Why tracers pulse bomb should be reverted

Her pulse bomb is way too weak now. It’s an ultimate that is extremely hard to get any value out of. You basically have to stick a squishy to get a kill with it and not only is that extremely difficult to do (even pros miss at least half the time), but there is so much counterplay that even if you stick a squishy, there are lots of ways that they will survive (zarya bubble, brig armor after rally, etc).

Bastion is basically a monster now and one of his most effective counters USED to be a pulse bomb which still took a lot of skill to get in and stick bastion with before dying. But now you can’t even kill bastion with a pulse bomb and bastion just dominates in low elos.

I’m sick of seeing a team that my team easily rolls over in one round due to being better players suddenly lose a game or BARELY win because the other team goes into a bastion comp which takes much more teamwork to defeat than it does to implement. It feels very cheap to lose a game in this fashion.

Tracer really didn’t need any nerfs, with brig in the game and the change in meta, even with the old pulse bomb, she wouldn’t be that good right now. Basically making her ult useless was overkill. Especially since it is the hardest ult in the game to even use (they should also lower the arc so that you don’t throw the pulse bomb OVER the head of the enemy you are trying to stick when standing right next to them cough Ana cough

I remember back before the nerf, I never had trouble with bastion because I could counter him with my individual skill in being able to quickly move in and land a pulse bomb without dying, but now even if you are able to get in close enough to land the pulse bomb, it’s pointless (don’t tell me to land the pulse bomb and then fire a clip at him, any bastion with a brain and you barely have time to land a pulse and blink out without dying, let alone stay there and fire at him)


Only if that coincides with reverting Brigitte nerfs.


Only if that coincides with nerfs elsewhere. She’s supposedly a flanker, not an all round high performance DPS.


Theres absolutely zero reason to revert this change. The only reason for it would be to kill tanks faster and thats not tracer’s function (yet she can spray and dance around them, doing it anyway). Pulse bomb works as it should for its intended use, theres not much else to say.

You could ask for a range buff, but keeping the damage. That could happen.


Why it shouldnt:

1 shotting bastion orisa and zarya with no counterplay

Torb would not be able to survive with overload either


Hilariously it was the inability to one shot Bastion with Tracer that was the straw that broke Ironclad’s back.

Sounds like you guys are just don’t want her in the game. Don’t try to pretend like she is “OP”. She was never the problem, dive made her strong because it allowed like 4 characters to all jump on one character at the same time, of which she was one of them.

But as I’ve said before, if she is so OP, why is she almost never played in the ladder anymore? Even in the highest ranks? How come even the top Tracers in the world don’t main her anymore (what other character can you say that about in the entire game).

And brig doesn’t need any nerfs reverted, that’s ridiculous. She was severely overturned and anyone that disagrees with that has no credibility with me. Even the nerfed Brigitte is very strong counter to Tracer (just isn’t OP against everyone else, which makes her balanced).

The fact that brig can armor a teammmate that is being attacked by tracer and instantly bring them back to full health is enough to completely neutralize tracer (it takes all of tracers abilities to kill the character, if they are suddenly full hp again when they are about to die, tracer has to back out of the fight as she can’t stay there with her abilities on cooldown or she will die.

I’m just sick of the fact that most characters are invulnerable to tracers ultimate. Even if a tank is at half health with no cooldowns you can’t kill them with a stick because a brig armor saves them.

How can you say it is ok for a characters ultimate to be virtually useless and claim to care about the game being balanced, rather than just wanting whatever character you play to be as strong as possible?

For the record, I don’t even play Tracer anymore because she’s so weak. I’m not saying I want her to be the strongest character in the game, I just want her to be useable SOMETIMES, considering she is the character that requires the most skill in the game to even play

LOL. Big mad. If Pulse bomb was reverted along with some of the brig nerfs, you would still be able to outplay Brig because you get ult fast tho

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The reason pulse bomb is partially weak is because of how fast it charges.
It requires the least ult charge in the game tbf.


The counterplay is to save bubble or fortify for tracer pulse bomb or save a brig armor pack for bastion so he can survive a stick. You are confusing “has no counterplay” with “requires a slight bit of skill to counter” an ult which requires more skill to use than it does to counter (even without the nerf).

Even without the nerf, tracer needed to keep track of enemy cooldowns to know when it was the right time to use her ult, THEN she would have to make sure she aimed properly to stick her target. But you are saying her enemy should not have to do the same and keep track of when tracer has her ult and keep their abilities off cooldown to counter it if necessary?

The way it currently is, most characters in the game can completely ignore whether tracer has ult or not because it can’t kill them even if they mismanage their abilities and have nothing to protect against it. That is balanced to you?

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And for bastion and torb?
Whats the counterplay?

Pray that she misses or just flop and die?

Her ult charges extremely fast, it makes.sense that its weak

She also is so mobile she can easily get in ramge to use it well

In fact she can LITERALLY ANIMATION CANCEL the ult cast time with an ability!


I just told you what’s the counter for bastion. Are you suggesting that NO hero’s ultimate should be allowed to kill any character? Or only that Tracers ultimate should not be allowed to kill any character?

Tell me which character in the game has an ultimate that is less effective in the game than Tracers

There is no reason to revert this. Especially since she just got a big DPS increase versus the tanks due to the armor change. Tracer does not need to blink up to the largest target on the enemy team (Rein), stick a pulse bomb on his back, and then rewind. This takes so little effort to preform that it doesn’t deserve the kill.


You know

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I don’t think tracer needs an ult buff, but then again genji’s ult is insane and never changed so what do I know about blizz balancing.

I strongly suspect the Brig testing was done in a 2-2-2 setup. She probably was fine in that context, heaven knows she’s terrible in it now though.

Otherwise your comments on Tracer seeing little use on ladder ring true for Brig as well.

The only thing that did change about genjis ult that it cant one shot tracer anymore and a dash/slash insta kill combo on any squishy without heals.
Also genjis ult requires more skill than tracer.

Well actually Genji’s ult time was lowered by 2 seconds

All ultis can be stopped, in general all avoided

Tracers ult literally depends on her beeing able to land it or not, mostly on heroes who d ont have abilities to tank it

Reapers ult can be canceled
Mccrees too
Reins can be blocked

Tracer can just dash from one side of tje map to the other blink cancel the cast time stick and recall away

What can you do in that situation if your a idk, mccree, or brig, or mercy, or ana

Nothing you just die

And for bastion specifically he has a big fat hitbox without tank health, he atleast diserves to survive it,

Like i said, Pulse bomb is the.coalescence/valk of dps, fast charging but medium effectiveness

Tracers kit is already incredibly bloated with the capability to outplay everyone, i think her ult beeing of medium effectiveness is fair


Really? That thing is really hard to stick, while Genji’s ult hits everything on his screen and is as long as reaper shotgun range. Again: really?