Why tf isnt there a scoreboard

agreed, and the same still applies with a scoreboard in place

People are going to be toxic regardless if there is a scoreboard or not. Even if it had little or no more meaningful value than our current medal system, it would still be an interesting feature to have. Besides, I’d rather be called out for some meaningless stats than some other false perceptions of how I’m underperforming. I’m all for having the scoreboard only show up after the game or on the replay menu as well.

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It’s actually a completely different issue. You can still play the game without a scoreboard, despite wanting one. While the scoreboard would provide definitive feedback of each players’ contribution (or lack thereof) to a match, it would more often be used to the detriment of each person on the team for not performing to Player A’s standard’s.

Accountability would be nice in a match to discern who is actively “throwing” a match, but when it comes to people trying to learn new roles or play outside of their comfort zone, I can see it being a detriment because of people badgering the player to switch to something else.

Personally, I absolutely suck at playing Ana. It’s something that I’m trying to work on. I’ve have a lot of experience playing Lucio and Zen to good success, but every time I touch Ana I feel like I’m struggling… because I am.

For everyone else that is picking up new heroes to try and expand their repertoire, they may be less inclined to do so in an environment where they’d be heavily scrutinized by a public scoreboard displaying how poorly they’re doing in comparison to more experienced players.


jeff, seagull, surefour and I all disagree with you

personally, I don’t think toxicity should be considered when considering whether to implement a scoreboard or not

we have block and mute and report to curb toxicity, and really, that’s all that’s needed

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I’m not sure how throwing names into an argument helps, but okay.

Yes, we have block, mute, report features.

That doesn’t address the issue that a scoreboard may introduce more toxicity into the game that already exists.


If this is true that would make the scoreboard a huge success in competitive play.

i’m gonna believe their testimony over yours.

even if it did, I wouldn’t see this as a problem. I wish we could “cut it up” a little more in game.

Perhaps, but a huge detriment to people trying new things overall.

Why try something new when you’ll be heavily scrutinized for it?


Because quick play exists

I think this is the point of taking competitive too seriously…

How many of us are planning on making Pro?

How many of us are gunning for OWL spots?

Okay… that weeds out 99% of the player base. So how many of us are only going to into competitive with heroes that we’re performing at a “pro-level” with?

Most people that play this game will queue for whatever they want, and given their time to play, that’s what you get for your team. This game isn’t as serious or regimental you may think it is. People that have no idea what they’re doing may queue for competitive, because why the heck not? It’s a game, and rank in OW means absolutely nothing .


Taking competitive too seriously can mean a bunch of different things. But by design the mode is there for those who want to compete and try hard, and climb to whatever their goal SR may be. You can be in bronze and still take competitive somewhat seriously. You can take any sport seriously and compete without having any aspirations to become pro.


Yes, but we can all do that as is without a scoreboard to track how everyone is doing.

It’s a conflicting issue for me, as I enjoy transparency, especially in a competitive environment. But I have also grown weary to anticipate the worst out of people when it comes to internet games, where ambiguity is an issue. You don’t have to worry about scoreboards face-to-face because the person has to be condescending to another person’s face, which often deters that sort of behavior. However, in an online game where ambiguity is afforded, people can and will be horrible to one another, negating any semblance of “sportsmanship”, and this is what I fear would come from the scoreboards in OW.

Whether it comes to fruition or not is the decision of the dev team. But if it ever does, they need to be ready to step up their game for people who will be on the ready to troll whoever they think is underperforming, whether it be QP or Comp.


What do you think about having a scoreboard show up on the replay menu only for those who are curious enough to look? No one would be able to say anything about your stats because the game is already over and everyone has left.

I think that’d be a nice compromise. I like the idea of OW inviting people to try different heroes within roles, and I could see an in-game scoreboard really deterring a lot of people from doing anything outside of their comfort zone out of fear of being ridiculed during a match.

Nobody likes to be told that they suck, and such is the “growing pains” process of learning something new.


In a good match where everyone synergizes with each other it’s not uncommon for a tank or even for a support to have the top stats.
Tanks can give the dps space to do what they need to.
Works the other way around too.
It’s all about who has the biggest impact on the situation.
I’ve had lots of games as dps i have 0 medals yet I am doing everything needed for my team to win.
Stats are usesless because of this.
It’s a team game.


If stats are useless plz explain how blizzard ranks us

Wins and losses primarily. Anything past that (PBSR) is likely coming as output from a deep learning neural network, which isn’t exactly human readable.

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Bro i just want to know which healer has less healing or which dps is killing so that we tell him to switch and they will be enough evidence to support that.

Then explain how widow one trick with a 40% winrate got into GM

Where did they end last season?

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