Why we need Mercy back!

I can’t get off what I’m not on. Is your position so weak that you have to resort to petty insults?

I have played her since release and have mained her along with other healers for 14 seasons.

I’m sorry, when did you decide what I find fun and engaging? You tell me to get off of my high horse and then try to tell me what I find fun and engaging.

I see you were projecting earlier now.

She only has more options now with her current form. The most fun part of her kit in my opinion, Guardian Angel, is objectively better than it was before and, objectively, gives you more options than she had before.

That, to me, makes her far more engaging. Perhaps you aren’t good with Guardian Angel?

You say she is outclassed, but then don’t provide the evidence to support it.

Pick-rates will never get you there, my friend, especially when the data is necessarily flawed.

Care to try again?



No. You don’t get it.
Playing anything but Mercy would mean handicapping myself.
She’s the most consistent, easiest to play and hardest to counter support in the game. If she’s at the top, she trivializes the entire support roster. Playing anything but her would mean handicapping yourself. She’s the most consistent, most mobile, auto pilot hero in the game.

She doesn’t belong at the top.

I honestly don’t care about what you’re trying to say here.
Overwatch is a competitive fps. Mercy is neither competitive as a hero, nor does she shoot a lot. She’s inherently casual. There’s barely even any decision making involved. The moment i crossed that 3500 SR border, i sighed out of relief. Because i knew i didn’t ever have to play this excuse of a hero ever again.

If you use her pistol any more than 2% of a game, you’re either throwing, or playing quikplay.

I never said I liked either or in my posts. Just found it funny how it can go both ways. Whether you like it or not.

I’m asking for information that a mass majority thinks she’s fine at the moment and why. One person’s opinion means squat. Try to make the OP change their mind with facts not opinions.

OP shouldn’t have included that anyway since there is no way of proving it.

The point is when the whole community does not have ANY information on this there is no point in asking. It would also be hard to gather such data and should stop asking for this “information source”.

Finally someone said it. Well said but the forums don’t look at the big picture when suggesting balance ideas.

Imagine if they changed Genji’s ult we would be having people who liked the old ult and some who preferred his “new ult”. It’s a 2 way street.

  • Only made 1 post

  • Trolls mass-flag it and call it “spamming” because someone dares to want Old Mercy back.

Looks like your thread was false flagged as “spam” from the Anti-Mercy “Mass Rez OP!” Brigade. You’re not the first. Sorry that’s happened to you. It’s great to come back and see that simply existing with an opinion that goes against their agenda is still grounds for being witch-hunted and ridiculed under the abuse of the report system. Trust me. I and many other Mercy players here who ever made threads can relate to the blind hate. Don’t worry though, You did nothing wrong and thanks for voicing your opinion! :blush:

Anyway… I agree completely with your OP. For me, Mercy with her old Ultimate could have been given counterplay, such as a LOS, damage reduction instead of invincibility, and a small 1.25s cast time with Valk as the ability. It’s time to bring Mercy back to where she was truly engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play with, and not just against. It’s time for a Revert + The Tweaks. Here’s hoping for 2019~! :blue_heart:

This was a huge success…™

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


So 30% damage boost to a single target, a baby nano boost > 30% damage boost to 6 targets?

Although this is stated as a fact, I find it to be opinion; and I disagree with this opinion

I and many others find Mercy in her current state to be fun, engaging, impactful, and balanced

That said, I realize that many others do not feel this way

I find this to also be opinion stated as fact, and again, I disagree with the opinion

There is no one measuring stick we can hold every support character up to and prove that A is better than B, but rather we make a judgement. Person A might judge that character x is the strongest support, while person B might judge that character x is the weakest support. I personally judge Mercy to be one of the strongest of the supports, particularly on maps with multiple levels, comps with vertical heroes, and or teams that will be widely spread out

This too is what I call and opinion stated as fact, and again, I disagree with the opinion

The claim is made here that she cant save her teammates, and yet, I have done so many times, and I have watched many others do so as well.

In my opinion, a good Mercy finds many things to do during Valkyrie, and as such, would not refer to this ultimate as “spectator mode”

She is fun for me

She is fun for many other players I have observed playing her

She is fun for many other players who have said as much in one or more of the many Mercy related threads on these forums

Pickrate is influenced by many factors including what meta is popular at the time.

Goats is popular right now,and Mercy is not part of Goats, for example

I have seen it be impactful in many different tiers/elos of play

I’m not saying that it can’t be impactful, I am saying that for me it has been more impactful in higher ranking matches, and that it happens more often.


I have seen Valkyrie be impactful at all tiers

Hey mods, be a dear and unflag the OP now. This is getting ridiculous.


“Literally angels bring people back”


It’s impactful when I use it. What are you doing wrong, I wonder?

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Yet Mercy has never been meta except for the 2 version of her that were overpowered.

Right? It’s getting kind of sad at this point, the lengths they would go.

But of course, I also wonder if this thread would have been falsely flagged as “spam™” if the OP posted about bringing a hero who wasn’t Mercy back as their first post. Ponder Ponder.

Have to push that narrative though, right? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Does anyone else wonder if wads like this actually speak to people this way in real life? :laughing:


Right? So how do you report that a post is flagged falsely? To my knowledge, there is no way to do so…

Meh, not singling anyone out. I don’t really believe in factions. What I do think is that a number of individuals are way too liberal with the flag button, using it as a form of dislike button instead.

This goes for people of varying mains and isn’t restricted to a particular subset.


Yeah, valk is such crap it should be an E ability.

Anyone who calls Valkyrie “spectator mode” literally gives away their own lack of understanding (and skill!) of the ult and their own stubborness to create confirmation bias so they can cushion their opinion with more feeling statistics. I really wouldn’t bother with them. They played themselves.