Why Overwatch is so toxic

So, as most people know, Overwatch is one of the most toxic games ever created at least in the past decade, but not for the reasons people may think. So, let’s talk about why.

Now, whenever people talk about Overwatch being toxic, they all say the same thing: the community is bad and ruins the game. Everyone in the entire playerbase seems to think that this is the case. But that’s not the real story of it. Of course, it’s not entirely wrong, but you’re mixing the cause and effect. Overwatch isn’t toxic because of the community. The community is toxic because of Overwatch.
At its very core, Overwatch is unintentionally built from the ground up to make every one of its players as angry as possible at every single moment during the game. And when the entire game is built to make you angry, then you tend to be an angrier player as a result. And that’s why the community is as toxic as it is.
That being said, let’s go over the biggest problems with the game’s heroes that make you angry every time you play it. Naturally, this isn’t a full list of every problem, but it’s complete enough to warrant an outlook on the problems with Overwatch’s characters.
So here are biggest problems with the heroes themselves.

  • Heroes that can oneshot you the moment you turn around a corner or otherwise burst you down in less than a second.
  • Heroes that can stun, hack, or otherwise make you unable to move or make use of your abilities.
  • Heroes that are hyper-mobile and unnecessarily difficult to track your shots on.
  • Heroes that can can become invincible for a long time or otherwise have an easy means to escape any danger.
  • “Troll pick” heroes which have such terrible designs that you can unironically get banned for playing them in ranked.

    Now, if we go sift through the entire roster and sort out every character that has at least one of these problems, then we can say that roughly 90% of the roster is problematic in at least one way (28 out of 31 heroes).
    That’s right. 90% of the roster is poorly designed.
    Furthermore, of those 28 characters, roughly 71% of them have more than one of those problems at the same time (20 out of 28 heroes).

Apart from the heroes, there are many problems within the core gameplay of Overwatch itself. The biggest problem being its time to kill (or TTK for short).
In any ability based game, the time to kill has to be low, but not so low that you die every time you get breathed on by the enemy. This balance of TTK is very important to any character-based game.
Make no mistake; a flawed TTK can single-handedly kill a game’s entire playerbase. Gigantic was killed and shut down due to an extremely high TTK, and Heroes of the Storm is hanging by a thread because of how poorly they handle tanks and their CC abilities.

So why does Overwatch have such a low TTK? The answer is that Blizzard believes Overwatch is a competitive first person shooter game. It isn’t. It’s an ability-based team game that just happens to also be an FPS and the game has suffered for so long either because Blizzard refuses to admit it, or just can’t be bothered to fix it due to a lack of caring.
The TTK of Overwatch almost solely makes the game as toxic as it is. One problem with Overwatch that I didn’t mention was how powerful ultimates are, to the point that every game depends on who can press Q at the right time. They are powerful because most of them have no wind-up time. When you play Pharah, the moment you press Q, the first enemy in front of you receives at least 5 rockets to the face, killing them instantly without having any chance to prepare for it, because you can’t prepare for something that has no wind-up time. But there’s a reason why ultimates have no wind-up time; the TTK.
If the ultimates in Overwatch actually had any wind-up time, then whoever is using it would be killed instantly by the first enemy that sees them because the TTK has no room for standing still to wind-up an ability. In Overwatch, if you aren’t moving for even a second, then you’re dead. That’s why Bastion is and always will be a troll pick. It’s also why McCree’s ultimate has always been either completely useless or completely broken.

So, now that you know why this game is toxic, I hope people will understand the underlying problems by thinking that the community is solely responsible for it. Yes, the community is super toxic but the game itself is at last partially blame for making them that way. And yes, I understand that some people are just jerks for no reason, but most people are not. And it doesn’t help that every time someone tries to have fun on these forums, they get their thread deleted and their account banned by Blizzard for making a “troll post”.
Sadly, I speak from personal experience when I say that. I have had my account banned several times just for trying to have fun on these forums.
Rest in peace, various humorous threads that have since been deleted. :frowning_face:


no its not toxic, maybe if youre in US, than i understand, in EU people are decent


Toxic , what a strange word with no real meaning.
I find 99% of the people I have met in game have been great and are having a blast playing a game they enjoy.


