😡 Why Sanjay (Symmetra 3.0) is Not Symmetra and Why You Should be Angry

You’re a sophist in many respects. But I invite you waaarmly to hop by the megathread and explain the recent trends in her usage statistics, average damage and kills.

It doesn’t matter what you or my personal experience of Sym3 is - statistics are a damning sentence, and things really aren’t going well for her. Especially at the top end of the barrel.

Regardless, I’m certain she’ll be buffed in one way or another, though I hope it’s for the better and something relating to consistency in her kit.

The hero isn’t absolute garbage. In fact, this kit is a very good foundation to be built upon by further minor tweaks (most if which should be consistency-based, like what we’ve seen for Torb and Sym2).


I think that is the key word though, chance.

If the enemy team is smart, they’re going to focus down the Symmetra as quickly as possible, because she has no means of defense. They’ll probably even designate someone to take out her turrets before they can be effective.

A Symmetra without her turrets isn’t particularly threatening, especially with a low hitpoint pool and no damage mitigation. She can easily be “hooked and cooked” or “icecicled and pickled” or any other number of metaphors for being focus fired by the enemy team.

It then turns into the 5v6 scenario you laughed at above.

I won’t disagree with you on Symmetras damage potential however, it’s most definitely there, and if the enemy team doesn’t wise up to the fact quickly, they’re going to pay for it.


I never said she’s the BEST hero in the game. I just don’t think she is the worst.

Surely, she needs a few tweaks, but I don’t think she is far off. People right now think she is absolutely terrible, so once she get’s that buff, people are in for a VERY rude awakening…

It has to be a strategic buff though. It shouldn’t affect her top end, but mitigate the awful bottom end of her play.

It’s going to have to be approached very carefully though, and I think that’s why Blizzard/OW Devs are so slow to make the changes. One slip up and she’d end up being an unstoppable beast.

I think removing the tiered approach on her beam, and making it a linear charge is the solution to her damage woes, and I believe adding a regenerative shielding mechanic attached to the beam would go a long way to mitigating the hand she’s been dealt.

We’ll see what happens though. I’m hopeful.

Maybe the gold is in the fluidity of the kit though - faster, further TP, that you can destroy yourself early akin to Torb’s new turret for a faster cooldown. More frequent turrets for more effective area denial and quicker setting up. Higher base damage but equivalent maximum damage, so that the earlier tiers of damage don’t feel so awful. All are good, I’d say.

Symmetra’s means of defense is her tanks and supports. If you’re going to play her, use her in the right comp. She can work well in triple tank double support comps with her as the DPS. I see it happen A LOT on Hanamura first and second point.

Just rush up to the choke, plop down a TP, shove some turrets on the point and it’s tough to stop it from snowballing if they get even one pick.

Symm, in her current state, is the pinnacle of good positioning. Meaning if you don’t have it… YA DED SON!

Don’t tell me how I should feel.

Her beam isn’t that bad. You just need to charge it. I mostly mean her orbs. They lost their uniqueness but they’re way more versatile.

Lets all hit that big fat YEEEET and only use M1 in all our games and make symmetra have a 20% winrate so she gets reverted.

They wouldnt revert her even if she had 0% winratr


why is this actually so true.

In fact, they now have the excuse of OWL players using her in a match to say “she is viable” like with sombra

The ONLY reason sombra didnt get a buff is because she was used in contenders!


Funny fact: When Tracer bomb was nerfed to 300 damage, Symmetra got an increase in pickrate up to 1%. That didn’t last long because the rework arrived in the PTR a week later, and a lot of Sym players were more focused in making it less of a trainwreck than milking the grace that was finally being able to protect your ultimate from Tracer.

That, and Brigitte having awesome synergy with Shield Generator had the potential to be a very deadly pair in competitive. But, again, rework on PTR means more people were trying to find synergy with the “future kit” than one that they knew would disappear in less than a month.

I assure you that Pulse Bomb nerf alone would make Sym a lot more viable, if it wasn’t for the rework right behind the corner.


Dude this is so true! Symmetra after the pulse bomb nerf was the best thing that ever happened in my opinion. At this time on my other smurf one trick account “DontReworkSym” I got her up to 4230 with the help of my mercy one trick friend. Symmetra was so much fun becuase tracers would forget they couldnt 1 shot the SG and die triyng to come back to kill it. Symmetra was perfectly fine before the rework, and in my opinion she was a bit OP at times. But no, now we are stuck with this disgrace to our Indian queen…


I mean she’s not a man, so…

What world are you living in where you think as a solo queue Sym that you can ever get this as your team comp?

This works fine as a premade. But the entire argument all of us are making is not that Sym is bad in premades, it’s that she is bad in random queue. And even then not all of us are saying she is bad per se, merely that she is one more niche, two more dependent upon the enemy team not knowing how to combat a Sym than 2.0 ever was, and three that she now has the worst primary she has ever had including Sym 1.0.

If you honestly think that then you obviously have not bothered to read any of my posts or for that matter the huge “2.0 vs 3.0 beam” nerf thread I created ages back. Her beam ‘is’ that bad even at tier 3, but the fact that it takes a minimum of four seconds just to charge it to tier 3 in first place is even worse.

No other dps needs to wait 4 seconds before they can do any good damage.
No other dps needs to stay positioned mostly unmoving where anyone can take sniper shots at you.
No other dps needs to take over 1s tracking an enemy even with the supposed good tier damage just to secure a kill.
No other dps needs to get uncomfortably close combat range with just 200 health.

Sym 3.0’s beam is the worst primary weapon in the game bar none for securing kills. It is the second worst primary weapon for doing damage per second behind only Mei’s and even her own weapon CC’s enemies for an easy right click 1-hit ko. Sym 3.0’s beam has a slower time to kill at tier 3 than Mercy’s pistol or Widow’s non-snipe left click or Sombra’s left click.

Even worse, Sym 3.0’s beam is a nerfed version of Zarya’s beam while she herself is nowhere near as durable and her ramp up mechanic is nowhere near as useful.

Any way you look at it the 3.0 beam is a disgrace. As a whole kit I personally preferred the 2.0 kit over the 3.0 kit but I am perfectly willing to concede others would feel the opposite.

But what is absolutely impossible to argue is that the beam part of the kit was changed in ways that absolutely nerfed it even ignoring the issue of “learn to aim”.


Good meme

The beam is terrible, worst weapon in the game bar none indeed. Her ultimate is also absolutely useless and incredibly situational. I would take the old TP and her shield generator any day over it.

Just terrible all around, I wish I could refund my gold weapon because I literally have not played Symmetra since the rework hit live other than arcade to fool around.

She takes a DPS slot and is the worst DPS in the game (actually worst hero in the game). Not to mention, she is a 100% at the mercy of her teammates and requires teamwork like no other hero in the game to even perform basically.


I 100% agree with this. Symmetra as a character now has been rendered useless with this new rework and can’t do the smallest of tasks without the entire 5 other teammates to baby sit her to ensure she doesnt die.