šŸ˜” Why Sanjay (Symmetra 3.0) is Not Symmetra and Why You Should be Angry

A 63% winrate would mean she is absolutely OP, though, so I donā€™t know why you people are hanging onto this percentage. If we take the winrate at face value, it means that she is, by large, absolutely OP and needs to be balanced. A balanced hero would have roughly 50% winrateā€¦

Emphasis on eventually.

There is a reason for the historic high Symmetra win rate, and that reason is also why many of her advocates doubt the current figures.

Ohā€¦ itā€™s one of the player Icon. I chose it a while ago.
Now it never changeā€¦ Itā€™s a bit strangeā€¦
Itā€™s Diablo inspired btw! :wink: Itā€™s in Overwatch ā€œthe dark wandererā€

Seems, in hindsight, that you were completely wrong here wouldnā€™t you say?


Iā€™ve been saying since forever that Symmetra is actually closer to being OP than underpowered, which is the major reason why Iā€™m baffled when people consider her a troll pick simply because she isnā€™t picked in pro matches.

I mean, when you add to the winrates the fact that every time you pick Symmetra, there is a random chance that someone in your team will tilt and/or throw before the match even starts, makes the number even more impressive, and makes you wonder how high it would be if the community were more accepting of her presence.

Thatā€™s also why I think Sym3 is still a strong hero, but also consider the rework a nerf.

And definitely, why I think the best approach to deal with Sym biggest problem (ie, community issues), is to first making official videos showcasing the strengths and weaknesses of each hero, including the situations you should use the hero and swap off the hero. Kinda like HotS Hero Spotlight, and second actually punishing false reports like they say they should be doing.


I think an easy way to fix the Symmetra perception is to give her a buff thay makes her silly-overpowered for a little while, like 250 hp as some suggest. Then, in a month when sheā€™s meta, revert/scale it back.

It worked for Hanzo.

Also, just make everyone bind their interact key.


I like new Symm. The flow of Symm 2.0 and Symm 3.0 is very similar. My winrates never went down and now sheā€™s not seen as a throw on attack so rework was a success

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Yep, Iā€™ve said the same thing. I call it ā€œThe Hanzo Treatmentā€.

I guess it could be called ā€œThe Brigitte Treatmentā€ as wellā€¦


No, I mean.

It was a cartoon head with sonic spikes or something? Itā€™s really weird, but gone now.

Woa, strange indeedā€¦

but symmetra is still symmetra

ok sorry for ruining it lol

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Symmetra as we can see after a couple months after her rework isā€¦ drum roll pleaseā€¦ much much much worse. This hero that many of the old symmetra mains used to love and adore has been reworked into this unfun and even more ā€œtroll pickā€ than what she used to be. You get harassed even more now because of how bad of a hero she has become. The old loveable parts about her kit have been cast aside to cater to the ā€œeSPorT REadYā€ pro gamers, who constantly whined about how ā€œbadā€ she was.


Exactly, it sucksā€¦

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She is NOT worse than before, are you kidding me? No.

Iā€™d like more changes to make her better but her current state is better than before.

Her pick rate speaks otherwise: Sym v3 might be good in a well trained team occasionally, but solo she just now plainly sucks and most play solo.

And solo or not, her weapon is now just garbage.


Well her gameplay speaks otherwise.

I donā€™t need pick rate stats to know her energy balls shoot fast enough to get a kill. Or that her sentries are more convenient to place and deal more damage. Or that her ultimate isnā€™t destroyed instantly by a tracer.

Her teleporter needs work. Iā€™d suggest either removing the timer or making it teleport from spawn again.

I donā€™t need gameplay to see that your orbs are slow enough for people to easily dodge, or that her sentries have been easily adapted to and get destroyed as easily as before, and to see how her wall does nothing in a team fight besides look pretty. Face it dude, symmetra 3.0 is a complete and utter trash pick that has lost all capabilities of being viable.


Adequate response. The kitā€™s a very good start. But a good start isnā€™t a finished product, thatā€™s for sure!

Sheā€™s not at her best potential but sheā€™s better than 2.0

I personally found 2.0 more fun but often times 2.0 was rendered useless.

In a perfect world, weā€™d get her old kit back and keep her gun changes but oh well.

And her pick rate fell because her gameplay changed and the people who came to play her old playstyle left her.

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