Why Symmetra won't be used in OWL [20+ likes]

So you either use up 30 second cooldown for a tp bomb that can be countered with one melee, or a 10 sec cooldown to maybe distract someone for the one second it takes to melee.

No one said you had to use all 3 turrets. And if someone walks over to the TP to melee it, so be it. The TP is still standing, you can still use it, you can still put turrets into after they’ve decided to ignore it.

I’m not saying it’s a viable strategy all the time, obviously, I’m just stating that you can utilize the distraction to your advantage.

I’m a proponent for Symmetra buffs, trust me. Look at my many countless other replies in Symmetra threads, if you’d like to know where I stand on the matter. I’m simply stating that the teleporter can be utilized in several different strategies to be effective.

She sure as hell is gonna be used more than she was in 2.0 and 1.0, although mostly for 900 iq strats than anything else.

I mean she saw a lot more usage in OWWC, which is good.

Except that if you throw turrets into the tp after it’s set up, the turrets still have to go through their setup time. The only reason tp bombs work is that you can teleport turrets that are already active, so they start firing as soon as they go through tp.

No different than tossing them onto a wall, it’s just a telegraphed deployment that cuts down significantly on travel time.

LOTS of vodka shots.

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So …sacrifice 6 entire hero slots?
The entire point of teleporter on paper is that you can gain any high ground with any comp, you realize this right?

Ashe was designed like a game of Munchkin

She has a rifle… that iron sights… that has a unique reload

And a coach gun… that knocks back… and grants mobility…

And can summon a bot, that has knockback and a charge, and a turret, and can be healed, and can contest points

DISCLAIMER: I am not saying she’s OP or needs a nerf. I am saying her abilities have an obscene level of versatility.

Short cool down?! Also enemies have range…

10 seconds imo is short when you can store multiple sentries. By the time one is destroyed you should have another ready to be sent out. If not, that’s on you for bad placement and cooldown management.

Thing is, it takes absolutely nothing out of anyone’s time to give a TP the good old whack. Very satisfying, too.

Hell, you could time it. ‘Okay, Symmetra’s done her gimmick, she has to wait about thirty seconds to do it again’. Glance at the clock, make note of the time. Then you know that any teleporters that are set up are mere ruses before the 25-30 second mark.

first, its acutally 12 seconds. the ability can be destryoed super fast, before it can even do damage. symmetra also depends on them

It takes 10 seconds to stock 1 sentry turret according to multiple Overwatch wikis

Sure the ability can be destroyed fast, but that means you messed up placement.

10 seconds to restock the turret, 2 second deployment time, not counting flight time before it attaches to a surface and ‘blooms’ is what he’s getting at.


Symmetras garbage tickrate doesnt even counter tanks with armor up.

Ya that beam is meant to kill the tank behind that shield.
Or were you planning on ignoring them?

That is sort of what exactly it means to be effective - when you have a larger hitbox to fight. Like literally is the definition of effective.

We are talking about Sym not ashe

Wha? Of course, you kill indiscriminately once your beam is charged.

It’s effective on anyone you can use it on, not just large hitboxes. Are they easier to maintain accuracy on? Sure… Is it any less effective on a smaller target? Not if they’re in your crosshairs.

imho, Symmetra is too niche to be in OWL. She needs a bit more of buff. Either more sustain, or make her utility a bit more faster and/or last longer.

She only works in the game due to how chaotic the game is, or how uncoordinated we are in the game, which I doubt OWL has any of.

OWL = Kinda always the same 6 chara picks.
You know who wont be in the OWL either? A lot of people :smiley: