Why Symmetra won't be used in OWL [20+ likes]

Imagine sym 2.0 with all the deathball running around. This would have been syms time to shine

This is true. Piercing orbs and shield generator would’ve worked great in this meta.

It was a little sad actually I Mained sym 2.0 and when brig was released I though this is great a strong character that sym can actually counter. And then they reworked sym in a week. And dive completely fell out of the meta at the same time

Quick summary here for those who do not want to read it.

“OWL sucks.”

That is all.

You gonna be spamming orbs against a tank? Sure, maybe one orb to take off armor, but after that her primary is the far superior option.

Niche does not mean trash.

Against 200HP heroes of course you’ll use orbs. Consistent damage is favored for tanks whereas burst is useful against squishies. Even then, some targets have so much mobility and small hitboxes that it’s almost more reliable to just track them if you have max charge. 100% accuracy with her slow af orbs ain’t the case my friend.

Reaching a heroes skill cap and deleting people in a matter of moments will NEVER be as good as reaching a heroes skill cap and deleting people instantly.

It’s really that simple

Ok now we are down to 20% of the roster

Ok what tanks are you going to use it on. Hammond he can leave before you do any damage
Winston again he has mobility to get away and he starts with armor. He will out dps you to so good luck
Dva she can get away whenever she wants
Zarya well Zarya is a better sym so have fun with that.
Roadhog should be able to kill sym before she kills him
Rien sure go after rien once you have dealt with his armor. But if he starts swinging that hammer you have to fall back
Orissa fortify and her armor will make the primary do 1dps. She would easily kill sym with halt and her gun
Her primary working on tanks is due to tanks not knowing how to play. The tanks have much more to deal with sym than the sym has to work against them. It’s due to their misplays not that the primary is actually good. It’s like arguing I killed a roadhog with mercies pistol so the pistol is just niche no the hog was bad

Syms primary is just soft throwing

Mega topic about Sym here if you want a long read: 🏚 Sym doesn't have a role, thats the main problem, "Blame Dev's Economically Needs" (Mega topic)

Someone from Japan just liked it… so I guess its available international.

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Not really specifically stated Ana is meant to nuke ultimates, but I am pretty sure common sense when applied is enough to figure that out considering the purpose of her M1 having infinite ammo against shields and only useful tracking against tanks narrows down her possibilities.

She is about suited for killing flankers as using a large Stone for performing surgery. Sure it can be done - if you want to amputate a limb, but there are better options.

As for killing Healers, everything kills healers.

They work exactly once against any one single reasonable player. After that? They see the teleporter? ‘Oh, not this again.’ They melee the teleporter. Enjoy the 30 second cooldown.

Because she can’t kill tanks, can’t kill Pharah, and doesn’t have a teamkilling Ult.

And because her self sustain and escape is too slow.

There was no design other than an ambiguous “more skillful”

Fairly Confident their design philosophy for symmetera invovolved a Dart board with ideas and vodka shots.


Strongly disagree, but go off I guess.

If your niche is that it only works against players that are playing badly the gun is terrible simple as that

The key problem is she is absolutely awful at getting last hits. Sure she can toss in a bit of dmg everywhere that gets healed and sentries can tag a bit of dmg on to inflate the elim count but she fails utterly in finishing off an enemy.

It works when the Symmetra plays smart. IE charging off shields or tanks safely. Using TP for safety and repositioning. Using turrets for extra dps. Her whole kit works extremely well together which is why I don’t find her primary to be bad.

You forgot two things:

Sniper DPS

Just existing on the field, Sombra hard counters once EMP is ready.

Sniper DPS makes Symmetra unable to perform any action without tanks. If the tank is eliminated, Symmetra has to run as ramp up mechanics and slow traveling Orbs don’t make her an immediate threat. During that time Sniper DPS can kill Symmetra 4 times over. Even a non meta like Soldier 76 can challenge a Sniper, he’s at a disadvantage but he can at least make the Sniper consider retreat.

If they’re wise to it, you just bait them with a TP with no turrets, you’ve served the same purpose, but without the damage.

Sure, you’re not killing the person attacking the teleporter, but if they’re attacking the teleporter, they’re not attacking your team, right?

It can be said that if you utilize the same tactics over and over again, the enemy will eventually wise up to it. If you continue to utilize those strategies, that’s on you. If you change it up, you’re always keeping the enemy on their toes.

Enemy Player: “Oh, another TP bomb…” whacks tp another teleporter shows up 10 secs later “Not again!” whacks teleporter Another teleporter shows up “I’m not falling for that again…” turrets crispy critter nearest person

Yes, and it also serves 2 purposes: 1, you kill the shield, 2 you amp up your beam.

I’d disagree with this too, once the beam is powered up, it’s lethal to anything it touches. Will you have more success tracking a larger hitbox character over a smaller one? Sure… That doesn’t mean it’s not just as effective against any character if tracking can be maintained. (and yes, I know it’s difficult against smaller characters, but it’s not impossible)

She doesn’t necessarily have to be the one flanking, her turrets can flank with a TP bomb.

Is it successful every time? No. Can you change it up so that you pop through, lob an orb, then pop back? Sure.