Why reaper is stupid

Me play monke! Yay monke very fun!

Reaper on enemy team.

NoOOOoo now i have to swap to zarya!

Edit: this is mainly a joke post lol

I Just want to play monke. :frowning:


If you bubble dance well you can still win 1v1s.


ik but hes still very hard to play around especially with no one in voice and lucio zen as your supports

trials of a monke player trying to get to plat

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Playing any tank with those heals are a nightmare. You do definitely need a main healer to play Winston. (Unless youā€™re a pro, they can play Winston well wotn off supports)


But the thing is who else do i play then? the only self sufficent tank is hog and somewhat zarya and this is mid to high gold so theres always a queue skipper hog

Dont pick zarya against him, he will demolish you, tbh pick orisa if there is a reaper after the buffs, or roadhog if you save your hook for him.

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Just practice and youā€™ll get used to avoiding reapers

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Youā€™re supposed to switch hero if youā€™re countered.

Zayar is a fantastic Reaper counter what you talking about.


Iv never had a problem with zarya as reaper wut u saying my dude

Have you seen Winston vs Sombra?
Sombra turns monke into potat. At least you can jump away from the Reaper.

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The thing I find dumb about reaper is that his lifesteal can make him indestructible in some 1v1s. As Hog if you miss your hook or it is on cooldown and reaper is ā€œin the zoneā€ where you canā€™t do good damage either with your primary or secondary fire - say 5-8m away - then reaper seems to be able to lifesteal faster from shooting you than you can do damage shooting him. Itā€™s a no win unless you can get behind cover but usually you donā€™t have time as he kills you so quickly even at 5-8m. Same against some other tanks.

Well maybe youā€™re a good Reaper and Iā€™m a good Zayar player :sweat_smile: Iā€™m in diamond with Zayar but that is actually my lowest and by far least played role. But Zayar is my go to tank to counter Reaper. Hog is technically better but Iā€™m I canā€™t do 250hp insta kills like good Hog players in Masters can do.

Zayar FTW!

Hog isnā€™t technically better. He has his hook and thatā€™s it. When his hook is on CD or he misses reaper he is by far the underdog in the fight. And masters players donā€™t consistently get 1-shot combos on reaper either, and neither do GM players. What they often do is right-click, hook, shoot, melee. You need the initial right-click to chip his health down closer to 200 to be consistent at any level. I watch plenty of tank GM streamers and none of them get consistent combos on reaper unless heā€™s already at lower HP or they right-click him first.

Cyx is a good example (4600 mostly Hog). He generally backs away from reaper unless he sees he is lower HP or he can get the right-click in first. Rarely does he try to 1-shot combo him without lowering his HP first and he demonstrates in several of his streams how hard it is to do consistently even in the training room, and in-game it is 10x harder.

The thing is, with zarya up close, if her bubble is on cd, she is toast, if not than its about who gets more resources, if reaper gets 1 ana shot he wins easily

I play in masters, trust me they do. Roadhog hard counters Reaper there everytime. For them Reaper is the easiest hero to kill.

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Sigma is pretty good against Reaper. He can barrier dance, his damage can slap Reaper, you can easily get a bunch of shielding from eating two shots, you can stun him out of his ult or just eat it, etc.

I recommend Sigma against Reaper if you gotta switch

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Nooo monke will never become a carbohydrate! This cannot be!

mmmmmmmā€¦ monkeā€¦

also you can totally play winston into reaper, you just canā€™t play right into them.