Why Overwatch is so toxic

Alternatively you could just work a guest service job :slight_smile:


The simple answer is the game is to inclusive allowing for to many types of players to join

Which falls to the characters being an issue, along with the inclusiveness people have different opinons on what mechanics should be in game. Example I think turrets are a bs mechanic that dont belong in the game such as torb, sym, and bastion. Additionally I hate moira, and brigg, and sometimes Reinhardt due to the fact that they dont need much or any aim in order to effectively do damage compared to their hitscan/projectile counterparts.

I can understand complaining about CC in Heroes (There’s some potential for some pretty nasty CC chains, although not nearly as much as DotA), but what exactly is wrong with tanks?

If Overwatch’s toxicity was a country it would be Iceland because it’s not toxic at all. Back in CSS days we would continue to trash talk our opponents almost every round and they would trash talk us back and then we’d stay in the same game but shuffle the teams only to trash talk the previous teammates who were then trash talking us. It was all just part of the game and everyone understood that it was just banter and the more heated players got over it the more hilarious it got to roll and smoke them

In Overwatch players start malding from simply being asked to switch and even come to the forums to complain about how they’re being asked to switch and how it’s toxic. Overwatch has one of the most sensitive playerbases out there. The worst example I have is this one Sombra player who started plaing throwing and emoting in the opponent’s spawn because she was asked “you’re not doing very well sombra can you switch?

My personal opinion is that whatever you want to say is fine as long as you have the merit to back it up. If you play trash, you don’t get to trash talk. If you’re the only reason your team is even getting out of the spawn and not losing every teamfight 6-0 then you get to be the shotcaller. If you tank like trash, you don’t get to call the DPS trash. If you can’t hit a Rein barrier, you don’t get to call the tanks trash. Because in the end what matters the most to anyone else in this game is how good you perform

Of course the nature of the game being a team-based rock-paper-scissors-mushrooms induces conflict and therefore toxicity, but the reason why everyone seems to be malding in this game is the PMA culture that has been taken to ridiculous degrees (most notably Taimou gave his discord away because he was scared of being sanctioned for the pepe memes in it) which divides the players into those who see toxicity in everything and get offended by nearly everything that is even said in a neutral tone, but think it’s fine to outright throw the game by refusing to switch their hero/playstyle and those who couldn’t care less about any comms, but think that there’s nothing more toxic you can do in this game than throw or even soft-throw the game. These clashes are constantly going on even in the forums

Tl:dr; OW has been ruined by radical PMA culture and players who throw games which is why everything is considered toxic by someone


Overwatch is so toxic because it doesn’t know what it wants to be. In every possible aspect it wants to do everything at once, leading to a myriad of conflicts both in the playerbase and the game itself.

  • The game is full of conflicting design decisions. Just look at the simplest one: the game was originally designed as ‘swap to counter on the fly’, but even at it’s core this is already disincentivized by how how ults work and how powerful they are.
  • The game tries to be RPG, Moba, FPS and some other things at once. Especially Moba and FPS are very different genres. Wanting to attract both demographics is bound to result in problems. Add some other demographics to the mix and it’s a complete mess. Basically every discussion regarding healing, shielding, cc, one-shots, etc… stems from this issue.
  • The game wants to be super casual and super competitive at the same time. This doesn’t work, you need to choose to focus on one or the other, else nobody is happy.
  • The game has been consistently reducing individual impact to the point that basically everything has to be a team effort. In environments like quick play and arcade, this really doesn’t work well. Hell, this game is supposed to be played in short bursts, hence why the default match time is only 5 min. This isn’t a freaking WoW raid that you keep you whole evening free for.

Well, Paladins demonstrated that you can make an FPS/MoBA hybrid work, but I think it’s easier to balance and make it work when you lean more towards the MoBA aspect. Paladins has a similar TTK to a MoBA, where it usually requires multiple hits to kill even the most squishy characters, and one-shots are almost nonexistent.


I love how Moira and Reaper got their own section x

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Yeah, that’s the difference. Paladins is clearly more Moba than FPS and it has been from the start. If I recall correctly it was even a full-blown Moba back in its closed alpha/beta, or at least even closer to it.

