Why tf isnt there a scoreboard

Yes. If four of my players who rely on the kill score board to prove they’re doing something, then my team is all playing selfishly.

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I’ll take your story at face value, even though I don’t think it amounts to much. (with all due respect)

You are not looking at the big picture, and the big picture is SR.

those who play selfishly will loose more often. you said selfish play was a detriment to the team.

so those selfish players will fall in SR until there detrimental selfish play is made up some other way.

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Personal experience?

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I actually do think I’m looking at the big picture because this game needs a player base. You will only get good DPS in Plat+ on console. What about all the other players?

This game is so toxic because people feel like their teammates aren’t doing anything. But they don’t see why they aren’t doing anything.

Logically as a DPS your attention should be focused on the healers. Back in the day I would always get focused by Tracers and Genji’s. Once the healers die, then everyone else starts dying.

The solution was anti flankers, like McCree. Now, my McCree’s are always off doing their own thing and I can’t rely on them anymore. Heck, I can’t even rely on my shield tanks at times.

But if I had someone to help me, then I can help them stay alive longer and it wouldn’t feel like they never got healed.

There are many different aspects of this game that makes it different from normal shooting games that I like. A kill scoreboard would just put a nail in the coffin and make this game unplayable and even more toxic. Yeah you have ten kills but I have seven deaths and can’t keep anyone alive because you aren’t helping me out and taking care of what’s killing me.

The game inherently relies on teamwork. That’s why so many people refuse to solo queue and climb easier when they are stacked with people they know.

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this is where you and I disagree

if you’re arguing that Blizz creating a scoreboard will drop the player base, I don’t care enough about that topic to discuss it.

I think however they “butcher” (as some may call it) Overwatch over the next 10 years, there will still be a healthy player base.

Once Overwatch comes to Virtual Reality, then and only then, may I entertain the thought of purposefully omitting a scoreboard.

I can tolerate not knowing how much damage Tracer has in a 3d environment, but I just can’t tolerate it in a 2d environment.

Well agree to disagree then. I don’t know when you started playing this game, but I’ve been playing since 2016. Back when I didn’t see the same people every other match.

This game is way less popular and much more toxic because of people who only think kills matter.

The fact that I hold the same stance as the creator makes my opinion that much stronger. Maybe this just isn’t the game for you.

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you don’t hold the same opinion, unless they are lying. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/9ygloo/jeff_kaplan_explains_why_theres_no_scoreboard_in/

seagull wants a scoreboard, and so does the dev team (evident by the attempts that they have made to make a scoreboard)

Lol. Your article just Reiterated my point of “Kills not showing the full story.” Same opinion dude. Have a nice night.


they want a scoreboard

they just don’t know how to do a good one

Competitive skill-based games have scoreboards.

Overwatch is not one of those games.


I totally believe that the non-scoreboard crowd is acting in good faith and pushing for what they think is a better “Overwatch.”

but no matter how many times I hear the anti-scoreboard arguments, I just can’t understand.

I believe they mean well.



these two recent reddit posts. I can’t believe how many upvotes the “nay” crowd had. Even though the pro-scoreboard ppl have more upvotes, the results are astounding.

Quick Idea: Average Distance away from healers…this should be a stat that is tracked.

also, for a back line tracer, you could keep a stat for how far away she is from the team, and also health packs picked up.

so if she’s far away, but getting lots of health packs and not dying, you know she’s doing a good job

you gotta measure how much she delayed an enemy returning to the fight, that’s a tough one.

maybe have a duel stat (1v1) when there is only one enemy around and all other 10 players are 30meters or more away, measure that dps separately? idk, just spit balling

I want a scoreboard that goes with the replays. Nothing in-game.

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that would be a god send

what if they made scoreboard contribution voluntary. just because you don’t want it, should mean we can have it

Yes pls. Remove medals system. Also show the deaths stat so we can know who we have to protect the most

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One stat I’d be really interested to see is how much SR gain/loss my teammates got after every game.

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Scoreboards would most often be used not constructively, but as a means to place blame upon people in the team. “Our heals/dps/tanks suck, ___ you’re not healing enough/ dealing enough damage/ blocking enough damage”. In an ideal world where we all treat each other with respect, yeah it’d be nice to have a metric that shows how everyone is doing without the potential side effect of people weaponizing it… BUT this is OW, and we’ve seen that people, most often, suck.


by that logic they should just shut down the servers, for toxicity’s sake, yeah?

Things are still running right now, so no, I don’t think so. But if you can’t play the game without a complete team-metric, maybe you should stop playing. Yeah?


i can, just prefer not to

As is the case for everyone who is still playing this game… They can stop playing at any time, they’d just prefer to keep playing though.