Why no Palestinian flag icon?

I mean, running into governmental legal troubles over a flag isn’t worth it. Like, at all.

Not all fights are worth fighting… example this getting into legal issues with the government over a flag.

can’t tell if this is satire or trolling, but judging from your post history im going to say trolling.


It’s a joke. It’s meant to make people consider that rainbow flags can be just as irritating as a confederate flag. While a lot of people consider me a troll, I’m just a contrarian. I strongly dislike mob psychology and the way that so many people are conformists. Why? Because most people don’t ever do any introspection. Their thoughts are about as deep as a puddle. They behave more like automatons than human beings.

Adding a Palestinian flag would be like dumping gasoline on a fire.

Because a white flag would be kind of boring.




“Bigots getting annoyed about representation is exactly the same thing as people not wanting a symbol linked to slave owners being endorsed by a video game about equality”

So… yes… but the thing there is WHO is being annoyed, not that it’s annoying.

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Blizzard is from US
US loves Israel
And Israel hates Palestine

Modern world politics :slight_smile:


Israel also may not like the U.S. very much. They attacked one of our destroyers and killed a bunch of sailors a long time ago. Literally nothing was said or done about it. They just quietly swept it under the rug.


listen, i dont wanna be that person but its not that deep. I’m pretty sure they add it when there’s an out cry for it and there are also legal issues about adding flags.

It’s something to do with political or legal (don’t know which one) stuff I don’t know about. But it’s the same reason there isn’t a Nigerian flag even though Doomfist is Nigerian.

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There’s more than 190 countries in the world but only 32 flag player icons, so it’s not like Palestine is the only missing. Jeff has mentioned in the past that legal issues barred them from adding more - you pretty much need a permission to include these.


I mean, sure why not…? 🤷

Worked for the LGBT community :man_shrugging:

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This isn’t even a comparison. Why would you use that as one?

Age doesn’t matter in this case. Every country still has laws in effect about how their flag is used. It’s less copyright or trademark than it’s Individual regulations of how businesses can use them.

He didn’t say they should edit out the flag, but copy it in a apply a bit of change so it becomes the Palestinian flag, they are almost identical

How exactly?? There is already an israeli flag, it won’t make a difference

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Because there isn’t enough “mUh RePrEsEnTaTiOn hurrr durrr” spam about it.

I am my own country, the King and Parliament all rolled into one. I demand my own flag be in the game too! It’s only fair!

They need to have a license to use it. Also changing flags is even worse than not having license for them.

There’s no Tibetan flag ingame?

In fact, most countries’ flags aren’t ingame.