Now Overwatch initially started off as more FPS than Moba (the size of the health pools and the relatively limited sources of healing at the start are maybe the most convincing arguments for this), but then hovered more towards Moba thorugh balance changes and certain hero additions, then again a bit back to FPS, back again to Moba… and so on. It’s just one big mess of going back and forth.

And yeah, I also think that Moba’s are easier to balance because the higher numbers allow for much more finetuning. If you’d want to do the same in OW, you’d have to start using numbers behind the comma.

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Pretty much. In particular, I feel like the prevalence of one-shots and high burst damage really disrupts the typical MoBA formula, especially when you put a lot of emphasis on healers, because one-shots and burst damage essentially make healing obsolete.

Having a healer like Moira or Ana with 60+ HPS often doesn’t feel like enough when people die in 1-2 hits. So characters with only moderate DPS like Soldier: 76 get left in the dust, because all of the healers have insanely high HPS to compensate for the fact that a typical squishy character can easily be killed in less than a second.

It reminds me somewhat of WoW; during some periods of the game’s life cycle, burst damage was insanely high. So to compensate, healers were given super high HPS so they wouldn’t be useless against burst damage. Meanwhile, anyone who couldn’t burst down a squishy character in 6 seconds flat was usually rendered useless by healers, because their healing numbers were tuned to counter absolutely insane amounts of incoming damage in an instant.

[laughs in League of Legends]


its toxic people.
Generally they are people that don’t know how to lose gracefully.
Blame everything but themselves.
Never had to overcome a challenge in life.
Choose pointing others flaws out and disregard their own.
Never “failed” at anything in life (participation ribbons)
I could go on
Having said these things I don’t blame the individuals because that’s how society has been raising people these days.

OW is extra toxic because of how heavily it relies on teamwork and due to the above reasons it’s easy for these people to just finger point every time something doesn’t go their way.


I don’t say this with malice but I also dislike these it’s blizzards fault, it’s balance fault, it’s … you know finger pointing again.

To get rid of this toxicity is to want toxic people to all simultaneously figure these things out on their own and that’s just unrealistic. The best we can do is lookout for ourselves and be the change we wish to see in game.
When someone else is having a moment of toxicity show nothing but love and support to them because throwing toxicity back at them when you don’t like it actually makes you part of the problem. If they still react poorly just mute and keep doing your thing.
Otherwise to hate on toxicity then be toxic is just hypocritical and is only normalizing it.


95% of the time its not toxic, find nontoxic friends or join a group, play with your friends etc. There is always going to be some toxicity no matter what you play online, it’s a bit unrealistic to think 100% of people in this world are nice

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Yeah, but the problem is that one-shots and high burst are also inherent to this game, so much even that the identity of several heroes is tied to them (not even only DPS, Roadhog’s whole theme is also to pick squishies off). Hell, pretty much the majority of the roster has ways to burst a squishy down, some can just do it a lot easier and more often than others.

And worst of all is, one-shots don’t even have to be incompatible with healing. Just look at TF2. It has both and it works just fine. So actually I don’t even know where exactly it went wrong with this game.

And yeah, WoW has really been a trainwreck in terms of balance at many points during its lifespan. During Legion there were Rogues that could do over 3 times the health of a similarly geared squishy as damage in one hit. And that for a game that isn’t even supposed to have one-shots… Or even worse, back in MoP, well-geared resto shamans could keep dungeon groups alive whilst doing over double the damage that DPS did at the same time. Like, what?

Laughs in League of Legends with your hyperbole.

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I feel like you must not have played many games other than Ow/Paladins to think Ow is the “most toxic ever”.

My frustration in this game is never because of me dying, being stunned, not being able to play “troll picks”, hyper mobile heroes that are hard to hit, etc.

What’s toxic is that people don’t play a team-objective based game as such and try to deathmatch, 1v6 and then whine about how X hero needs a nerf because they refuse to stop taking 1v1s they shouldn’t take, aren’t meant to take, or just straight up run into whole teams without any thought of their own teams position/situation.

I mean, I get tilted when I’m playing Ana/Zen/whatever and enemy cree just walked through my whole team to stun and fan me. But that’s not the heros fault that is a team-play issue.

