Why people prefer higher "skill" heroes

Please, just stop.
If you’re not following the conversation, don’t give an input.


Except 2/3 of every meta at least used more of the other factors in skill outside of mechanics predominantly. A lot of people argue even DPS is mostly based around postioning and cool down management. This isn’t cod where you can get by with pure aim and no other skills. Ow is closer to a moba.

Give Mercy burst healing and see what happens.

If ana was as good as Mercy I would have a choice again.

That’s a ridiculous thing for you to say.

I’m following the argument. I’m sorry you just choose not to listen to what peopel are actually saying.


That’s a different narrative.

That’s why I’m annoyed.

That’s not what I said. Sure, that will lower reliability, and maybe add a skill difference, but not actually improve nuance.

If you’re going to give a consistent and reliable hero carry potential, you’re going to end up with a hero that can consistently and reliably carry.

Case and point; Reinhardt.

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People trick themselves into thinking that higher skill floor (that is, more value with less talent) should translate into a lower skill ceiling (less value at max talent). That’s pretty much why. Not a lot more to it than that


If only they gave Mercy a higher skill ceiling, but we need Valkryie because its soooo skillfull. :expressionless:

That’s where they messed up in creating their version of the TF2 medic

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some people choose high skill heroes and then they complain that lower skilled heroes are op.
like they are designed to be easier smh, its their fault they pick a harder hero.

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Reinhardt is just overtuned at this point. Once upon a time he was pretty all around, but not a carry.

Initial Mercy 2.0 was another example of a consistent and reliable hero with carry potential. Same goes for Brigitte.

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Personally, there’s only one reason really, and that’s to challenge myself. When I pay heroes like Tracer or Zarya, I’m not just playing against the enemy team, I’m playing against myself. Constantly trying to improve, everything from game sense, aim, alertness, reaction time, ult accuracy, etc. I also enjoy playing more straight forward heroes like soldier and moira too though. Diversity is one of the best things about Overwatch.


How is he overtuned? :expressionless:

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sadly aim heavy heros require more game sense to play in addition to aim,making them infintly harder then moira, moira also happens to have little to no counterplay like brig and unlike winston and rein, making these last two hard to play at high tiers


Brig was a mistake. But even there, consistently stopping Tracer and Genji with her combo is difficult. Her impact went beyond just a skill match up as her utility just making those heroes less effective by passively existing. Even still, overtuned.

Mercy was overtuned. But there’s still nuance in her kit between boost and heal, who and when to res; and that requiring coordination or being suicide. Her ult is a no-brainer, that’s an issue, and therein lies a problem.

Well duh they rushed the rework and overtuned her like hell, then y’all start pressuring them to push her to live because ReSurREeCT ULt IS GonE.

Brigitte is another issue, mostly was created due to the fact that if you nerfed any dive heroes you’d have some chaos especially since they’ve seldom been touched outside of D.Va and the current Mercy rework dumpster fire at the time.