Why we need Mercy back!

Don’t bother mate, some users are like Drax the Destroyer, nothing goes over their heads, their reflexes are too fast!

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Its not spam though,

spam is:

Sending repeated messages for the sakes of annoying / spreading malware, etc to other people by a single user

multiple people making threads about the same thing does not count as spam, should ring a few alarms in fact if you have 3 or 5 different people saying the same thing every day


I don’t believe there is any evidence of Blizzard, in the context of Overwatch, denouncing the multiple definitions of the word real.

Valkyrie available as a cooldown ability would be vastly overpowered, in my opinion

Duplicate threads discussing about the same thing made by the same person is against the rules, this is not against the rules considering it is the first OP thread.


The word in question here, for me at least, is not “real” but “ultimate”

Valkyrie is a movement ability with some bells and whistles attached.

If it were converted without any changes, yes, it would be OP. But it would be very simple to tune it into a more manageable position.

Remove the chain beams, adjust the duration/movement speed, and give the single-target beams a buff to compensate. All it takes is some imagination!

I heavily disagree with what the OP said ,but why did people flag this ? the OP didn’t say anything wrong ,they were just stating an opinion.

These forums exist in some bizarre alternate dimension regarding hero balance. Mercy is finally in a great position. She is popular in lower ranks and viable in the higher ranks. She has more mobility and quick tricks she can use than when she was released. She can revive people without the ability being overbearing or must-have. Her ultimate has some bland aspects but the bonuses all combine to make it both useful and fun to use to the fullest extent; it is no longer overpowered and frustrating but it is undeniably strong, enabling her to take riskier actions while providing much more value to her team. Her healing is no longer too good to pass up, yet still valuable given her mobility and reliable nature.


New Mercy is neither of those except balanced. Yes, she’s balanced, but she is not fun or engaging. She is outclassed by every other healer and her ultimate is a spectator mode that can’t save any of her teammates.


Nope, I’d rather stick to Valkyrie with chain beams that I can use to damage boost my whole team that could potentially change a fight to my teams advantage, I’d also keep the movement speed because I can go battle mercy and fly away ez, or get a risky rez and fly away ez


You’re also incorrect with your shallow, intentionally superficial description of her current ultimate.

She is also not outclassed by every healer seeing as none of them can resurrect. She has her place like most healers do.

Care to try again?


I have no idea whether skilled Mercy players press the heal button harder or not.

Given how buttons work, though, I dont think that’d have any effect on how well they play the game

Factually, unless you are a pro with an assigned hero to play, you can choose any available hero. The game does not force hero choices in the standard modes.

Person A’s least favorite hero may well be person B’s most favorite hero. I dont think it is fair to recommend removal of a hero because someone finds that hero their least favorite. If Blizzard did so, given that every hero is someone’s least favorite, all heros would be deleted, and we’d have no game.

Factually, the pistol is a part of her kit, and as such is intended for her use whenever the player deems fit to use it. I find her pistil to be very underrated. Use of part of a characters kit is not per se throwing

Factually, many players now prefer to use her pistol and damage boost functions over her healing abilities.

Valkyrie should be swapped for Salvation in which Mercy gives her team basic Health Regeneration that would allow for her team to benefit from her Passive as if it were their own :slight_smile: It can also give them 35% damage reduction and benefit from her Healing/Damage boost more effectively ^.^

Get off your high horse. I’ve been playing Mercy since the game’s release and mained her for every season up until her rework. I still play her and agree she’s balanced, but she is nowhere near as fun or engaging as you’re leading on.

And she is outclassed by other healers, if resurrect was as valuable as people think it is, why is her pickrate so low yet even Ana’s in lower tiers of the ladder higher?

Her health regen is only really good when you play around corners, doubt it would be any good in a teamfight (unless you mean her Valk self healing, which would still be consderable worse than Mercy’s current Valk healing).

Giving the damage resistance would really look weird when compared to Ana’s ult, which does the same but for less and only one target.


Some of the other healers don’t have the kit she has,
people want Ana’s anti nade nerfed because it’s “tEw sTroNg” but it’s to compensate for her low mobility and being an easy target for flankers.

Some people want Moira to be nerfed because her self heal makes her annoying to play against, but Moira’s orb can be eaten and her damage is poor.
If anything they deserve to be better than Mercy because Mercy has such an easy way to get out of danger when she’s doing something risky in order to save someone or something, and no it has nothing to do with skill.
edit: also about outclassed, she’s still strong in lower ranks and viable in higher ones, She’s fine.

It’s a spectator mode to those who don’t know how to use it properly, and yes it can save teammates.

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What rank are you in?
I’ve found that the times that Valkyrie has been more impactful for me was when I was in gold+ comps, while they were less in bronze+

I wouldnt want any of those things removed or adjusted, though, which is why I prefer it to remain as it is

When folks state “move Valkyrie to cooldown ability” they generally, as was the case here, dont mention that what is really mean is that a vastly watered down version would be moved there. I think this should be mentioned when one makes such a suggestion

This is not dissimilar to the Torb’s current “overload” ability - a horrendously watered down version of what had been called Motlen Core

Or you could flicker the damage boost beam across your team to get the same results. It’s a matter of situational awareness and target priority.

Make the superjump official, and add a moment of hover time to the passive glide so a good Mercy can simulate flight at will. The movement speed on Valk actually may not need to be changed at all, either. It’s already floaty enough that it can’t escape most attackers if you only have 5 or less seconds to do it.

Chain E valk with the bunnyhop for cool “fly-by” rezzes.

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