Why remove 6v6 2-2-2? Minimum 1 is Garbage!

6v6 Role Q was fun but NO, devs wants to force you to play garbage 5v5. :angry:

I don’t understand why dev have to ruin everything!! most players are hot garbage and always pick 3 tanks.

With Role Q we did not had that problem and it was way better.


It’s a test, hopefully they see that 2-2-2 is superior not just against min 1, but 5v5 as well.

Not only did I enjoy 6v6 by myself, my friends also came back and we had a blast. I wish they made it permanent. When the game was forced into 5v5, almost everyone on my friend list stopped playing after S1.


They announced in October of last year what they were doing. Dec. 17th-Jan 6th was the first round of the 6v6 playtesting with 2-2-2. Jan 21st-feb 10th is the second round of 6v6 playtesting with the min 1-max 3, (which is what’s happening as we speak). Depending what traffic numbers look like during these playtest periods, they may consider bringing 6v6 back permanently.

I swear none of you actually pay attention to dev posts and updates then act outraged and confused when they start doing what they said they were going to do.


I don’t know why they are running tests - is this a beta? why has the state of overwatch become “well we ruined the game, keep buying our skins while we VERY SLOWLY figure out how to fix the game we wrecked by reverting it to how it was before we ruined it (now with cash shop)”?


From the beginning they stated the main goal of the tests was to find something “less restrictive” than role queue, and that 222 was just one option they would be testing along the way. It was only intended to be temporary thing and stated in blog that it would only be considered for permanent release if there was enough interest during test. They havent released any numbers from test yet, but between it being a very slow season after the hazard excitement wore off and people leaving for other games i doubt there was enoug players for them to bring it soon.

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Well, this is the point of this test, isn’t it?

If most of the player base truly support the 2-2-2 formula, then the current minimum 1 should still be mostly in 2-2-2 formula, which is not different from the last 6v6 test. If the actual preferred formula minimum 1 is not 2-2-2 but instead something like 1-3-2, then it just means the 2-2-2 is just not sustainable for queue time, while the 6v6 2-2-2 are just vocal minorities.

Let’s just see how it will go then.

OQ modes are garbage in general.


I disagree. Haven’t had this much fun in a while, not since 5v5 limit 2. 6v6 min 1 still lets players change roles for more game play impact when the rest of the team is struggling. I saw this first hand a few nights ago, then swapped roles with another team mate (went from tank to support), and all of a sudden the enemy team was unable to compensate, and we inch out to a close victory.

Another benefit of open queue format is that no role imposes any wait time bottle neck. My 6v6 min 1 queue times have been anywhere from 10 seconds up to 3 minutes, which is insane compared to 5v5 wait times.


our education system at its finest…people dont even know what a test is anymore

I think OP didnt know it was a test or trial and thought it was just a game mode.

I vastly prefer role-less queue

to me, 222/122 is THE worst change ever made to the gam, hands down

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2-2-2 didn’t save the game like they thought it would, so they’re backtracking. Truth is that Open Queue, with it’s low queue time and flexible team comps was much better for casual players.

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Why remove it?

Thought that was fairly well explained.


Now they know this mode isn’t as popular as straight 222 (if less people are playing it).

Of course doing it as a test wasn’t going to. People who want 6v6 don’t want to play a half baked test mode.

And people who prefer 5v5 probably didn’t give it much time of day at all.

It was a test to see if it was doable. Which, it certainly seems like it was. Now it is a case of how they make the co-exist.

Unless the big changes to ranked in Season 15 is simple a ranked 6v6 mode…

Agreed. The whole point of 2-2-2 and 2-2-1 role queue was to prevent GOATS and make sure the teams had a generally balanced set up for competition. Unfortunately locked roles also created unnecessary wait time bottle necks (not enough tank players), and the problem got so bad that the 2nd tank role spot was dropped as OW1 became OW2.

While 6v6 min 1 does not completely resolve the tank popularity issue, it still allows more team comp variety and lets players expand beyond 2-2-2 anti-GOATS.

On the contrary, my wait times are a lot faster in 6v6 min 1 than 2-2-2 locked queues. Plenty of players are diving in and testing it.

It’s only superior currently because the balance for 6v6 patch is complete garbage. These tests are terrible. These devs are so stupid they don’t even realize they’re sabatoging their own test because they dont even attempt to balance the mode.

Queue times aren’t really that indicative of player numbers.

222 will always have longer queue times, because there isn’t enough tank players.

min1 is a proxy open queue. So queues will always be faster as it isn’t specifically looking for tank players.

This shows that you didn’t read what they said when they announced these tests. They were to test if it worked. Not to test balance. They were just token changes to try prevent some ridiculous balance things.

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Even so, most of my teams have had a reliable supply of tank players. I’m a DPS main, but I have zero issues selecting tank if that role is required by my team. The only time I see problems is when 3 DPS players with zero aim try to out duel a cracked Widow while I’m the only tank.

This also exposes another weakness of fixed role queues – the never ending demand for dedicated tanks, which always leads to unnecessarily long queue wait times since it is the least popular role.

Ever since OW released in beta back in 2015, the proportion of tank players/mains was far lower than the other 2 roles.

Having any form of role lock, whilst good for a balanced structure to matches and avoiding some of the role heavy comps like goats, is a drag on queue times. If there was a close to even split then queues would be fine.

It is why MR is very reluctant to go down the role queue route. But they are starting to see the problems open queue causes when triple support is so powerful over there atm. Plus they also have a lopsided player base of tank player to other roles. So they will have the same issues as OW when RQ does eventually get tried.

Do you sacrifice queue times for structure. Personally I say yes. I did hope min 1 max 3 would be the happy middle ground solution. I’ve not tried it myself, but it does seem unpopular on the forums at least.

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