It’s Toxic sometimes, but THE most toxic? Not even close.


People seem to be missing the point here. I’m talking about how the game itself is toxic. Not the community. The community’s toxicity is a result of how the game is built, and the purpose of the thread is to explain how.


1st line… nope. I’ve personally experienced worse in MANY other games without your proposed “toxic making” characters or mechanics. You are welcome to your opinion, do not try to pass it off as solid fact.

The game is competitive and team reliant, making people more likely to be frustrated when they cannot carry a game on their skill alone, that I’ll concede. But it is neither an excuse nor a “problem” of the developers. It’s all down to people.


Okay… But not really though. The community is toxic because instead of addressing the problem and fixing the report system, the developers were like, “let’s just wing it.”

The game will not magically cease to be toxic if the game was more fun.


There’s a reason why the toxicity is higher than in LoL. 2016 was a good year because it was new. 2017 is when they spent the whole year on Mercy repetitively and not work on other heroes in the process. The balance started to show and also how much they tweak on a daily basis. 2018 was extremely haywire with bad balances, false reports, losing the original design of the game and hero role a.k.a Symmetra. 2019 was when you can tell they literally didn’t care anymore and put all focus into OW2 hence BlizzCon 2019.

You can say these past three years felt dried as the game hardly progress on a positive note, but kept regressing to be known as OverNerf. Most of the playerbase has left once they realized the formula. I can say the game would still be toxic if it was fun and balance, but not how it is now.

When you have broken heroes and others who are hardly represented on a 31 roster. It goes to show who is accepted in the meta light or close to it.


Rock paper scissor combat design.

If your team doesn’t play meta/op characters while the enemy team does it then someone soon or later will throw a tantrum.


we want have fun, but we get a stale metas. blizzard update the game each two months and if the others players want, they can ban you for play off meta.


This is pretty much overall facts in short. This is why there’s still drought in this game and player base.

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Real reasons behind toxicity in OW community:

Bad sportsmanship - people just don’t know how to defeat without frustration, because they haven’t a good company, or don’t know how to create it

Snowflakes - “oh my gosh, did someone just called me out as “trash heal”? Gotta make a post on forums about it! holly molly, did i just met sexist person? GOTTA MAKE MEGATHREAD 'BOUT IT!!!”

Immature people - (WARNING: a lot of mocking)
can’t accept that people can make mistakes
did you just missed your skill shot? I’m gold, and THIS is unacceptable for our level!

think that pressure and insults can force people to play better
our hanzo suck, lost two widow fights, wasted ult, and I got gold damage, GG, uninstall your game, retarded

think that their lack of communication and logic skills will bring them to victory
no you switch!
switch yourself if you want it so badly!
i won’t switch for the rest of the match, even if i’m loosing

if enemies are playing good, they certainly won unfairly.

Did you just killed me as Baptiste, using immortality field in 1v1? No skill, no brain, no aim, metaslaves, I QUIT

Mocking enemy team, even if you won unfairly.


So before this thread goes somewhere that it shouldn’t, I would like to add something else to my thoughts here. I love to see people thinking of ways to improve the game, but if we’re going to be realistic here, the game is just going to be as bad as it is now for a very long time, if not forever.
So instead of staying here waiting for Overwatch to improve, I would direct you to some other games similar that I would recommend for you to try out. Games that allow you to play something similar to Overwatch, but without succumbing to the toxicity that comes with playing Overwatch.
Here are a few of my recommendations.

  1. Dirty Bomb:
    Remember when I said that Overwatch was an ability-based team game pretending to be a competitive shooter? Well Dirty Bomb actually is a competitive shooter that combines satisfying gunplay with special characters that each have their own abilities. Instead of everyone fighting around an objective that just happens to be there, the objective is actually something both teams have to interact with. For example, the payload is actually a vehicle with a mounted machine gun that you can use. And enemies can damage it until it breaks down requiring an engineer to repair it. Unfortunately, the developers are barely updating the game anymore due to it being unprofitable. The game does not have a very big playerbase, but it is still big enough that you will find games quickly without too much wait times. And before anyone else says it; yes, this game is actually more similar to Team Fortress 2 than it is to Overwatch.
    Speaking of which…