TLDR: Game sucks because you have to rely on 5 strangers to enable you


No one with a brain denies this. But this is how it is with every game that pits players against each other in a competitive situation. It is not the community, it is the common mentality of humans as a race in general. Animals are competitive in general, it come naturally. Humans are no different, as we are also animals ourselves.

Some are nicer then others yes, but Overwatch and Overwatch community, neither is to blame. It is like this in every competitive PvP game, there is no PvP game that I have ever played that lacked “toxicity” the key is to not let yourself get toxic. On top of that, though Overwatch is Rated T, a lot of immature kids play it and I mean A LOT. Kids being kids they can’t distinguish wrong from right without guidance from a grown up, thus when a child who games plays games that are not only Toxic, But rated T for a reason things get pretty problematic.

I am not saying there are not immature adults and teens, because there are plenty of those out there, however adults and teens typically have a better morality map provided they don’t have some other issues. The reason for why Overwatch is toxic, is as simple as 1. It is a PvP game and 2. Most humans are followers, not leaders so naturally the majority will do what everyone is doing even if the behavior is deemed unacceptable in a social situation.

Though I have to say, Overwatch is not the worst I have seen, there are ones that are way worst out there. Overwatch is generally innocent and it is easy to ignore the people on here who show “toxic” behavior.


Well, saying that TF2 “made it work” is debatable. The Medic is by far the most overpowered class in the game; he’s the only character that can heal people consistently and the only character with an ultimate, in a game where ultimates otherwise don’t exist. The TF2 devs designed him specifically to be overpowered, to try and get people to play him.

But despite his strength, he’s also the least popular class; to this day, nobody wants to play Medic, in Quick Play or Competitive. And it’s not hard to see why; for the most part, your job is just to patch people up after they duck into cover, because incoming damage is too high for you to just outheal it. Ubercharge is one of the only ways you can keep people alive for more than 2 seconds on the front line.

Even when you put a huge amount of effort into keeping your teammates alive during a fight, they’ll often drop dead from a sniper, a backstab, a random crit or just too much burst damage. Meanwhile, because your class is OP, you’ve got a bullseye on your head the size of a football stadium. And despite your class’ overall power level, you’re no match for any of the other classes in a 1v1, outside of random crits.

So yeah. I’m not sure TF2 is the best example of a well-designed healer, because nobody wants to play Medic. There are a lot more Support mains in Overwatch and MoBAs than there are Medic mains in TF2.

In their defense, Rogues could only do that in World PvP, which was designed in Legion to throw balance out the window. All of your PvE-oriented item effects and bonuses (Which were normally disabled in Battlegrounds and Arenas) were fully functional in World PvP. Most classes could make short work of most other classes in World PvP.

But in the end, they did patch out the Rogues’ one-shot, so interpret that how you will.

Wow, thats first time i see that, and im from EU, people here are far from being decent in my games.


You’re wrong. The reason overwatch is toxic is because it literally has the worst ranked system of any competitive game on the market.

  • every other hero based comp game has hero bans. This is because hero based games are always going to have op heroes and those op heroes change from rank to rank. This gives the community a say in balance. Overwatch does not have this.

  • overwatch allows boosting with the 1000sr group limit, and the SR gaps have become even larger with the addition of role queue. Overwatch is the only competitive game that mixes ranks together in the same comp game. This causes a lot of frustration because…

  • overwatch is the most team oriented comp game on the market and does nothing to encourage team work. People who focus on team work to climb, will suddenly find themselves as a diamond tank with a gold tank as their team mate. Now they are basically solo tanking cause that gold player doesn’t have a clue how to synergize with another tank. You can also find someone on your team with diamond rank that has the game sense of a silver player, because they got boosted by a friend and the SR group limit allows it. You also have a medal system that gives no useful statistics and it’s only purpose is to inflate egos and create conflict between team mates.

  • and lastly, overwatch is a very difficult competitive game that pretends to be a casual game in order to attract more people. The large majority of the community doesn’t even understand how to play the game properly and blizzard does nothing to educate the community.


Why overwatch so toxic?
Cause it’s filled with hanzo and genji mains

Btw paladins is filled with low skill high reward character that’ll put moira to torb turret in shame

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