Why Overwatch "Fair" Matchmaking is Anti-Fun

I never said that my words are 100% truth, however. It’s simply not in dev’s interests to reveal information about matchmaking. As it can lead to new exploits they would have to fix.

They could say literally anything, knowing that players have no way to check it.

I was being sarcastic in my previous post.

In your example here, I see solo carry as a multitude of other things. Let’s say your team is as useless as they are in your example, you can still utilize them.

As you have an ULT, instead of rolling the dice that the enemy team doesn’t defend against you, you tell your team to push in and you ULT from behind creating a sandwich situation. That’s not a solo carry, that’s still teamwork.

There are too many games where a Mercy goes out of their way or an Ana never misses a shot and allows a DPS to get that 6 man and yet it’s always, I solo carried get good team.

Or better yet, the enemy is screaming at your DPS about how they are a noob and needs a pocket to win.

The mechanical skill doesn’t change at all from the average of mid-gold and up. It’s how well people work together that changes. If you literally keep thinking the same way S23 does regarding never joining VC and muting/squelching chat and yet complaining that matches are 50-50 when you put yourself in a “bot teammates” situation then there’s a separate problem.
edit If you do get problematic teammates feel free to mute but just not joining right off the bat, which can theoretically be a handicap to yourself, and then claiming that the MM put you in a 50% chance to win game is ridiculous. Imagine if the MM actually put you in 50% chance to win game when you don’t use communication but then you decided to use communication. You’r have a massive advantage unless you have 0 communication skills.

Once you get past the average SR level gap, your 1v1 capability starts to hold less value until you begin to focus on other parts of the game.

Is it teamwork, if you use teammates against their will? You can use your teammate as meatshield, but they never desired to shield you - it’s you putting yourself in position, where enemy can’t shoot you without shooting teammate.

Whether or not they have an interest in revealing information is a separate issue from whether or not they’re actively lying to people with the information they do provide.

To claim matchmaking uses win% in any direct capacity is to call Kaplan, himself, a brazen liar, as he has said the following on record:

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against. We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain number (although the fact that so many people are at 50% win rates makes us extremely happy). All the system does when it comes to matching on skill is attempt to match you with people of a similar number.

And realistically, I’m okay with it if you want to take that stance and just say that Blues are lying, because they just want to keep people hooked and spending money. It’s just that we can’t have a conversation at that point.

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How is that against their will?
You’re in position for a great Visor, Barrage or Deadeye and all you’re asking your team to do is push W so you can pop out and Q.

If that’s something against your teammates will, you’ve probably told them hold W numbnuts instead of just stating something like I’ll Deadeye when you guys engage.

You didn’t ask them anything, you just left them with no other choices. You left them as bait for enemy team, so you can get your great VIsor/Deadeye done. They never wanted to act as distraction, you simply used them that way.

And if they decide to run away, enemy would stop you and you would be very unhappy with your teammates, for not distracting other team.

How do you play this game? 2/2/2 with 2 teams walking into each other?

No one’s allowed to flank, supports only pocket tanks, tanks get damage medals because they’re pocketed and everyone blames DPS for not doing work?

Your responses show no concept of teamplay at all.

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Even better: with pocket DPS. I don’t really care, what rest of the team does, as long as they take enemy’s attention for my pocket to get things done.

Tanks usually don’t get gold damage, since their attempts to charge in alone end in quick and brutal demise. One I can’t prevent, even at times it would be useful to my goals.

My ideal team is team where each individual player survives. Longer they survive, higher chances they will do useful things. Even if their ability to hit targets leaves much to be desired, eventually they will hit. If they didn’t hit anything before dying, it’s my lack of support power to blame for.

It’s not 2/2/2, however, since no one coordinates hero picks.

So you don’t even know if your pocket (I’m assuming you’re playing Mercy) is even getting any work done outside of possibly landing a few kills.

So A) You’re on tunnel vision.
You only care about what’s right in front of you and/or what’s dead. Playing Mercy myself here and there, I only go for pocket if it’s opportune or they specifically ask for it (Genji blade). Otherwise, I’m trying to juggle back and forth between targets with GA. If you’re saying your DPS can’t hit things then that’s the same for your opponents unless you’re flying straight into them.

The tanks are going in alone, ask them to play whatever they are most comfortable with or try separate tanks, If tanks start to make stupid plays it’s usually because they feel aren’t playing the game at all. Try main tanking in a stun/boop meta, it’s try to defend against as many stuns as possible. If they’re originally DPS players, it’s much better to ask them to play DPS.

Sometimes supporting isn’t always the answer. If you can bubble your Rein instead, that might just be all that’s needed to get past that one choke.

If your pocket isn’t hitting anything and they die then it’s not your lack of support power. It’s your lack of understanding what you’re doing is as pointless as them. If your S76 pocketed dies to a Pharah, but the Pharah hides everytime they get discorded then you’ve successfully suppressed Pharah even with doing absolutely 0 damage. If something isn’t working then you should also try something else just as much as your teammates should also try something else.

Also stop editing and adding more to your post after your one line response and fully think out your response. You take 1s to respond then add more and more over the course of 10 minutes.