  2. Team Fortress 2:
    The classic game. You would think that a game this old would be dead by now, but it’s actually still going strong to this day with currently 70k average players. Because TF2 serves as the source of inspiration for Overwatch, many characters in the game are similar to Overwatch characters, so you will not have to stray too far from your comfort zone if you main some of the original launch cast of Overwatch. I’m not sure what else I can really say about TF2 that hasn’t already been said before. It’s fun and allows you to personally customize what your character can do.
    And speaking of personal character customization…

  3. Paladins:
    If you asked me for any game that I would recommend against Overwatch, it would be Paladins. Paladins is in many ways very similar to Overwatch; it has similar character archetypes, similar gamemodes, and similar mechanics, but it goes above Overwatch by allowing you to balance the game yourself through special customization in a similar way to TF2. But unlike TF2 which only lets you play a small amount of classes with many different weapons, Paladins instead features a large amount of characters and allows you to customize their abilities with loadouts and talents. These allow you to drastically change the way each character plays. This means two of the same character can be drastically different, unlike in Overwatch where two of the same character are always exactly the same. Talents often drastically change your playstyle, while cards let you tweak the attributes of your abilities.
    Another feature it has is its MOBA-like item shop. Throughout the match you are able to buy items that give unique bonuses to your characters. This shop allows you to counter any team comp with any character. This means that there is never any meta tailored to specific team comps because you can just counter them if they are too oppressive. Are they stacking healers? Get Cauterize. Are they stacking shields? Get Wrecker. Are they stunlocking you? Get Resilience. This feature gives you control over the meta unlike Overwatch where you just have to accept the meta until it gets nerfed several patches later. I’d recommend this game the most if you’re a big fan of Overwatch.

I think the reason the game is toxic is because…

  • People are forced to play the game in a way that’s pseduo competitve play. This idea that everyone SHOULD play the game the pros do is absolutely horrible for this community. Because I hate to break it to you guys but if you were simply that good, you’d already be playing in a league, team, pick up games, or something else. Competitive Matchmaking is the only competitive mode we should have, Quick Play should be basically however you want to play it. You can’t expect randos to just know how to coordinate and work together with no synergy or team building whatsoever.
  • Too many of the games heroes are designed to played as, not with. A great kit should feel somewhat overbloated, because it’s designed to give you everything you could possibly need. Hence why a lot of the new heroes are designed this way, and with any luck Overwatch 2 will rework a lot of the original heroes to feel like this. So team work is encouraged, but not absolutely mandtory, and match ups feel more fair and like something out of fighting game, where reading and predicting your enemy, outplaying and aiming better than them reaps wins, not just because they have Rock to beat your Scissors.
  • Because the game forces team work and counter picking, and has now become so restrictive, the concept of a Flex or someone maining a hero no longer exists. You are basically forced to play whatever is meta, or risk getting harassed, reported, or banned. That is not fun, at all, in fact it begins to feel like a job. Do what you have to do no matter how much you hate it. If TF2 wasn’t in such a horrid state this game would have died a long time ago imo.

Lol. This is how I can tell when a person is new to online gaming and especially new to first person shooters.
Toxicity exists in pretty much every game I have played. And I’ve been playing FPS shooters for over a decade.
And believe it or not Overwatch is pretty tame compared to other games where smack talk is the norm and people are not super sensitive about everything being said to them.


Same. Been on since launch and meet the occasional jagoff but overall decent people.

Wondering if OP ever heard of a game called cod? Where kids use racial epithets as greetings


While I agree, OW is toxic, The King of Toxic goes to League of Legends. Even their advertisements insult you.


One of my first jobs was at a LAN center and some of our most toxic customers were the LoL players. Outside the game they were generally pleasant, but once they sat on the computers I’d hear them yelling at teammates, calling people “boosted monkeys”, and the random scream going “NO!” when presumably something bad happened.

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Ow ain’t close to the most toxic.

But reason why the toxic attitude exists in this game is the horrible multiplayer experience for friends to play together.

It’s meant to be played as a six stack but if one or two friends score too differently then oops no fun multiplayer competitive with you.

Go have a more fair match with a rando teammate instead of people you know and trust.

How could that ever go wrong developers?
It can’t that’s how.


I’m thinking of reinstalling lol to make ow feel like a playground.

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