Why Symmetra won't be used in OWL [20+ likes]

  1. Teleporter is very easy to react to and only has 300 health, not to mention that it’s easy to pick off the first person to go through the Tele.

  2. Turret are low health and one shots for most heros, they can and will be destroyed very easily

  3. Symmetra is countered by nearly every thing. She also sucks against goats and playing her against zarya in OWL is just making sure that zarya has Max charge.

  4. Symmetra has a terrible primary. Why play sym in OWL rather than playing Tracer, tracer has more overall damage (and headshots) and mobility.

  5. She is mostly useless in a team fight. If she has Max charge she’s still only doing as much damage as a tracer with >100 accuracy and it’s not like sym is 100% accurate anyways.

  6. Tele is useless. If you want the high ground… Walk there or play a comp to get there rather than sacrificing an entire hero slot for it. Also… See 1.

  7. Symmetras ult is useless in the current meta. Brig/rein can both ignore it and going between it rarely blocks considerable damage, and nothing happens to the enemy as result of going through


Idk i think her shield should have more utility. It’s just a massive shield that no one cares about

  1. Yep
  2. Yep
  3. Yep
  4. Yep
  5. Nope, her turrets are useful in team fights, even if it’s just teleturreting
  6. Mostly, but it’s nice to give Ana a roost up high
  7. Not useless, just needs to be utilized effectively on a push. It still blocks healing from Ana
  1. No. Also it has 300 hp.
  2. Yes, but that’s okay because it isn’t her main source of damage.
  3. No, but many dps are countered by goats, so don’t think it’s a special case for her.
  4. She has her right click to compensate for her “terrible” LMB, which does high burst damage, AND she has turrets for extra damage.
  5. Do you use the sit emote during teamfights? Her max damage on beam shreds enemies without having to aim for headshots (like on Tracer) and can deal that damage for a longer period than Tracer.
  6. Tele can be used to put teammates in places that are normally unreachable (ex: the arch on Dorado). Also, why walk to that spot when you can teleport there WAY faster?
  7. Yes. Barrier is weak (this is the only thing I agree on from your list). I wish you could use keys to rotate it will while it is up.

Her turrets are annoying not really useful.
Since they die in 1s and there are only 3 of them with a 10s cd on EACH of them.

She is supposed to be a tank buster
Goats is suppose to be what she is designed to counter.


Turrets do work in team fights if they go ignored, which can often happen in team fights. People rarely ever stop shooting at someone else to turn around and take out turrets.


You know, I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere where they have specifically stated she is designed to bust tanks. In fact, I’d say she’s ill suited for the task, due to a limited health pool and a lack of sustained damage due to that fact.

In order to be a tank buster, she would need to have some sort of sustain. She doesn’t, so tanks end up winning out.

I’d say she’s more suited for killing flankers and healers with her turrets and back line orb tossing. TP through, toss an orb, tp back through to your group. Toss orbs like they’re free. Add damage into the fray. 120 damage, while not ground breaking against a tank, adds up when the rest of your team is busy beating against the same target.

I’d love to see her as a tank buster, with some sort of sustain, but the problem is that if she can bust down tanks with ease, she can bust everything else down just as easily, and that would put her in a position of unmatched power in the roster, and overtuned.

We need her to be an equal opportunity damage dealer, with a niche that supports the role she’s intended to fill. Currently, she doesn’t particularly have a niche to fit into. Yes, she can deal damage, but it’s not reliable. Yes, she can get kills, but again, they’re not reliable. Yes, she can harry the enemy back lines, but again… It’s not a reliable tactic.

She can’t rely on any particular portion of her kit to definitively cement her position on a team. She doesn’t bring anything that a pure DPS can’t outmatch. That is the problem with Symmetra. She’s a jack of all trades, and a master of absolutely none.


Yes she may be a tank buster, but in a tank heavy meta, tanks are going to be chosen over dps. Reaper, Bastion, etc. are supposed to be tank busters too, but why play them with their small health pool, when you can just play tanks to counter tanks? GOATS in itself is all about overwhelming the enemy by being highly sustainable (in part due to the combination of a mix of Moira, Ana, Lucio, and/or Brig).

So yes, she may counter tanks, but other heroes within GOATS counter Symmetra herself, such as Brigitte and Ana (range). Same applies for Bastion and Reaper.

This is honestly the number one issue for her in OWL. Her ultimate is probably the worst in the game.

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Reasons why this doesn’t matter much.

  1. Most players aren’t playing in OWL.
  2. Most players play at low ranks.
  3. A lot of people play on consoles.

As for your points.

  1. Correct, depending on use.
  2. Most heroes, not all.
  3. Wrong. She is great against goats.
  4. Primary isn’t her main damage dealer.
  5. Not at all. Sym is great in team fights, as shown many times by seagull.
  6. Many places can’t be reached by walking.
  7. Not at all. As evident by the higher level players use of it.
  1. Only if you see it coming.
  2. Just because they can be destroyed ‘easily’ doesn’t mean they will
  3. Meh
  4. She also has turrets and a decent secondary. Primary just got buffed
  5. Totally incorrect
  6. Totally incorrect
  7. Totally incorrect

This is why it is important for Sym to be able to read situations. Risky TP should not be taken. Stealth TPs from high ground or around corners along with quick flank TPs are best.

They are also on a fairly short CD and can be set in places that surprise the enemy or are difficult for them to reach.

This is wrong. She is strong against GOATS. Sym can charge her beam faster than Zarya against GOATS comp. Stevo and Riahan both agree Sym works well against the comp and Raihan even thinks she could see OWL play because of it.

Sym primary is not trash. It’s niche. It used to be trash, but the recent 20% buff helped it a lot.

Sym’s primary at max charge is thicc af so imo not very difficult to achieve decent accuracy. Combine that with turrets and shield for protection and you get some spicy damage and cover for your team.

Definitely not. Some high grounds are super useful for immobile picks like Ana, McCree, or Soldier (not meta but still). TP to high ground is not needed, but from my experience greatly appreciated. Most TPs are for Sym’s use only to teleport turrets and flank which is a huge part of her plastyle.

This is wrong as well. This completely screws over enemy Ana players as well as any ranged dps/tanks. Used properly it can make your turrets essentially indestructible for its duration.

McCree would like to have a word with you on that.

Yup, I’ve seen this time and again, I launch 3 turrets behind the fight and no one wants to be the one to disengage and take on the turrets. And if they do that just gives us the opportunity to do some damage with less or no incoming fire.

So how about if the far end teleporter were invisible to the enemy except when someone is passing through? Then it would last longer and give Symmetra a bit of a stealth feature.

Then I would expect to see a lot more TP use even with the finicky placement issues.

If there’s even just 4 reasons not to use her the pros will not use her lol. The pros are only interested in the reasons to use a hero

All a hero needs is one fatal weakness for it to not be seen in the pro scene

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I can’t disagree with that statement.

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People seem to be very mislead. It’s not the meta that’s the problem, it’s Sym. Sym 3.0 wasn’t good in the dive meta either.

If you think the primary isn’t trash you are delusional. Syms secondary is a way better alternative in every regard.

Let’s look at time to kill a 200hp from the moment a target takes damage.
The secondary can kill a target in less than a second
The primary takes over a secound to kill at max charge.
Then you add on a 3 secound delay for an inferior way of dealing damage that is halved on armor. There is no point to use primary unless you can’t hit the orbs.

OWL isn’t a representation of anything at all except perhaps top 500 games.