Why no Palestinian flag icon?

There’s a fake Numbani flag and China allows the Tibetan flag to be an icon as well, and there’s a Jordanian and Israeli flags, so why not just modify the Jordanian one a little bit and add it as a Palestinian flag? Is it that Blizzard is more afraid of Israel over Palestinian recognition than of China over Tibetan recognition?


prob based on demand. no point adding flags if only 0.0001% of players are from the country.


Why no Ulster Flag so impartial Northern Irish people have a flag to identify with?

It’s because a tiny percentage of people want it so Blizzard don’t care. Still, you won’t see any tears in my eyes.


New Zeland is also tiny but theres a flag :slight_smile:


Are you thinking of Nepal? There is no in game Tibetan flag.

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Not sure about Palestine’s status as a state/country or whatever, but most flags aren’t added because of legal reasons.


prob based on player percentage. like NZ is small but prob gets a decent % no of players on the AUS servers. you could add hundreds of flags if you were going to try and represent every nation and ethnic/cultural group in the world.

Because they’re a “symbolic” state. A “de jure sovereign” state. I don’t fully understand it, but they’re not full state status yet. The ROC (Taiwan) doesn’t have a flag, in-game, either. (And no it’s not the PRC, IMO.)

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Jeff said they want to add every flag, but it’s not up to them. There are legal issues to navigate. I forget the specifics.





I mean they probably could get away with adding them if they used enough firepower, but I would wager that that would mean the game getting banned in those countries so :man_shrugging:

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It would likely take a graphics designer 15min tops to add the flag.

This is a flag that should be added IMO no matter how few people want to use it. Just one person using it makes it worth it.

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Imma be real, this makes very little sense. First of all, palestinian issues just started making news lines recently and bc flags are added during summer games, they wouldn’t just add a flag out of nowhere. Also, idk what tibetin flag is but someone said it was nepal, and if it was, that means its bc it is a map more than anything. Finally, I’d bet the reason israel has an icon is bc jewish ppl across the world would probably rep it as a symbolism of their faith. Plus u saying they should just edit other countries flags is pretty rude to those countries dont u think.

ok but i assume they just dont consider adding all flags of the world a priority. could be more to it, but statistically, a simpler explanation is more likely than a complex one.

My understanding is that a company requires explicit permission from a government before showing a representation of that nation’s flag in a commercial product. So it could simply be that Palestine said no.

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Why no Palestinian flag? Beyond that the Palestinian governing body may have objected to being included in the game for various reasons, Palestine is also at the center of an intensely turbulent and controversial political debacle in the world today. Blizzard probably wants to avoid sparking debate around that issue. Unless they’ve added one in the past couple of months, you’ll also notice there’s no Israeli or Syrian or Iranian flag, likely for similar reasons as the absence of a Palestinian flag.

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Almost every flag out there is too old to be copyrighted. They’re also considered common symbols.

Blizzard won’t put your country flag unless they approved

yeah it seems weird to me there are maps in countries that don’t have their flags as a player icon like Iraq

Why no confederate flag?

There are still legal consequences that can occur (in Blizzard’s sake) for doing so, they could outright get their game banned in said country by using their flag without permission, you and I could print off a bunch of flags without facing any repercussions but it’s a bit different when you’re a business