Why no palestinian flag

we have israeli flag player icon, but not palestine flag. :frowning:


i know some countries refuse to have their flags in overwatch, or maybe its bcz of blizzard politics?

I highly doubt that Palestinian gvt. wouldā€™ve refused to have their flag in Overwatch. Meanwhile, thereā€™s no $ in having a Palestine flag for Blizzard, so they probably didnā€™t bother with it. Itā€™s not like Blizzard is a shining beacon of humanity as opposed to being a money-grubbing corporation that feigns interest to avoid condemnation.


Theyā€™ve gone on record saying that they want all the flagsā„¢ but things arenā€™t that simple. Itā€™s not just resources, actiblizzion legal has made them remove flags before.

Because Palestine is not a recognized country.


A lot of countries have, Finland for example. Getting the right from the government to use the symbol in game is not easy.


:thinking: not sure if trolling or out right offensive


Canada, Finland and a few others refused to have their flags in the game, at least at first.

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I Googleā€™d itā€¦ That is just a fact, apparently.


Itā€™s a bit messy with Palestine and Israel.

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Unfortunately, itā€™s like the china situation.
If you have to choose between ticking off Isreal and ticking off Palestine, you definitely tick off Palestine.

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Palestine isnt a fully recognised member of the UN, theres nothing offensive its just a fact.


and this fact happens to be ā€˜offensiveā€™

iā€™d use a harsher word but i like posting here

Heā€™s not trolling. Israel and English speaking countries where they hold great political influence (including Japan and South Korea) do not recognize Palestine as a country - meanwhile; rest of the world does. However, it matters not in the great scheme of things when USA has historically bullied UN into not recognizing Palestine by threatening to withdraw their funding.

The above is an oversimplification; I am just speaking in general terms.


In 1967, immediately following the Six-Day War, the State of Israel banned the Palestinian flag in the occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank. A 1980 law forbidding artwork of ā€œpolitical significanceā€ banned artwork composed of its four colours, and Palestinians were arrested for displaying such artwork.

I highly doubt Palestine, that wants to be recognized internationally would refuse the offer, if it were ever presented.


Gonna add onto this a little bit.

This isnā€™t the first time the UN(or basically just the USA) has not recognized a specific place as a country. Mainland China wasnā€™t recognized as a country during the red scare period and Thailand exclusively was considered a country. Same for North Korea, and (I think, not 100%) bits of Vietnam.


There is a Finnish flag player icon. And you can see a Finnish flag alongside other Nordic cross flags in some of the still images from the upcoming map Gƶteborg.

It was added later on. Canada and that flag werenā€™t in the game year 1.

Theres plenty of regions and semi-autonomous provinces which all have merits to their calls for greater independence. There will always be people who will find offense to either side of the argument.

Its a question with far too many intricacies for me to have an actual answer to, its also something that can only really be answered by the people it directly concerns. Until another decision has been made, Im merely listening to the current precedents, regardless of how I may disagree with them.

Tbf, Palestine is in a bit of a special place compared to others. Itā€™s recognized as a country by a substantial amount of the world but isnā€™t recognized by key world powers. majority of other cases donā€™t have anyone but themselves supporting their Independence.

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