Why remove 6v6 2-2-2? Minimum 1 is Garbage!

Because it’s a test to gather data.


6v6 min 1 has given me very fast queue times with good quality matches the vast majority of the time. I experience fewer one-sided stomps here because the open role format lets you bust out that critical counter swap when other team members just do not have the mechanical aim nor awareness to play these characters. I tend to play closer to the middle ranks, so that might be skewing my perspective as well.

I am glad you are enjoy it.

What you said about the stomps is interesting. Kind of shows it is the players causing them, not the game. But that is another discussion for another day.

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This thread is a prime example of why these tests were conducted: theres no concensus on which is the “better” mode.

Personally, Im kinda split on it as well. 1-Min, 3-Max is great for openness of choosing/switching between but I really enjoy the consistency of 2-2-2. I think for me the consistency of 2-2-2 has a slight upper-hand.


There never will be.

As with everything they do, or any dev in any other game will… you can’t please everyone. So don’t try to.

Do what works best for the development and what’s best for business (makes most money). Anyone who doesn’t like it, tough luck, go play something else.

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I definitely do not envy the Devs in having to make a choice between the two…

Perhaps they will alternative between the 2 6v6 modes in the future instead of just running one version? Tough to say…

among the player population? Probably not

among the decision makers for Blizzard? There almost certainly will be consensus, as there is a substantial financial incentive to arrive at consensus.

And ultimately, the consensus among the decision makers is really the only one that truly matters, given that their consensus is the one that will result in changes (if any) to the product.

not at all

generally, the management team is trying to please as many folks as possible, and no, they dont give up when trying to do so

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yeah, if you have functioning eyes, your comment sums it up pretty well

How do they work this out when Rivals is sucking half the player base away and many aren’t coming back to try 6v6? Great timing.

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It is a bit rubbish for everyone who isn’t a tank in 6v6 min 1/role.

I don’t think they should keep this one. It goes downhill so fast when you have one team stacking 3 tanks into even a 2-2-2 balanced roles team. It has a kind of ‘tank in FFA deathmatch’ feel to it, where you have tanks just ruining everyone’s collective day.

Is your team struggling? Add another tank. Eventually you kind of reach ‘maximum saturation’ where you physically cannot chew through that much collective health.

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Role Queue will always be garbage, whether it’s “Min 1 Max 3” or not.

It should be Open Queue all along as it was during the best era of Overwatch : 2016-2019.

Fight me…


Pretty much!

The Devs will have to choose between the 6v6 RQ crowd and the 6v6 open 1-Min/3-Max crowd, depending on the data they collecting, assuming of course they choose one mode instead of running both modes sequentially or even simutanously.

From what Ive seen on the boards, 2-2-2 RQ seems like the clear winner :trophy:

Given that 222 is already well established as a known and abject failure, I dont see 222 returning

After playing this. Its meh for me. Most just end up being 2-2-2 or 2 tanks, 3 DPS, and 1 support.

I’ll fight you and I must warn you I fight dirty. Open Que will always be a mess of people scrambling for there picks and someone always falling to presser to end up roiling for role they don’t want to do thus affect their performance.

How was 2-2-2 a failure? Was it the lack of Tank players in OW1? Was it the surplus of DPS players? Was it the queue times?

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It was abandoned by Blizzard, and rightfully so

It was but it came back by popular demand! So theres still hope for the OG RQ mode. Perhaps the population of OW has changed in favor of 2-2-2? Maybe MR actually helped in this regard?

When I was playing the 2-2-2 test, it sure felt like that.


what “came back” was not the 222 in OW1

there were several changes

Minor changes in my opinion, except the addition of the new heroes and new/reworked maps, which are arguably big changes.