😡 Why Sanjay (Symmetra 3.0) is Not Symmetra and Why You Should be Angry

what genuinely pisses me off is that most everyone FOR this major hero change believes that there are Symmetras who are against the loss of her auto aim, funny how these people whine and moan about the autolock but hey Nobody complains about Moira because at least she heals you
 I play quite a bit of Symmetra and at least if they changed the way the gun locked onto players that would have been better, but not kills it entirely. Maybe have Symm land an energy ball on someone and as soon as it hits within regular range then you can trigger the gun to have it start draining them (sort of like a more complex Moira) I would have much better cared for having her turrets get a healing toggle or change the way the turrets work so that they target enemies but if a nearby ally is in crit condition then they swap to heal that ally.

I think it’s dumb to move her onto DEFENSE and remove her freaking Projectile Photon Barrier, that was the one ability I loved to use and I would frequently save my team from obliteration using this, it does take skill and I would love to see those who complain about Symmetra not requiring any skill to show us more seasoned Symmetra players THEIR “brainless” Symmetra skills.


It’s cute that ya’ll are calling the Sym rework ‘Sanjay’ like they’re releasing a new character.

Imagine if Mercy mains called Mercy ‘Megan’ or something during her rework lmao.

I’m almost 100% positive you’re the guy on the Symmetra Main subreddit that I’ve been debating this with so I’ll just leave a shorter comment here. (Edit: it ended up not being shorter)

This isn’t Sanjay, this is Symmetra. Do you know how much of a slap to the face it would be if Blizzard made a character with EVERY single CORE ability that Symmetra had into a new character? I don’t want a second hero that can spawn Sentries or use a teleporter to teleport their allies. That would mean there are 2 of the same hero in the game. It would be insulting to us Symmetra mains that every single core ability was being used on another hero.

Symmetra’s identity is still very much unique and intact with this update. This is not an unknown hero, this is Symmetra.

Stop saying Sanjay, there is no Sanjay in this game, this update is not Sanjay. This is Symmetra 3.0.

Either ‘Kindly adjust.’ or don’t play her.

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So this is how they “kill off” heroes from the game.

Well played, Blizzard.

Retire Symm and bring in Sanjay (which people have been asking for as a playable character). Two birds with one stone.


Ultimately, Mercy didn’t change as much as Sym. Had they touched how she healed with her staff

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There is no Sanjay :neutral_face:

Let’s come back to reality now

i said this a while ago Hero 28 Confirmed Symmetra

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Not at that extreme level. Let’s compare with the the other heroes that faced reworks. And by reworks I mean abilities that changed how they work within the game, and not only number adjustments (eg, PTR Tracer is not a rework, Hanzo is)

LĂșcio got his aura size changed. This was mostly to make his team required to stay closer to him to benefit from his crossfade. Everything else in his kit remained fundamentally the same.

Roadhog was allowed to move while breathing, and got damage reduction while doing so. This allowed him to breathe inside a team fight without heavily feeding. The rest of his kit also remain the same (hook and gun changes were nerfs, not reworks).

Mercy got a new ultimate and her previous ultimate was changed into a cooldown. This affected both how Mercy would use resurrection, and had to learn to use the new ultimate. Her beams, pistol and guardian angel remained fundamentally the same.

Dva got rockets and the ability to shoot while boosting. The only thing that affected was the muscle memory of the Dva players that were used to shoot to interrupt boost. The rest of her kit was the same.

Symmetra 2.0 got a new ult and a new ability. Her new ult was a buffed version of her lost ability. Her gun remained untouched, and her turrets got a great QoL,but they were still fundamentally the same.

Sanjay have zero mechanics in common with Symmetra. That’s the major issue of the “rework”, and why OP is calling it a character being deleted and substituted.


