Why not a cheaper version of Watchpoint Pack for OW1 owners?

Yet another slap in the face to early adopters. Fact is, I want that icon and skins, but the price is jacked because of including the legendary edition of OW1 which I already own.

Why isn’t there a $20 option for the skins and icon and guaranteed day 1 access of wave 2 of the beta?

Because even if I paid $20 now for a cheaper version I’m getting nothing until October, except guaranteed OW2 play on June 28.


wondering the very same thing. I’d love to buy it, but I shouldn’t have to pay for legendary edition a second time. hoping we hear something about this


Maybe the watchpoint pack is just for new players who liked the event today and never bought OW1 before.


i bought legendary edition in december 2021… the founders should get a discount on the OW2 watchpoint pack :person_shrugging:t4:


Exactly, it does include OW1 Legendary Edition so it’s like buying entire game once again.

Why no discount of people who already HAS OW1?


I’ve had OW1 Legendary Edition since May 23, 2016. They missed the ball here. They would’ve had me at $20 just for two skins and an icon, but not this.


The skins is only for DPS and good thing i don’t main those heroes. Cassidy’s skin looks dope though. And i’m happy that there will be thematic skin in OW2. Been asking this for so long. Space Raider theme looks hella dope.

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it’s clearly meant for total newbies that have NEVER bought OW1 before. but that means they get a better deal than the rest of us who’ve been here for years (OW1 legendary edition + OW2 credits/skins + OW2 battlepass)

AND they get the actual founders pack if they log in before the F2P update, right? i should’ve just waited til now to play :unamused:


It would help to know what a normal premium battle pass will cost to make an informed decision.


Yeah same lol. I’ll pay for the skins but not 40$ for a game I already own. They really forgot about the current players of the game with this bundle…


yep. could’ve at least told us how much a premium BP would cost for one season… surely they’ve planned that far ahead?

They should give the people who own the Legendary edition 20$ off at least… I want the pack but I’m not paying 40$ for a icon…


please. I even agree it sucks, but even YOU knows its for more than just that

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I wouldn’t buy it even if it was on a discount tbh. Doesn’t seems like good value for money.

assuming that they are going for the standard currency tiering (which sadly we don’t know, I am just taking what apex did) which offers 2000 of their currency for 20 dollars, plus the beta access and the first battle pass, along side the skins…
I don’t know either

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Make that a third time for me

Bought it on switch because… Well c’mon, portable, just missing cross progression at this point

Between lines I think the pack gives either 2k coins for the Battle pass or 2k in addition of the Battle pass, but considering it’ll probably be the first one, the pass should cost no higher than 2k

Surprised it doesn’t have a flag that says 800% extra value.


Yeah it’s like if you played OW1 for years and supported the developers it means nothing but any caveman can just crawl out of his cave and get OW2 for the same price. And OW1 is going to be deleted and replaced by OW2 so you HAVE to buy it. I mean at least give us like a measly 10% discount or something.
The details of when we get into the beta are really misleading. I’m not sure when I get in. Anybody know? For PC that is.


it seems they are doing only sign ups this time, as far as I can tell, along side those who buy this pack

so they can tell us that we can’t buy progression on twitter, right? ignoring that we’ll probably have to buy coin packs in order to buy the battle pass/xp boosts. nice. :roll_eyes:

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