Why were we so grossly misinformed regarding MMR/Stats?

You are very judgmental and i disagree with your opinion again that it is my problem.

It obvioulsy mislead a lot of people. So it was an obvious misleading post.
It is that simple.

When a lot of people get mislead by the company communication. The post was misleading. Proven by the complaints of many.

I can and state my critic at that.

I’m not being judgmental at all, just stating facts. You can criticize the communication all you want, I just don’t agree with you.

I will not, however, sympathize with people that took a non employee at his word and blame the company for his misinterpretation. Especially so when they will blame Blizzard but will quote him instead, which is significantly more misleading than any miscommunication on Blizzards part.

Well then we agree that we disagree.

And i actually don’t care about your sympathie at all.

And i repeat my last time before this circles forever. When many people get mislead by the offical statement. The the misscommuncation is on Blizzards part.


Well great, I just had a really unkucky losing streak a with placements, so my tank mmr is permanently ruined.

I hear you. Guess I’m just in the camp of thinking “this beta is gonna be a circus and I bet they use the data for the next seasons placements even though its a new system with a new hero in it. That’s totally how dumb they are.” I dont feel bad for those who just messed around though, tbh. Im sure they had a good time doing it. Choices have consequences. This is just a video game.

I am actually more angry because of the fact that I thought I was helping people by quoting their MVP. But I do not blame the MVP, I blame Blizzard for dropping the ball so spectularly, I have to see it as purposeful malicious action.

Their initial explanation was both vague and misleading. Furthermore, after people had shown clear interest, they failed to provide adequate follow up to clarify, and yet at the same time they have the gall to say they’re “keeping an eye on forums”. Overall, a very scummy move from Blizzard.

You seem like someone who sees malicious action anytime something doesn’t work out the way you’d like. Take a breath, it’s not that big of a deal. Just stomp some newbs on the way back to whatever rating you believe you deserve man.

No, I am just in the business of having to suspect people and am pretty accustomed to seeing the worst in people and am usually proven right - especially when they use such scummy tactics. And, no I think I’d rather throw my games until I am your rank and smurf and ruin your experience because a) I am not a nice guy, b) I am vindictive, and c) afterall, in your very own words, It’s just a game ;). I am not saying I will do it, I just might though.

They said it would not effect your current sr, I don’t recall them mentioning mmr. What I do recall is them saying that they have been collecting data from everybodys accounts for months before role q was even anounced so that they could be prepared.

Knowing that do you realy think that they would have a beta season just for kicks? I mean it’s obvious that they are going to track your performance in the actual environment so that they have a better chance to get it right when role q comes out for real.

I always take comp seriously even in the off season (2 hour period) as it’s good practice.

the very fact that they had to have a beta season after role queue PTR, and weren’t clear on the way it would affect us in the future means that they purposefully went out of their way to not make it a new season speaks volumes about their transparency.

They believe in security through obscurity. Basically, if they would have told players about PTR stats being important in the future, some players would have played seriously on purpose, to slip under the radar, and then continue messing around.

Blizzard: we announce new beta competitive for you;
Players: messing around as usual
Blizzard: Sike, those stats will be important in the future;
Players: :open_mouth:

Or would not have tried PTR in the first place? This feels like we were tricked through and through. It’s super easy to mislead people. It was their responsibility to correct - even if they did it on accident, and considering they didn’t, in my personal experience it’s safe to assume they did it on purpose.

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This is a brilliant plan, could you elaborate on how you’re going to get in my games? I mean…you can get in some games. But mine? When do I play usually?

With population numbers this is a very unlikely scenario, what happens if you end up on my team are you gonna throw my game to make me sad. I’ll come right to the forums and make an angry post about you!


Lol. Thanks for this it made me laugh, internet tough guys are great. Please mr smurf sir don’t come into my games it will be the ruination of my self esteem and my wife will prolly leave me when she sees you poppin off.

I don’t place any of my self worth on my SR. I don’t rage over losing a video game and I certainly don’t get upset when someone is obviously wasting their own time playing “house league superstar” for awhile.

You’d be so preoccupied trying to figure out how to kill me you’d likely throw the game anyway. I be playin them mind games.

rofl, just saying that people might have the same idea as I do and go ruin your experience in gold. You can’t expect to be callous about what other people are going through and expect nothing will ever come your way.

And the fact that you took my post oh so seriously, means you’re very upset about smurfs mr tough guy, me thinks.

How else are you going to get enough “test subjects” for gamemode, that usually supposed to be serious? Considering that hardcore competitive players, mostly, are in high tiers and aren’t very large part of community in numbers.

That’s the thing. You tricked them. You shouldn’t expect people to respect you afterwards. Like right now, I think it’s a scummy thing they did, and would cheer if they fail as a company and will never again buy any merchandise from them. Long term vs short term benefit.

They don’t seem to care at all about long term benefit. Overwatch as whole was designed, so it can be shut down with one flip of a switch. Everything is focused on Blizzard servers, you can’t even log into game, if servers are down, so all it would take is to shut down those servers, and that’s it - Overwatch is no more.

It’s their product. I am just calling them out on some shady business practice they pulled. What I will never understand however is seemingly mindless drones that defend any company, Blizzard included. Do not defend them. Blizzard doesn’t need a white knight. People are upset for a reason and it’s Blizzards mess to clean up or suffer for it.