Why no bug reports?

Like there are SO many people claming that Mercy has a bug.

None of them post to the bugs forum reporting it. But complain constantly on the general forum.

If y’all thought it WAS a bug, you would have reported it by now.

If you get your knickers in a twist and DON’T then report the bug, then what is wrong with you?


No one really reads the bug section lel.

Usually stuff gets solved faster when more people gives it visibility.

Except Blizzard… That is the place to give it visibility to the people who would fix it, if it was a bug.

Or to put it another way - What is the different between reporting a bug and just moaning about it but not actually doing anything you would do if it WAS a real bug.

Either, put your money where your mouth is and report the bug, or don’t expect anyone to take you seriously.

I raised a ticket with their support desk. Which is more than the ENTIRE Superjump is a bug thread did.


It’s not a bug like that ultimat that big German guy has. Or a bug like my turret exploding on it’s own as soon as I put it down a few times in a row…

Mercy can get high with a little help from her friends, Whooooo

I am not sure about that one either. No one is really answering the threads and bugs that I have reported years ago are still in the game.

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It is the place to report them. I’ve had plenty of luck getting bugs fixed in the past.

I tend to provide videos of it in action, and step by step instructions to replicate it.

I’m sure someone could do that for this.

But that NOONE even put in the smallest post speaks volumns about how much they actually thought it was a bug.

The bug report forum is full of Baptiste Ult doesn’t work on healing threads.

Real bug - actual reports.

Mercy superjump? Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

The bugs that I have reported were pretty straight forward and obvious. Nothing complicated but looks like they only fix stuff if it is crashing the game or when the people make big fuss about it.

And as we have seen, this bug also has been around for pretty long. I highly doubt it has’t been reported or they are not aware of it.

Which point to them not considering it adverse behavour. Or in another way to put it - it isn’t a bug.

I think most of the people in the tread ALSO didn’t think it was a bug, and was just poopposting.

After all, if they did, you would expect some of them to say… raise a bug report.

I expect the Baptiste ult bug will be fixed, and it has been low key compared.

6 seperate threads on the bug report forum in the last few days for that one.

Real bug, gets real reports.

If 1/5 of the people who complained ACTUALLY reported it, you would get Blizzard to answer y’all.

if they are not fixing it, it is not a bug? What sense does that makes. i can point you out to several issues that are clearly bugs and still not fixed.

Not to mention it is not documented anywhere in the game to be a “feature”.

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It is a side effect of the AD change. Emergent behavour - which is only a bug if it has an adverse effect.

If Blizzard doesn’t think it is adverse, It isn’t a bug.

And given the TOTAL lack of bug reports, the people posting about it didn’t think it was a bug either.

Because even the most minor thing get posts on the bug report forum, and this didn’t.

Sure as hell there was enough people to post it.

i. e. an exploit

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Dear Blizz,
Saw a fly in my kitchen today.
Forever yours ( until cyberpunk drops)
The Holiest of Cows.

Only if it has an adverse effect.

It ISN’T an exploit if it is accepted by the game designers as ok.

But, hell, no one in the thread thought it was an issue enough to even make the most trivial post to the bug report forum.

if having more mobility than should is not “adverse” idk what is.

Then raise a bug report. You could have done it 10 times over, just while talking with me.

That doesn’t mean anything. It took over a year to fix boops not breaking mercy Rez after 2.0 came out.

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Why? It is already all over the place.

Not one person in the threads though it was enough of a bug to actually raise it.

Of course blizzard isn’t going to take what y’all think about it being a bug seriously.

Have you SEEN the bug report forum? The most trivial stuff gets reported there, and this?

Nothing. It doesn’t even get to that level.

Then obviously, Blizzard doesn’t think it is adverse right?

And y’all don’t think it is adverse enough to even merit a bug report.

Like seriously, you know Blizzard will either not reply because they don’t care enough to classify it as a bug (or not most likely), or They WILL reply, and it will be along the lines of “not a bug”

And? Most people put everything in general bc A) general gets more attention or B) too dumb to put it in the bug section.

Or you get people like me that know it takes over a year to fix serious bugs and don’t see a point in it. Frankly, for once I’m happy xQc lost his marbles and brought attention to it since it might actually get fixed.

Then put it in the bug report forum.

General doesn’t get as much attention FROM BLIZZARD as the bug forum does.

It iddn’t mert a post to the bug forum - and yet

actually does.

Like that is more serious than this entire mercy superjump thing. (based on bug report numbers)