Why people prefer higher "skill" heroes

ill just preface saying “skill” is referring to mechanical skill. there are many more types of skill, such as game sense, positioning, ult management, etc.

but without a doubt mechanical skill is the most important part of any shooter game.

now that thats out of the way let me explain.

simply people respect heroes that require aiming, and disrespect heroes that dont is because heroes that dont require aiming are constantly have a favourable advantage because they get high value for low effort.

when a brig strolls up to you. no matter the amount of jukes you do she will always have higher value.

thats why, in tf2 people hated the w+m1 pyro. without putting in any effort (pressing 2 buttons) pyro would get insane amount of value.

conversely if you take ana she is required to land her shots or she has no value at all. people respect someone gifted enough to land 90% of their shots and have a great amount of value for the team.

non aiming heroes like brig, or mercy can also be exploited to climb in ranked, because you put in so little effort and get high value for it.

That is why every pro/GM+ player hates brig. you can be a diamond brig player and beat a GM tracer player simply because you have high value with little effort.

Its like if you put in a lot of effort into a project, you spent days on it. and you get an A. but Johnny no-skill puts in literally the bare minimum into the project and gets an A. you feel cheated because the time and effort you put into you project means nothing.

Thank you for your time.


The thing is, if you lost to the Pyro W+M1ing only that would generally have been on you.

Even the Medic could take a W+M1 Pyro on and win.


Just a really quick note, I wouldn’t even say the hardest part about Ana is mechanical skill, disregarding how hard it is to hit her sleep darts; I’d say Ana’s true difficulty lies in utilizing her kit effectively and of course with a squishy support with low mobility, positioning.

Now with any character that doesn’t really need mechanical skill you’ll usually expect blizzard to balance this with other forms of skill required.
Brigitte could still be used very effectively at GM+ for example.

Not a bad post though.


Why have heroes if they aren’t allowed to do well?


I don’t think that’s what OP is trying to say.
I think what he means to say is that when easy heroes have higher or equal potential, they invalidate harder ones. And in turn, trivialize the ranks.


People in TF2 respected Soldiers and Demos who could land airshots but try doing that in OW and people just cry “no skill.”

This community is just whiny, that’s all.


But thats the crux of the issue, if high skill heroes are equal, than all heroes are playable if you don’t suck. But if they are by default better, now ‘low’ skill heroes might as well just uninstall or go back to bronze.


Its skill elitist not people who do that.

I hated pyro only because i was spy main
And people hated spy for just stabing them in the back.

This are 2 heroes i play worse than i play as mc, and im reinhardt main…


That’s not true.

The maximum potential of an easy character is much easier to acces.
So if we balance the low skill heroes to have equal maximum potential, you’re handicapping yourself by playing a harder hero. Up until you’re at a level where you can play the harder hero to their fullest potential, as that’s where low and high skill heroes are meant to be equal.

This would lead to people ending up in ranks they don’t deserve.
Over the backs of people playing a character that is inherently handicapping them due to their lack of mastery.

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It wouldn’t be a crux as you would choose which hero is better in which scenario. Imagine being able to choose which hero you want to play, not being forced to play the OP one’s. I hate it.

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Mechanics that you put some effort into feel more rewarding to execute.

I definitely appreciate different heroes require different skills, and that’s fine. Executing a quick combo perfectly is a skill, as is landing headshots and other skill-shots.

What I don’t like, and a lot of other players seem opposed to are abilities that feel cheap, not just to die to, but to execute. That’s why FtH is unpopular, it’s why Reaper buffs weren’t popular.

They have no longevity in terms of gameplay. It’s like playing with cheat codes.

It’s i think kind of what I think Mercy players are missing when they say she’s unfun and lacks impact.



I just told you. The only scenario you would want to play them is when you mastered them. A hero with a flat learning curve would be better at 99.99% of all situations. Mastery would be a basic requirement to justify playing a harder hero.
The maximum potential of easier characters is really easy to scratch. While also having a very low entry level, what do you imagine will happen when we give them equal potential to hard characters?


The game would be fun again at the higher levels? At my rank I either do well as Ana or go home, its lame.


Just a note, every hero has both a skill floor and skill ceiling. Heroes with a high skill ceiling typically have a higher yield for better mechanics.

If by fun you mean riddled with clueless players abusing the mechanics of easy heroes to climb to said high ranks they don’t belong in, then yes. It will be fun alright. :roll_eyes:


No they can’t.

I did two personal experiments over two seasons. I made three accounts. One where I 1-tricked Brig, another where I 1-tricked Hammond, and another where I 1-tricked Ashe.

On all three accounts, I averaged about 60-70% win rates on all three characters. The Hammond account ended last season high silver, the Brigtte account low Gold, and the Ashe account high Gold–almost Plat.

People overstate the ability to climb with characters just because you win a lot with them. The MMR doesn’t work that way–it’s good at telling if you really “belong” in a rank, and making sure you can’t climb too far if you don’t.


Low skill heroes are mechanically limited so they can’t preform well beyond the scope of their own limitations. Dealing with them is easy as they have no way to out play you.


This, I know I’d climb pretty quick back to mid Gold if I went back to Tanking/Support, but this is where my DPS belongs. That’s why I’m still here trying to work on it.

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That’s exactly what makes them balanced. And you’re arguing to put their maximum potential on equal terms with harder heroes. Which would completely break the game.


Would make the game what it should be, a moba fps, not a fps and we threw in some moba elements to trick people into thinking they matter.

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