Why were we so grossly misinformed regarding MMR/Stats?

I don’t care. I genuinely don’t think smurfs are a huge issue. I know a lot of people get upset by getting dummied, I don’t care. You’re not going to win every single game you play.

If someone is smurfing the game for me just becomes about ruining that clowns good times. Sometimes I’m successful, sometime I’m not. But regardless I’m playing the game and I’ll take what I can from trying to counter.

I’m not the type to cry about stuff outside my control.

Yeah I know, it was really poorly thought out so it was just for the lols. You was just joking.

If you read my post…and got “this guys mad” by that tone. I really…don’t know what to tell you…

You’re the one “fake” threatening to smurf in my games…I’m mostly laughing at how ridiculous most of your positions have been.

So angry I cannot help myself

My Support SR tanked from high Plat to low Gold this Beta season ‘testing’ Brigitte and her new Healer status.

Which, to be fair, seems to do exactly what they aimed for, I like her and she fits the role well.

But it’s annoying that trying this out now looks like it’ll start me down there in Season 18 support queue :frowning:

They don’t share common set of morals, though. In their mindset it’s completely fine to trick customers, because most customers won’t do any research beyond “oh, it’s Blizzard game, better buy it”. Or, in other opinion, customer deserves it for being dumb and uneducated.

As for mindless drones…branding is a strange thing. Some people simply won’t be able to accept, that company made an oopsie. It’s almost like religion.

Yes, I am mad. I am mad at myself partially because I wanted to help people by pointing them to MVP’s reply. I am mad at Blizzard because I created a topic about inquiring whether or not MMR will affect our SR in next season and all people could do was point me to the MVP’s reply in the original thread. I am mad that I did not get an answer, and that not just me but all of the gamers that asked the same question in the original thread did not get a clear answer. I am also mad that they did not clarify the misconception on time, and now have the gall to say they’re keeping an eye on the forums, when they clearly don’t.

“dont you have phones”?

What did you think that blizz actually reads the forums/reddit lel

I am actually pissed about myself that I was duped by Blizzard - AGAIN. Like, when the hell will I ever learn to treat Blizzard as garbage that they have become? It’s just a shock. I’ve been playing their games since Warcraft 1. What the heck is wrong with them!? How did they get so disconnected from their player base? They should not be the posterchild for good game development and customer relations anymore. They should be the opposite of that.

I don’t want to sound like a whiny baby but…

This thread made me feel a bit sad. I was unaware that my SR is higher than it should be due to the beta, and I’ve been thinking I just have been getting better and I’m doing really well in my elo but now I know I’m actually trash, once again lmao

Don’t put that on the MVP WM, they were just as confused by that poor wording as everyone else, and it is Blizzard’s job to clarify those statements in a timely manner.

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Lol, this is exactly my situation too. The system won’t allow me to play DPS because there’s too big a difference between my friends and I, so I’ve been playing mostly support. One is like 1100 and the others are around the 1400-1500 area…we lost a lot. Oh well.

I’m glad I played it seriously as I would any other mode, but most of my team mates used it as a practice range and didn’t care; often trolled because it’s “just a beta”.


all the dps mains were flocking to roadhog/zarya

A number of factors contributed to this mix-up, and reading comprehension was not one of them:

  • Calling the season a “beta” season strongly implied that it was a test.
  • Specifically stating that stats will not be kept implied that the season was being used as a test.
  • Not rolling out the format to QuickPlay first and instead using the competitive format to have the masses “try out” 2/2/2 for the first time would have seemed like an utterly terrible idea unless the season was only being used as a test.

By not offering another mode to experience this gigantic change to the game, players were forced to “figure it out” in the competitive environment, which is contrary to how the game normally works (QP for at least 25 levels, then you may try comp) and likely contributed to stats that were completely skewed due to players being on teams with other players that had no idea what they were doing. Skewed results are not generally something to be valued.

In my case, I played with a number of friends who had not played the game in a lonnnng time, but were interested in giving it a try again with the 2/2/2 changes. Seeing the announcement about a beta season where the stats were off the books made it a relatively easy decision to jump right into some comp. This entire beta has been filled with players that would otherwise not have touched comp had they been able to try it in QP instead, so how is it fair or useful to benchmark anyone based on the results?


Competitive always gets new features first. Hero limit was introduced 1 month in advance before it was applied to quickplay.

As for reading comprehension, that is always a problem when it comes to this community.

As urnotjustin would say, people base their self worth over an arbitrary number.

Not exactly. New heroes always introduced to quickplay first.

At the time of the hero limit change the devs felt that it was “fine” in QP but necessary for Comp, which explains why that was the case. The 2/2/2 change has already been announced for both QP and Comp.

In Quick Play, where things are intended to be more relaxed, this is fine. But in Competitive Play, we feel that hero stacking is becoming detrimental and leading to some not-so-great player experiences.


So they called it a ‘beta’ season ENTIRELY because your character stats would not be available on your page? Who cares about that? 2 weeks of stats vs 2 years of stats? Why was it worth qualifying and putting a ‘beta’ title on it? SR is already reset every season.

That doesn’t make any sense. The logical conclusion to draw was that they were making adjustments to how MMR/placements were calculated for role queue. So they would take them into account into their calculation, but it wouldn’t necessarily apply personally. Or working out other various bugs and didn’t want to hurt someone’s individual rating. I would have thought that even if they had not hinted at it in their own wording. Even if they had not just dumped SIGMA into comp.

‘Beta’ implies an unstable or incomplete environment and generally it never affects you (you meaning as an individual) when it goes live in most other games ever, especially in a competitive environment.

The only way this makes sense is if they went ‘OK we SHOULD do it this way, but that will take us an extra month to figure out.’ and their boss went ‘LOL no way’.

I specifically said new features, not new heroes.

I feel this is only an issue for people that haven’t actually put up their best effort in comp the last 10 days.

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