Why the motorcycle?

The cinematic ended in a perfect transition from road Chase to foot chase. I don’t exactly know why you think being chased after cars with in game abilities and speed is actually viable but ok. In game Genji can’t cut through cars, mercy can’t blind or free will fly, Winston can’t flip cars in game.

Why are people so stuck on a motorcycle? Or even think that tracer, the fastest in game character, can outrun a freaking car?

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Max is in a convoy of vehicles traveling down a Havana road. The OW strike team dismantles the vehicles forcing Max to escape on foot, abandoning his vehicle in the very same garage that the gameplay begins… :thinking:

You’re right, cinematics don’t fit at all. What were the Devs thinking trying to tell a story with an interactive section sandwiched in the middle :roll_eyes:


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I don’t get why people thought they would be able to drive the motorcycle in the event. It would have been cool for her to get a motorcycle intro. Take out Doomfist’s recycled intro and add that.

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Anything new could have done the job. Literally. All they did was taking the existing enemies from retribution and placing them on different spots on the map. It can’t get any more lazy (and they bugs out too). The only redeeming value of the gameplay is the map itself.

How dare people expect something creative and fun from the event…

How much time and effort was spent making the silly bike anyway? For what? 10 pointless seconds of screen time?

It’s just a silly idea for a supposed event.


Yeah I mean it was cool for the cut scene. The cut scenes were the best part.

Yeah and howcome widow shoots upside down hanging from her grappling hook in the cinematic when i cant do that?

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Better question: Why not make a highlight intro out of it?


Oh, man, I just realized we got all those other cinematics ingame… the non event ones, what are they called… highlight intros, right, the ones where heroes can’t actually perform the abilities displayed in them, like Tracer backflipping, Mei ice skating, Ana rolling, Pharah performing slam dunks even though we have basketball nets in spawn areas… but let’s focus on a motorcycle :man_facepalming:t2:

Let’s just consider the motorcycle a Highlight Intro for the Strike Team’s POTG :wink:

You can feel that way if you want, I certainly don’t. The only difference between Retribution and Storm is the enemies were new for Ret and we got a comic. You can feel that not having “new” things added is lazy, I find it reasonable when we are dealing with the same enemies.

They seem to have someone on graphic team that refuse to do his work if he dont gona get to make one motorbike every year.



1 skin per month and then whatver with the rest of the time.

A lot of ppl did actually.

But anyway, since it clearly looks like significant amount of time went into that bike, it could have been made into a highlight into or something. It is not like we got many of these either.

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And a lot of others liked it too. Just looking at the online communities doesn’t mean much since it is always a fraction of the population that uses forums of any variety anyway since they are mostly used to complain.

Highlight intro is a reasonable request. The rest of it isn’t.

Well it wasn’t bad but it just wasn’t on the level of the last 2 either.

Every game have things in cinematics that are not in game:lol,dota,wow,wot,csgo,tf2,mk,etc

The way how they showed it off implied it would be featured somewhere and so far its nowhere in sight. Made no sense otherwise to build extra hype that would turn into disappointment.

Play nfs if u want a car game lul.

Youre missing the point.

As I said, the literal only difference between Ret and Storm is that in Ret the enemies were new and got a comic. They are actually the same length give or take a minute after timing on multiple difficulties for the story mode. Storm is exactly on par with the in-game aspects of Retribution.

The only difference is people overhyped themselves when they were given no formal statements or teases to do justify doing so. People started to lose their minds over the photoshopped Korean achievement and overhyped for a Talon mission that was literally impossible via the lore timeline and then the disappointment spiraled out of control after that.

It is no one’s fault but your own if you go “this is Blizzard, last year they gave me 37 presents and this year I only got 36.” [Gotta love a HP reference] They don’t have to keep raising the standards every single year or event just because you expect them to, and them doing something that worked last year doesn’t mean they did trash this year and it was significantly worse.