Which hero mains/players appreciate their heroes the most?

In terms of their heros actually being good, or not bad
I think historically, it might be Soldier: 76, too little people complained about him even when he was not good

Inspired by this post:

Probably Zen mains, Iā€™ve never seen one complain about him


Right, Zenā€¦ Zarya also comes to mind among tanks

We only talk about Torb every few months. Maybe thatā€™s out of fear of getting a nerf instead of a buff, but in those topics, Torbs donā€™t roast their own character.

Although Iā€™d like it if RMB cost two ammo instead of three, but itā€™s no big deal. Really. Donā€™t go to any trouble or anything.


I think pharah. For a year or two, pharah was absolutely dog water, but no one said anything. (I made a few threads that got some traction but they were all I ever saw)

76 imo doesnt really have dedicated mains outside of the odd one like galeadelade or metro. Anyone who plays 76 will also play either tracer, zarya etc or widow cree ashe

cos hes lowkey slightly overtuned just gatekept by OP tracer echo and ashe from being amongst the best dps

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I appreciate good players not necessarily certain heroesā€¦as long as people are team players and not so salty when you ask them to switch thatā€™s all that matters to me

donā€™t even care if we loseā€¦

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probably widow mains.

like widowā€™s kit has its power budget largely distributed into their scoped shots and that is largely what theyā€™re using most of the game (i.e. most of their kit and gameplay is just their scoped shots) and they still love it and would boast about.

I hate this take so much because it implies that those heroes donā€™t have any objective problems and that anyone raising those problems are just being ā€œunappreciativeā€/ā€œspoiltā€.

like a hero that objectively has very little self agency over their own value (even when comparing to other supports) or a hero that struggles independently get uptime unlike the vast majority of the cast in a game environment that not only rewards individually and the majority of the cast have much more self agency over their own are not a trivial issues and they are actually issues.


Zen has a massive hitbox and was asked numerous times to get his hitbox reduced in size, but the requests always fell on deaf ears becauze Zen was for a long time an extremely powerful component of several metas. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a hero that was definitively nerfed because of a single OWL player like with Zen and JJonak
the thing is, times have changed, shields are not what they used to be and Zenā€™s outdated baloon hitbox is glarinly in need to be fine tuned.

Genji mains look at their discord channels itā€™s basically self ummm ummm loveā€¦

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The thing about torb 2.0 is he is a sleeper pick for almost all ranks except high gm.

But we all know it and turn a blind eye cause itā€™s torb and we love the cheese.


Zen has the support hitbox that I wish they all had


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Reaper mainsā€¦waitā€¦ they donā€™t exist šŸ„²

Thatā€™s because soldier mains are naturally kinda quiet.

People get tired of the ā€œbut muh console bronziesā€ argument.

They exist, but his kit transfers well and he was trash for quite some time so there are very few onetricks, but more mains than one would think. Ana mains are similar.

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The ideal for any character, really. Torb is livinā€™ the dream. :relieved:

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Are any Dishonorable Heroes/Characters
Or flawed Characters/Heroes?

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Lucio mains because we all appreciate how bad he is right now and how Brig has all but replaced him.

Seriously though, buff Lucio.


LĆŗcioā€™s not seen any nerfs since the time when he was not only viable but meta on 100% of maps.

As a LĆŗcio main, heā€™s fine. Itā€™s just not a fantastic meta for him, which feels worse than it is due to infrequent balance changes to mix-up said meta.

Yeah because Brig has replaced him in pretty much every meta except rush.

Because he lacked any competition before that point.

Like saying we need to Buff Rein because the game added Orisa, and sheā€™s sometimes good as well.