Why tracers pulse bomb should be reverted

Im high gold/low plat so uh take my opinion with a grain of sand.

I’m poop too barely broke masters but I don’t think anyone here is talking pro play that’s another world.

It’s hard to stick but it charges fast. The rest of her kit more than makes up for it. No one complains that Infrasight is a none damaging ult, for good reason.

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Uhhh Tracers ult doesn’t one shot Reinhardt and never did, even before the nerf. What is your point?

Im assuming they’re referring to how strong pre-nerf pulse bomb would be on post-nerf tanks. Also have to consider that Tracer did just get a buff with this armor nerf.

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I am not a “git gud” person. I hate that argument, in fact, as it is always used to shut down what could be and usually is constructive feedback. However, that is not what’s here.

On what planet is getting an instant kill on anyone with less than 301 HP (which is all but 5 heroes out of 29) “useless?” Before, it did that to everyone not a tank, plus some actual tanks. Now, it only does that to everyone who is not a tank, which is still most of the roster.

You are supposed to stick it on someone…

Changing its damage back to 400 will do nothing to help with sticking someone. Missing half the time doesn’t even mean anything when you get thrice as many chances as any other hero to use your ultimate because it is so easy to charge. Besides it’s still a threat even if you miss and drop it on the ground. The only thing changing back to 400 will make for more cheap kills on people who Tracer failed to apply a bomb to but had the misfortune of standing near the bomb and still dying because of its high damage output versus their low HP pool. Such kills don’t come by as easily anymore with the damage reduction and you are angry at that.

Zarya bubble I will give you, but that amounts to a grand total of…one ability that someone can use to save someone else. Possibly two if a friendly neighborhood DVA is standing by you and manages to predict it, since she can only save someone in a predictive manner, as opposed to Zarya, who still has a chance to save one even after they’ve had a bomb affixed to them. DVA will have an even harder time saving someone with the impending nerfs to Defense matrix. Repair Pack is a possible third way. However, it will only help those with above 250 HP. The damage heroes with 250+ HP can save themselves and tanks can (finally) survive without the need for assistance. Thus, this manner is really useless since she cannot help those that actually threatened by it. For the ones with a natural HP pool of 250+, time will be of the essence, since the target can still die before the Repair pack reaches them. Their HP can’t be too low though. To rescue the ones that can be rescued they need to keep their HP above…225 (220 if they have armor). Nanoboost, presents a possible fourth way, and can actually save those that can’t save themselves via its healing and damage reduction. However, it boasts the same problems as Repair pack. Not to mention that it’s an ultimate (that charges slower than pulse bomb, making for a winning trade in the end. Assuming the tracer was dumb enough to not use it on Ana to begin with, which would remove this as a possibility). So four conditional abilities (one of them an ultimate) out of a bajillion abilities in the game and those are only the ones someone else can use to save someone with a pulse bomb on them.

For the ones that can save themselves, there’s Sombra’s Trans-locator, Mei’s Cryofreeze, Reaper’s Wraith Form, Tracer’s Recall, Moira’s Fade, and Zenyatta’s Transcendence, which all still amount to a drop in the hat to the number of abilities out there (not to mention that one of those is an ultimate. An extremely valuable one at that). However, a smart Tracer player knows this and thus, won’t bother trying to stick these heroes unless they know their abilities are on cooldown. Thus, these heroes will never be worthy targets for pulse bomb. Tracer is going to use her ultimate to get kills on the ones that have no counterplay available to them, which would be everyone in the Support class except Zenyatta and Moira, and most of the damage class. Sticking Zenyatta, who again has to use his ultimate to survive, in particular would result in the greatest trade deal in the history of trade deals if he opts to use his ultimate to save himself.

“So much counterplay” indeed.

Also, what kind of games have you been playing where Rally will save one who currently has a pulse bomb stuck to them? Setting that aside, why would a Brigitte even use a team-centric ultimate on one person, especially when the armor will reduce the bomb’s damage by a grand total of…5?

You mean he’s less of a free kill now.

In other words, the enemy team made you work and you are angry at that.

Brigitte did not counter her. She never did. She definitely does not now after being hit with a sledgehammer.

All heroes should be looked at regardless of what the meta is. The whole reason METAs exist is because they are not looked at in equal measure and the developers make silly decisions that do not address a previous problem while creating more problems.

That is one hundred percent a lie and you know it. Pulse bomb is one of the easiest ultimate to use since it’s normally used when Tracer is in the target’s face, which is easy to get to with Tracer. Even if she misses and doesn’t stick someone, it is still lethal, as the deadly duo that is Graviton surge and pulse bomb proves. Also, how are you throwing it above Ana’s head when she is A. Taller than tracer and B. Pulse bomb has a low throwing arc to begin with?

That’s not skill. That is just an easy kill on a hero that is completely immobile. With the amount of things that can kill such a hero without the need for pulse bomb, pulse bomb was just over the top, especially when she gets it so fast, that it’s practically a basic cooldown ability for her.

No Bastion will have time if you shoot their critical spot while a bomb is stuck to them. No bastion.

