Why shouldn't Mercy be buffed?

[quote=“Bri-11363, post:222, topic:352316, full:true”]

The statement i repiled to indicated her current state was unacceptable

As such, i stand by my reply

What joke?

Mercy is imo well balanced, effective, and fun in her current state

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This was what the devs said

Are they delusional?


Valkyrie already enhances resurrect, so no change is needed…not that there is any requirement for valk to enhance rez…


I’ve had times where I just moved slightly while Rez was casting and it didn’t work. -_-

the patch they added brigitte in has nothing to do with the idea of ana being overtuned. ana was still f tier until that support patch, many months after brigitte’s release.

Literally mercy and ana are not competeing. if they were, mercy is broken. period. Ana heals tank heavy comps, mercy heals dps comps. it’s actually that simple. the meta is currently tank. Mercy is fine. She has a great pick rate even in a meta that doesn’t favor her.
Also this wasn’t even a reply to you?

and moira goats got destroyed by double sniper, which was still the meta. moira goats at the time was about as meta as that pharmercy and one shot comp you showed from stage 2 owl.

Yet she’s viable in every single elo right now? and up until diamond, it’s almost better to run mercy, despite what’s meta according to the data. Mercy by all accounts has decent pick rates and better winrates, in a meta that doesn’t favor her.

rein, ana, moira, mercy, dva, zarya. The top 6. Not only is mercy more that viable, those tanks are standard goats. After those 6, is lucio and zen. They were playing tank comps without actually knowing how to play tank comps, thus mercy with 3 tanks.

You can not honestly say that’s not tank heavy.

Imagine wanting a character who holds 2 buttons a day to be buffed.


This has been a Public service announcement, thank you.


exactly because you don’t care is why we cannot take your opinion as serious


I just showed up in this thread, i dont know what you all are talking about, why are you bringing me up as if I’ve been a part of this thread.

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I legit wouldn’t be surprised if Hige confused you with Cleopatra from earlier

I’m also bad with names and just remember people by their icon

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no sorry, I don’t recognize the name but s/he said that she didnt care if valk was good as long as it wasnt boring, which means that s/he would prefer if Mercy was worse than she is now, Mercy is not some toy for you to play with, she’s part of the game and as such must be balanced in relation to every other hero

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  1. Mercy is insanely mobile hero, with self regeneration. Meaning that killing her is a huge headache for a lot of heroes.
  2. A lot of people still remember times when Mercy was mandatory and whole battle centred around defend your Mercy/kill enemy Mercy.

So a lot of people, me included, don’t want to see that again. Which means, no buffs to Mercy unless her mobility is nerfed.

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Back when goats wasn’t a thing and you could pick any hero you wanted?
Sure she was mandatory, but a Mercy meta is THE most diverse meta period.

diverse and having a hero being mandatory are diametrically opposed concepts

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She went from main healer → off healer status
She realistically has no time to get a res off mid-fight
Valkyrie is arguably the worst support ultimate, if not the worst ultimate in the game

The only thing that she still has going for her is GA.

How exactly is she in the best state she’s ever been in?


1 required hero with other 5 being whatever you want is better than having a choice between 9 different heroes.

Remember OWL when it was Mercy? Every hero in the game was played. Remember OWL in GOATS? Yeah… People got exactly what they wished for when they nerfed Mercy, a stale meta with 0 dps.

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I mean it could use some tiny tweaks but

it’s the only ult in the game that can be used for infinite reasons and for infinite things

it’s only boring if u choose to do nothing with it


being whatever? dude what are you even talking about? double sniper was starting to become staple, the meta just didnt evolve quick enough but there will always be an optimum playstyle, goats took a loong time to develop into what it is today, Mercy being mandatory was the opposite of diverse and thinking otherwise is just denying reality

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Valkryie is, while existing=true; team is better, it doesn’t matter if the team is invincible and every bullet fired is a hanzo log that one shots. The Mercy does nothing while in Valkryie other than watch. At least outside of Valkryie she has to try and survive and has to deal with target prioritization.


Hanzo and widowmaker are grossly overtuned, even now that Mercy is nerfed they’re still great.