I have a hard time buying the argument that games are designed to be 50% win chance for both sides when I watch OWL and the top teams playing against the bottom feeders still have closer games than most of mine.

Usually my pocket is only DPS, that can hit things. And I am dependent on them for my own survival. I don’t mind healing/boosting other teammates, but it usually gives them false sense of safety, making them charge in and die.

I got only one objective: survive, and gain as much healing/damage boosted/resurrects as possible. If it wins game - great, if it doesn’t - well, not everything is in my power.

They pick tanks, because they want to survive longer with my healing. And I am not going to sacrifice my fun for them. Already tried to play Ana, got more healing than on Mercy, no victory anyway, and no fun either.

I don’t assume, that my teammates “would” do anything. If they do things - good, can be priority for me, if they don’t - well, cannon fodder is also needed. Not going to concern myself with forcing/asking teammates to do something, English isn’t my native language, neither is my microphone any good.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, honestly. OWL teams are at least guaranteed to be able to play specific comps where everyone is on a hero they’re comfortable with and are used to playing together.

The ladder is still the place where you can end up with 4 people maining the same hero or just have a couple people that refuse to communicate or do something to help all together.

Edit: I suppose that is to say that the 50/50 thing in the matchmaker is conceptual in nature. It’s not a guarantee you’ll actually get balanced matches. (It needs some work.)

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I don’t get it. What do you want? Do you want the game to rig matches in your favor? The game is only ‘rigged’ to 50% if you don’t play any better or worse than those around you.

And your comparisons to real life don’t make much sense. You ignore a lot of situations that aren’t fair in real life so your little “college + hard work = more money” metaphor works.

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We can’t have a discussion because you think the matchmaker works in a way that it doesn’t while I think the matchmaker works in another way and I want that way to change.

This post is created to be read by the creators of the matchmaker. It’s not designed for general employees of blizzard to read, or for some random person to read because they don’t understand how the MM actually works. The creators of the matchmaker know I know what I’m talking about and I’m trying to get it through to them that it must change.

it’s the marxist mentality, don’t you know ? you’re supposed to help these complete dog doodoo players do better,

( semi related to the post ;literal nonironic “thanks obama” here. The SJW mindset is pervasive in even gaming …it’s pathetic. Hey blizzard, fire all your freaky blue/green and non naturally colored haired customer service and Forum reps and start over. Activision, if youre reading this, It’d be a good long term business idea to do this too.)

Blizzard would literally have to fire 65% of their dev team since they’re mostly college kids from the Millenial generation that mostly uses emotional rationales instead of logical one. If you want to keep on pushing forward in anything competetive, i’d suggest you switch games Overwatch is going to die a horribly slow death like WoW is doing right now.

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Blizzard: Overwatch is a TEAM BASED game!
Also Blizzard: creating an SR-System that puts you in a team and expects you to carry it

Using 1-10 as a metric 10 being excellent, 1 being just logging in and afk’ing:
Why should someone of a level 10 skill be forced to play with someone of a level 4 ? Why should that guy have to carry how bad he is ? why can’t the MMR system match someone at a 10 level skill of others around a 9 or 8 at the very least ? why should the guy at level 3 skill get to group with the level 8s 9s and 10s and get carried ?

Thats something Blizzard Devs never seem to have questioned themselfes… oh wait… they dont have the time since all time to play goes to mobile games xD

It’s a team based game because even if you’re smurfing on the polar opposite ends of the ladder, you still need to work with your team. If you want to rank up, you have to be good enough to carry games and make plays that change the outcome of the match. You don’t just get rank for free. Really not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with this post.

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What can I say except: everything has already been said through you. This game is a pure farce regarding matchmaking. In my ‘Gamer’ circle of acquaintances, fellow students and work colleagues, nobody touches this game anymore, or there is a constant, very bad opinion and experience with it.

The compulsion of a 50:50 match deprives the player of all maturity and pretends a win or a defeat, because no matter how hard you try, the result is very likely already certain. The most blatant people even claim that the defeats at 99% are related to a buff that an algorithm gives the team that should win by matchmaking and still loses - so they are given a helping hand.

I’m not convinced, but the toxic nature of the players, combined with such rumors that ranged from very bad humor to failed jokes at the time of Quake or Unreal Tournament, clearly shows where the journey is headed:

the game will sink into meaninglessness; basically it’s not even something special except for the nice artwork. Everything has already been there, everything already seen and much better implemented. But since the once small software developers turned into big, publicly traded stock companies, gameplay has been subject to the juggernaut of greedy profit (making profit is ok, but greedy, I say, is reprehensible - see the lootbox discussion). All this with game mechanics that are instransparent, frustrating gameplay (despite all explanations - the UX just sucks if you lose more than you win in ranked - and only the UX counts!) and predictable PR on nonsense level.

I’m out of it, maybe too old for this sh**. The former software developers are no longer and the old times of good FPS-gameplays are also over. Well, a glimmer of hope remains: if the share of Activision Blizzard (US00507V1098) falls, then I indulge myself in the possibly lousy malicious joy that it feels just as great for these decision makers in corresponding positions as defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat in this game. It’s well deserved. It may be bad, but I care as much as the decision makers in their executive floors about real gameplay - not at all.

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