Why the D.Va nerf?

I don’t understand the mentality behind this one even with the developer comments.

She’s already been beaten down a ton it doesn’t make sense to reduce her effectiveness even more.

Once GOATS is finally dead D.Va’s gonna suck.


I do not understand the mentality of the McCree buff despite the flavor text. At this point I wonder why I bother reading the developer comments.


Throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. basically.


Because apparently D.va doesnt deserve to be meta despite being the only hero that does what she does. Even if she already is a mediocre tank it wont change a thing.


When GOATS dies D.Va will find a way to weasel into another meta.


Because Defense Matrix is still THAT GOOD


Until GOATs is dead can’t really make claims about anything.

Wait and see.

And honestly, I don’t see Triple Support going away anytime soon. That’s the core of GOATs. Dva is swapped for Sombra frequently enough. Triple support just too much rn.

And this. Dmatrix is just so good in organized settings that you almost always want it on your side.

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Hm, because it was almost past time for her quarterly nerf. Don’t worry about it OP, more Dva nerfs are coming.


I actually loled irl when I saw that nerf. jfc Blizzard DVa has had enough already…

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I find it funny how so many people that are now complaining about the nerf would have problably not noticed it even took place unless told about it via some youtube video or something.

This is a nerf you cant not notice

“Its just 5 meters lul” no its actually a pretty big deal.


Because we’ve all seen what happens when the D.Va complainers are expected to put in the most basic amount of human competence.

That’s “Counting to 2” levels of effort. How’s anyone expected to do that?


Not sure how you would not notice. The range on it was absurd to be honest and a 33% reduction is freaking massive.

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You clutching out plays within 5Ms with your DM? Damn. What contenders team you on?

I know how much 5m is in game. Yeah, it is a big difference. How most people play Dva tho? With yolo team mates doing their thing etc? Not a big diff.

Outline some scenarios where this 5m diff is a make or break. Then tell me how common that sort of scenario is in yoladder solo Q bs.


Yo refer to above. Tell me where how you playing Dva in the yolo ladder is going to be changed by this. I wanna hear the scenarios.

Edit: I do not agree with this Dva nerf. I find it totally unnecessary. This is devil’s advocacy here. If you gonna act like it’s going to effect you, best believe I’m going to ask you how and why.

It will not. I was just in another thread talking about how weird the change was because of that fact. It will change literally nothing for me. But I am a garbage D.Va. It just messes with the good team player D.Va mains.

The change makes sense. It harms, tremendously, as you and Zence alluded to, the ability for you to mitigate spot damage if you’re out of position.

That said, you’re still the most mobile tank in the game, and thus your being out of position should be punished.

You see now why I’m kind of shrug about this change? If you’re doing standard yolo ladder Dva noise, it won’t effect you much. If you in a scrim setting trying to spot peel for a support while having just come back from trying to pressure, you might not have the range. BIG DEAL.

You don’t have that minute difference being really a big deal in ladder.

Like I said, I don’t agree with this change, I’m playing devil’s advocate.

Y’all can’t argue your positions well at all tho.

Thank you OWL, thank you dev…


You are just making my position for me, I was not even arguing any other point than that it would be noticeable. Like, if you cannot feel the difference of a massive change, that is more of a personal issue, fam. Most people will notice a 33% difference even if the effect is negligible.

Welp, dont worry, im sure until end of this year they gona remove matrix and give her another dps ability.

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