Thank you for clarifying! :blush:

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 I honestly don’t care. If you have to AIM to kill me Instead of lock-on and keep me on your screen. I don’t mind you being overpowered in close combat and your abilities are manageable if people pay attention you. The new ult is
 annoying but it can be spammed down from spawn so that a balanced
I was a hanzo main and the took scatter from me casue it was not fun to play against now it’s your turn because your not fun to play against and you get no play time 
 really in high sr

Just. Look. At. His. HOURS. thxbye

a. Moira’s heal isn’t a lock on.
b. Moira’s damage doesn’t lock on anything like Symmetra’s weapon does at the moment. If you use Moira’s Biotic Grasp on a group of enemies it will flick between them as they / you shift, rather than attach to the first person you hit.

I have nothing against autolock weapons, I enjoy Symm’s weapon as is, but Moira’s weapon does not work like Symmetra’s.


I generally hate all the auto-aim characters.
but I understand sometimes we don’t want to aim.
sometimes we need new players in the game that can feel like they do something without getting stomped because other charters require too much effort.

moira is the only auto aim character I like because even is she locks on to you can still kill her in the time she has to kill you if you even see a sym lock on you only have 3 choices

be a sniper/roadhog
runaway (which extends the beam so you still can die)
hope your team can kill her

I think she’s better now she can still melt, she can still teleport and yes she can’t put a generator down but we know they took that out because of Brigitte ult that stays even after its over she can still protect her team and you wont get flamed for playing her now
so in the long run less toxicity in the community and whinning because she wont feel the same

Sanjay sounds fun but I love Symmetra.
I am not sure if I am angry yet, trying to keep the pessimism in check, will have to see how it goes with the actual playstyle and what is finally released as the ‘changes’.
Nice summary of points OP, very clear.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but
has Sanjay actually shown any capacity of making hard-light constructs?

I could have sworn that he was more of the negotiator/money maker for Vishkar, making deals through business acumen rather his knowledge of architecture and engineering.


Symmetra is the only person that has been shown manipulating hard light (in game and in her comics), but her bio state that:

After she was identified as one of the few capable of becoming a light-bending architech, young Satya Vaswani was plucked from extreme poverty and placed in the care of Vishkar’s architech academy, never to return home.

So, we know that:

  • Few people are even capable to to hard light manipulation.
  • There is enough of those people that a big company like Vishkar have an academy for those people they find.
  • Symmetra constructs are unique when compared to her peers.

There is no indication that Sanjay is a hard light architect in lore. But if we ever see another light-bender in game, expect that new hero to be much more
 rigid on their way to manipulate light, while Symmetra is more artistic in design.

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This is why I go on the forums. to see people get upset over something they shouldn’t.

Oh no my character has been reworked so that they can be a better pick in team fights rather then being meh.

She has not even been shown on PTR and already you are winging like a little kid saying that you don’t like it.

Simple fact is. If you are too blinded by your own stupidity and realise that this can work, you will actually be listened too. rather than just rant constantly that Blizzard are ruining a game.

Symmetra needed a rework. Her skill cap was too low. What you could do with her in gold is the same in diamond.
There were better choices to have than her on your team, a DPS would have been better or if you chose to use her as a support with one healer. It would have been better to pick a off healer.

She has been there floating in the useless and useful boarder.

Her rework looks really cool, so much so I’m considering playing her when she comes out, yet you don’t realise that this is a golden opportunity for her to be liked

Tbh, the only thing I’m actually disappointed about is the changes to her gun, especially the secondary fire.

Not only was the gun perfectly balanced before, but it was an extremely unique weapon that really set her apart, and that included both the slow, barrier piercing orbs, and the auto-lock.

I mean, I will probably learn to love the new primary fire, but I’m really gonna miss the old orbs. She’s basically a crap junkrat now.

That said I am really excited for the ability changes. I really want to see her new tp an photon barrier. I’m really hoping the tp is a viable escape ability (effectively replacing the barrier’s old use), and I’m just so excited for her barrier to be buffed.

I know its on ult, but we all know how fast a Symmetra can get her ult >:)

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