What I have read here is a complaint from a Tracer’s main that was used to getting cheap kills on enemies that they failed to properly affix pulse bomb to and is used to making sure one of the weakest heroes in the game stay useless. You see, pulse bomb in its current state is still lethal to anyone with an average health pool, who are supposed to be Tracer’s main targets. Her maximum damage output of 480 and a fast-charging ultimate that dealt an addition 400 burst damage which is 100% lethal to tanks blurred the lines on what she should be doing. She was nightmare to every single hero in the game (except Pharah, the only one she cannot interact with) Now, she is slightly less so. Her pulse bomb at its current damage level allows her to use it on her usual targets while not being a tank counter as well. As for bastion, Bastion already had a hard time, Tracer just made it much harder for no reason. The pulse bomb nerf was needed.

You want a “revert” just to get more free kills for a hero that is already the queen of slaughtering whole teams. You don’t even want a revert, for you asked for further buffs to pulse bomb up above.


Should just be reworked so it can do a little bit of damage without being right next to someone. Right now it’s 90% of the time does nothing, then sometimes you stick and kill someone. Most DPS ults get a lot of value unless the other team counters it. Tracer’s ult you just need to not stand still.

Pulse Bomb is one of the fastest, if not the fastest, charging ultimate in the game.

Tracer can pump out lots of damage quickly, but lacks high burst damage because of this. This is why her ultimate was nerfed. It was doing too much damage to Tanks and is better used for grabbing squishies.

Even if you miss Pulse Bomb, you can quickly charge another, even getting kills on squishies without the ultimate.

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Her pulse bomb is fine. If anything I’d prefer to see other ults nerfed down to her level. In PTR, Tracer can one-clip a Bastion in sentry mode now, so she often doesn’t even need to bomb him. In the cases where she does, there’s no reason why you can’t stick him then pump at least half a clip into him before recalling.

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Actually, Brig’s armor pack does take time to deploy and go into effect, so no, it doesn’t completely neutralize Tracer. And Brig doesn’t heal that much anymore. To bring a tank from half to full health with just a Brig is near impossible. Anyways if ptr is really going to be live (which it looks like it is) it’s a huge buff for every hero that does damage against tanks.

So, she needed a nerf. So did those four other characters, though.

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4 heroes focused 1 hero, and that hero died = nerf to the 4 heroes??? I cant quite follow your line of thinking here. that is the same as saying: “Rein, Dva and Zarya can all focus one target and that target died, then they ALL need nerfs”

oh. Misunderstanding on my side. Sorry.

The reason why they nerfed it in the first place because they saw that it wasn’t right she could 1 shot a tank with it. And tanks are the easiest for her to stick a bomb too. Which is why ppl always used pulse bomb on a tank, otherwise it would be a waste. It’s 1 of the fastest ult charges in the game, but the hardest to use. Bastion is the only dps she can reliably stick because of turret form.

If we were to buff Tracer bomb, I’d say maybe up from 300 to 350, so Bastion would be left with at least 1 hp and easier to pick off. But to be fair, a Tracer shouldn’t be sticking a Bastion anyways if there’s no follow up

If they bring the damage back, up the ult charge requirement. It’s one of the fastest charging ults by far.

As a Tracer main I think she’s actually fine now. The recent armor changes makes her job against some tanks a little easier now, especially with good headshot aiming. So reverting the pulse bomb nerf would only push her over the top and you would see the front pages of the forums being flooded with “Tracer is out of control, nerf her now” type of posts.

I mean we still see those kinds of threads every now and then, but I’m kind of glad they have no logic nor reason to back up their claims for a nerf other than “Tracer is not fun to play against”.

I’m sorry that’s your tough luck. Not every hero is going to be “fun” for you to fight against. Some will frustrate you, annoy you, and yes kill you, so you have to switch. Overbuff stats are available 24/7 and show Tracer’s current mediocre stats, so again, I’m glad that there’s no actual logical reasons for a nerf (or a buff) for Tracer. She’s fine. Stop with the “posterchild” crap too, Tracer’s stats currently are very sub par.

Sometimes I do crap with Tracer, sometimes I carry and get 3-4 golds. Not once do I feel like I, as a hero, am overpowered. Anyone who actually plays Tracer knows how much attention, hand to eye coordination, tracking, ability tracking, etc, she takes to actually be decent at.

Ps; As for the pulse bomb nerf, I think it was fine. It was done at a time when tanks needed some help, and Tracer was great at the top level, so the nerf helped the game without ruining Tracer’s core mechanics.

blink blink Stick recall

phew that was hard!

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Fair enough. I just miss multikills.

It’s good buff vs Orisa most of the time, Winston, Rein and D.Va some of the time, and Hammond rarely. Remember, it only affects crits, so while Orisa will be taking a lot more from Tracer, tanks who don’t have both a huge, easy-to-hit head from all angles, as well as 200 armor won’t feel a big increase in damage taken from Tracer.

if anything what i dont get is why some heroes like ana and tracer have a cast time with their ults. Like legit you point and click and i guess theres some latency so it gets stopped partway but most of time time when im replaying a death or something their whole ult phrase gets completed already and it ends up getting canceled. Tracer esp if u toss her bomb you’ll see that the bomb disappears midair. its just a weird thing to change