Why no bug reports?

We have whole threads calling it an exploit, which is why I commented on it.

I got the best support ticket response from a game master when I asked there :slight_smile:

As usual your answers are extremely sensible.

I wish you could share it, but know its probably best you dont

The problem with that is even GM responses are subjective if it isnt about ban appeals. I’ve had a GM tell me that not talking in chat is fine and another turn right around and tell you it is gameplay sabotage and you’ll get banned for it, AND that is is justified.

They don’t have official yes or no answers either.

The message was quite lovely, and the people on the support desk are pretty wonderful.

The parts to do with the question I gave was [redacted to protect people’s IDs and general chatting]

we do not have much information regarding to whether this is working as intended or not

I’m afraid this is not a question that can answered by customer support here > <

Which I though was actually a pretty good answer.

They said to raise a bug report on the forums :slight_smile:

Talking about raising a bug report on the forums…

Hi Pezlex.

I’m glad it was only one person who gave you grief (I would have preferred 0 people)

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I expected more, but 1 was more than enough. Oh well, the comm is so predictable.

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True, but, you have done you bit to try to get an official response, and I thank you for it!!

Ultimately, this will keep getting debated until an official statement is made

Jeff, if youre listening, you can save us all quite a bit of heartache (and typing) with just a paragraph or two

Eh, I see it as harmless fun.

No one is going to get banned, and an official statement isn’t going to make it more or less likely to be changed.

The threads are pretty funny, and it is actually interesting debating at what point a bug turns into a feature.

Any official announcement doesn’t actually change the game in any material way at all.

It would be nice for an official answer, but it would be funny as all hell if the official answer is ‘your guess is as good as mine’

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If that was the official response then people would start reporting it lol


Glad you’re doing okay now.


Thanks, things are really good now.

All I have to do is get my Sr back now :slight_smile:

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Yeah but the thing is, those aren’t getting fixed either.

It is important to understand a bug is identified through reports on the forums (and other communication) and the problem is capable of being reproduced internally. I monitor the bug report forum and it is my observation that many reports are not bugs, but one-off issues that can’t be repeated, technical issues that affect the player’s system or internet connection and not the game client (disconnections, RDL errors, crashes, etc.), misinterpretation of the game rules (such as getting achievements) or latency in play. I myself try to answer most technical issues which have been placed there (though they belong in the technical support forum) whenever I search that forum, but avoid answering any that I have no immediate answer for.

Hey, I have one.

On my laptop, battlenet just constantly logs me in and out over and over again.

No idea why, but it means I can’t use it for overwatch anymore.

Not even the devs read the bug section, look at the number of comments from blues.

They do, they just don’t comment much.

Can you be more specific? Is this just the BattleNet App Launcher? Are you getting any specific error messages or codes?

Yes, just battle net, no errors, no codes.

I should see if I can get a video of it.

I am aware of that i am not talking about this kind of stuff but things that are actually programming errors.

At that point, a number of decisions are made. Like, with the bunnyhop bug, they decided it was better in the game, and so it wasn’t a bug any more.