, and a physical barrier with a tiny cooldown.

I get annoyed when I get sniped by a Widow. Sombra I can successfully fight against even if she starts off the fight by hacking me. Mei, by far, is the most broken and oppressive hero in this game. With decent positioning she can win any fight she chooses to engage in, run from the rest, rapidly heal herself and re-engage to win many of the fights she ought to die in, and I want to rip my hair out in frustration every time I see an enemy team with them.

Forget your Widow OP. Delete Mei from the game or seriously nerf her entire kit. It synergizes with itself too well and needs a complete rework.

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Because players like their 4-5 dps comps :man_shrugging:


Ohohoho you definitely haven’t seen a Wrecking Ball flying higher than a Pharah to land on Widow. The only thing that keeps me away from a Widow (for a bit longer) when on Wrecking Ball is seeing a lonely Ana/Zen in the way.

Of course Widowmaker is really strong.
But hey, most of the guys out-here are between silver and diamond, they don’t know anything about Widowmaker.

In reality Widow is the most oppresive heroes of the game in high ranks.
But I can barely talk of this cause it’s only for the 1% of player base.

even in my diamond games I find that often games revolve around snipers, and whichever gets either a pick first, or kills the other.

Most games have to be changed to quad tank comps when the enemy team has a widow, to force them to switch off

I also feel like the argument “don’t peak” is really proving the point that she’s oppresive


I’m in Gm and maybe my opinion is a but biased cause I’m a Bastion main.
However the thing is that I’m the first one complaining about Widow on this forum, and I get a great sucess out of it for some reason, find it funny, it’s like I’m the one who started this whole Widowmaker is Op mode.

Actually, this post is much better than mine and I agree 100% with it.

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