Why This Game Is Dying!

Hi guys gals and all in between. I’m back with another post that will only get around 20 comments.

Season 13 I think we can all agree is one of the worst or worst (to me) seasons of all time.

Many fans who have been here since either day 1 or 1 day ago are quitting. If you say it is all the devs fault then you’re false. If you say it is the communities fault then you’re false. It is all of our faults.

The devs silence, terrible balance changes, unasked for reworks, locking post, and silencing the community. Yes all those are terrible.

But let’s talk about how the community is hostile, toxic, crying, can approach a situation with an appropriate manner such as the #deletebrigmovement. They were so hostile against a character to the point where they couldn’t even suggest appropriate changes instead going straight to deletion. Let’s talk about the #ReworkMercy movement. For the most part, the people who organized that are coming with hospitality. Some people who answered cane with such ruthless aggression towards them saying how “all they wanted was mass rez back” or "they just Mercy to be OP. "

Let’s talk about the constant smurfs. What’s the point. “Oh I made it grandmaster so let me make another account to prove that I’m better than the lower ranks and ruin their game experience.”

Or less talk about toxicity. In the last 10 games I played today and yesterday, I lost 8 and in those 8, there were throwers, leavers, or toxic man-babies who can’t just realize that’s it’s a game in about 6.

I have been going through the forums today and through the last week and all I saw was nerf this or buff that(which I fall in hypocrisy under as I am not too fond of some heroes cough genji and tracer cough), toxicity, leavers, throwers, or how this game wasn’t fun anymore. Honestly, the game isn’t fun.

Multiple youtubers even from just today like TGN who is in plat (I suggest y’all go watch that video cause it was outstandingly amazing) all the way to people like BRO YOU WACK who is in masters. Even people like Seagull and XQC have given up. People like Kephrii who even struggles to still play the game.

This game is struggling to stay on my PlayStation. The only thing keeping me on this god-awful game is that it’s a disc and it’ll mess up if I do.

Lower ranks such as bronze through plat or rarely represented. If I made a new account right now (which I’m highly against as I don’t want to go against low ranks) I could possibly make it to diamond or above. It is strange how I saw a gold make a new account and get to masters but when he was on his main account, he couldn’t even make it out of Gold.

Since I am tired of typing, I’m going to say one more thing. This game is failing. Blizzard is failing us with the lack of content, lore, information, heroes (even though I don’t think I can state a balanced hero that came out besides Ana, Ashe {by a hair}, and orisa) and everything above. But we are failing blizzard. We are demanding, rude, forming metas for people to leave, giving blizzard a hard time when they’re trying (Not their hardest but trying), and smurfs. I’m going to end this thing off that’ll probably only get 29 views after my hard work with reflect upon yourself.

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Maybe using paragraphs and a tldr could change this.

Just saying.


What did you just say? If it’s about it being in sliding formation then I fixed that.

game won’t die.

It’s just that blizzard after year 2, failed to keep people interested, and made some terrible balancing decisions and terrible additions to hero pool.

People generally feel intimidated by one single HUGE paragraph

No, I meant paragraphs.
Cut the whole text in smaller pieces so it’s easier to read.

A tldr (to long, didn’t read) at the bottom could help those who don’t want to read everything. It’s basically a small summary of everything you wrote.

Ok some things you just said had to be the most horrendous thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Don’t call someone retarded cause that’s stooping lower than the person, but some of your point are okay.

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Is it dying? It has a lego range coming out and its own cereal, and recently reached 40 million unique accounts (say 3 million of those are smurfs, at a push), still hugggggge numbers. Game is nowhere near dead.

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holy wall of text batman jesus tapdancing christ learn how to use the enter key xD

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Out of those 40 million minus the 3 million smurfs minus the amount of people who probably quit brings this game down to 30-35 million. Still good numbers but that doesn’t change anything.

That’s better to read. Thanks for editing it.

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Oh I was looking for your name. Thanks for telling me that :blush:.

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I’m really starting to get sick of “Overwatch is dead” posts, it’s not, end of story.


:joy: Is it better now or still bad?

I’m sick of ‘overwatch is dead’ posts too, it isn’t.

In no point of my rambling did I say it is dead as I believe it isn’t and has a good chance from becoming. I said dying. Huge difference. I’m not implying it’s gonna die tomorrow or a week. Maybe not even the next 2 years. I’m just insinuating by the recent feedback from the community that it is going downhill.

I got lucky with Hanzo changes as I used to play him in those soft-throw QP games where players just picked heroes they can’t really play and constantly died to the enemies just not doing anything stupid so I got into the game again after his rework and I like the gameplay of Brigitte/Moira/Ashe so new heroes have kept the game interesting for me, but if I didn’t get this lucky I would’ve probably stopped playing as Pharah got absolutely decimated, Roadhog has been on the verge of viability for way too long (improved slightly by the spread pattern changes) and Mercy got over-nerfed just to enforce changes in the support roster and then spit on her face by getting only a proportion of what she needs back. In high tier anything but GOATS with equal teams is basically throwing so since I don’t care about that sort of gameplay it’s not something to strive for. There’s so many issues in this game that could be fixed just by tweaking a few numbers that it’s absurd how these things aren’t happening considering that HS did just that and bypassed their usual development policies that got very positive feedback.

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i think part of the hurt is blizzard not going after sites promoting the use of illegal aim bots like colossal cheats is what is hurting the game aim bot sites should be shut down

One of the most vocal promoters of the revertmercy and reworkmercy hashtags is one of the most spiteful, bitter, hate filled youtubers I have ever had the displeasure of listening to in my life. Comments not on agreement with said individual are deleted.

One may indeed preach a nice sounding credo of openness and fair discussion, but one should then practice what one preaches


I aint got nothing to add, what you said is a god damn fact