Look, I don’t need a Mercy rework or revert. But I don’t understand the big issue of buffing her, even if just a little.
The logic seems to be with balancing that if a character was op in the past, it needs to be almost dead now.
I don’t get what’s the problem with bringing Mercy’s healing up to 55 hps, or dare I say it, back to 60. It’s not like it’s making her a must pick, and what’s the problem with her being a little stronger? Dps and tank mains will get a bit more healing and Mercy mains who feel useless now will feel like they’re doing more. It will certainly not help goats, and it won’t make anyone immortal.
I’m not asking for an argument nor hate, this is just my question.
1 Mercy Sidearm vs
*Any other gun in the game.
I’m in the same boat as you, I just want her healing back and they can put their instant rezes and multi rezes where sun don’t shine. I am getting increasingly tired of watching my tanks sit paralized and unable to engage the enemy behind shields cuz I can’t heal them up at all.
Other than the fact that nerfing it to 50 was one of the factors that made her not OP? Mercy is fine now. She is played quite a lot across all the ranks.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
This is a lie. She was already dying with her pickrates and hanzos rework and the subsequent double sniper/uncounterable grav dragon kept her in the meta. When she lost the ability or the “bug” as the devs put it to damage boost hanzos ult that even zen couldn’t stop her time was up.
The burden on proof is on your to make a case as to why she needs buffed. She seems like she’s fine to me.
6th most picked hero in GM, 4th most picked hero overall. Positive win-rate.
She is bad in Rein/Zarya teams, but I think those are becoming a thing of the past.
She shouldn’t be buffed for the same reason she should be buffed
No real reason
There’s no strong super critical noticeable performance reason where Mercy needs to be buffed
There’s like 29 or so other heroes in the game that are all kinds of messed up balance wise, Mercy can wait her turn
Half of Anas pickrate despite being in a bunker/sniper meta where her damage boost is supposed to be more valuable.
Moira’s worse.
Mercy is viable.
Ofc Ana is picked in bunker.
Ana has been consistently the most picked hero in every rank for a while now. I think the problem is Ana is too good, not Mercy being bad.
On PC, in the lower ranks Moira is generally slightly beating Mercy but, the gap is closing. In the higher ranks Ana is generally edging Mercy but, Mercy might be bouncing up.
The thing is, the high ranking players seem to like Ana more than Mercy/Moira so while you could fix it, the fix might annoy more people than it would help.
On Consoles, in the lower ranks Moira is beating Mercy by a little and in the upper ranks Mercy is winning.
That doesn’t provide strong reasoning for any major buffs.
Ana is balanced, she just doesn’t have competition because 50 hps killed her competition.
Limiting Healers to no more than 2 per team, would make it a lot easier to argue for buffs.
Moira has the strongest healing in the game tho
and that’s both overall and burst
overall she’s behind Mercy
I play Mercy quite regularly, and am able to heal tanks in any match where my team includes tanks
Why should she…?
I meant the primary fire healing without abilities.
Ana: ~90 hps
Moira: ~80 hps
Baptiste: ~72 hps
In the heat of battle, Mercy doesn’t really compete against other healers. While Zennyata can help fight as an off-healer, Moira can sound out her healing bubbles, Ana can anti, Lucio can Amp it up, baptiste can do his regenerative boost or throw out his immortality field, and Briggite can help fight, Mercy can pretty much just fly around and try to spam healing around her team. I’m not saying she’s terrible, I’m just saying a little buff wouldn’t hurt.
-4th most picked hero
-balanced winrate
-and the fact that she’s not underpowered, just boring