Why was mass rez removed

She was reworked because Mass Res encouraged people to make calls that were counter intuitive to how a main healer should play (ie literally let your team die to get the bigger Res).

It didn’t matter if some, or even if most players didn’t actually do that, the encouragement was still there. So they removed it.

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Mass Rez punished bad Ult usage and terrible situational awareness.

If, during a team fight, you noticed Mercy was hanging back or not to be seen, you knew she had Rez. Hell, you knew she had Rez every team fight because people can’t finish off their targets. They let them get away with critical HP.

People would initiate their team push with Self-destruct, Graviton, EMP, Nano-Blade and then complain when Mercy capitilized on their poor decision making and bad choices to use 5 Ults for a single team push.

And 9 times out of 10, the “go hide” was us being told to do it, not on our own volition. Most of us were confident enough that we would still be in the fight.

And also, it’s not hard to bait Mercy into using Rez for a 2-3 man. 5-man didn’t happen often.


It incentivised hide and seek which was deemed unacceptable by the devs and the community. Her new rez forces her to be in the fight rather than being 5v6

It wasn’t what the devs envisioned for her character, when a vast majority of the mercy players were hiding to mass rez instead of healing the team. The Overwatch Team explained this themselves.

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The Dev team didn’t like seeing where Mercy players were just sitting in hiding spots and waiting for several players to die then run in do a quick instant rez.

Because the developers never tried to add casting time and LoS to it before removing it completely, in fact, they kept buffing it because Mercy kept dying after using it which was stupid for all the wrong reasons.

I have never personally been in a match, or watched a stream in which myself or anyone else said “we have to kill the zen/lucio/ana first or we lose”.


if you down the enemy supports winning the teamfight is 10x easier as they lose out on their sustain.

TBH it wasn’t that big of a problem, it was just annoying for enimies. If you ask me they should’ve just made it line-of-sight instead of going through this whole rework and months of nerfs. It would be nice though if we could get it back as an ultimate while still having Valk(2 ultimates).

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They used a sledgehammer when they only needed a normal hammer to fix it.

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It’s clear you want to spin it as killing one support was just as important as killing any other, but it just wasn’t true. Mercy was by far the most important kill target. You aren’t going to convince me otherwise, and its clear the developers saw it the same way as I did.


Never said that stop putting words in my text boxes.
The enemy losing out on supportive ults and healing will ultimately lead to an easier victory had someone not taken said supports out otherwise.

Loved mega rez

Still live by the fact to not dump 6 ultimates in one fight just to kill mercy

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its best to use as few ults as possible anyhow. cuz if you can manage to win the teamfight with just 2 and then save the last 4 for the ensueing push or capture then your set to win if you play smart.

The ability was balanced, it’s just that most people complained about the playstyle it ended up creating. Nobody liked having to look around to find a rogue Mercy hiding somewhere, and people didn’t like not being healed because their Mercy had her Ult ready and decided to stop doing her job. Even the Blizzard devs hated this playstyle, so they decided to change it to a more proactive Ult.

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Quite a few people have stated the truth already, which is that Blizz didn’t want to encourage the hide&seek style gameplay, as well as Mercy letting her team die so she could get a big rez, and the fact that her one ult could negate an entire team’s worth of ultimates was just over powered.

The reason I haven’t seen yet (but someone may have said it), is that he Rez made her a must pick hero, essential to every game, because you needed the ability for your team to be rezzed, as the enemy was sure to have it.

I’m at the point where I just wish they’d remove Rex from the game entirely. They’ve been trying to balance it ever since the mercy rework, and she’s jsut not fun to play anymore. Rez’ing a teammeat puts you in so much danger now with the cast time, and that obnoxious cooldown means you’re usually just spot healing left and right instead of feeling like you’re doing something. But if you rez someone and the rez is unsuccessfuly, or if you try and you die in the process, it really hurts. I just don’t like playing her anymore. No fun.

Literally like the top 1% of the high elos indulged in hide and rez which was a no no. The rest was just people not being able to aim or use ults smartly and mass complaining. :man_shrugging:

Mass rez was fine before she got that invincibility buff. All went downhill from there.

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Mass rez was removed because it encouraged counter intuitive gameplay

On a game like overwatch, dying is sort of a punishment, it means time spent walking from spawn and it alleviates pressure for the team who does the killing

Mercys all over high rank were telling their teams to go and die on point while they waited, the strategy had one single counter, hunt Mercy, which means that until she was dead, all control on the point or the payload was always on Mercy’s team hand. The possible escenarios were:

  • If the enemy killed you on point you were rezzed and the whole dynamic was reset, time was wasted so you weren’t able to cap the point
  • If the enemy didn’t kill you they would lose the point
  • If you hunt the Mercy she would obviously run and you would be wasting time chasing her

The game could potentially revolve around Mercy if she knew what she was doing, that kind of power should NOT exist on a game where each person brings their own individual value based on their skills


Strongly disagree. I don’t know how anyone can imagine an instant group resurrect being balanced

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Why are you taking this topic as like, a personal offense? Your personal experiences with Mercy are valid but there’s literally no denying that old Resurrect encouraged bad game design, whether or not you (or anyone that isn’t “in that small portion of the Mercy playerbase,” which I am confident you have statistically and accurately counted) were making use of that bad game design.

Mercy was encouraged to disengage from important team battles until an opportunity to undo that entire engagement came up.
Mercy’s team was encouraged to die on purpose so that they could be brought back with all of their abilities and so they could drain out enemy ults and abilities in a fight that didn’t matter.
Mercy’s team was victim to relying heavily on this one particular play, and if the Mercy messed up, it was a humiliating defeat.
The enemy team through all of this was encouraged then to shed one teammate to go and hunt down where the hiding Mercy was, putting all the pressure of a team fight’s success on one individual.
But this hunter couldn’t also be TOO quick at killing Mercy, because if they do their job too well, then Mercy will just respawn and fly in for the mass res.

It was a badly designed game mechanic that looked good on paper but in practice it stole far too much attention in any given game, and that attention lead to many negative experiences.

It’s weird to me that people who defend mass res always have to be proud of the fact that they didn’t use it that way, they always used it chivalrously, and thus it’s… somehow okay, I guess, to leave that broken mechanic in the game. Just because you were refusing to play Mercy in this way doesn’t mean everyone else was wrong for doing so.