Why no bug reports?

Not at all. It is an exploit if THEY think it is. given people are not banned for it, you can be pretty sure they don’t think it is an exploit.

This one I’m giving to RW. That was given an official statement for why they left it in and was included in patch notes. Super Jump needs to go though.

Or decided that they like it. That is the third option, in which case, not a bug.

Given they are not banning people for superjumping, haven’t issued a warning about it - and MORE telling, not told people in OWL to not use it, then you can be pretty sure, they don’t count it as an expoit.

They take that stuff SERIOUSLY.

I almost got banned from pro play by posting a message on the forums from the wrong account.

God forbid you use an exploit in the game, they would put your account 6 feet under.

No you have it backwards. It is an exploit until they say it isn’t. GA + jump is the feature, SJ is an exploit of that feature. Geoff never said Super Jump was the feature, but he did acknowledge Bunny Hopping as one.

Until we get that acknowledgment, it absolutely is. As far as getting banned for it, a lot of people deserve bans they don’t get and it is pretty hard to tell when someone behind you is doing it if it’s your team and I don’t exactly look up to see if Mercy is SJ in team fights.

Just because it isn’t as noticeable as Sym TP bastion inside a bus unless it happens while you’re trying to get her doesn’t make it not an exploit.

I don’t remember seeing that. Either way that one is also turning into issue with more and more people are starting to complain about it too.

That is what a person says when they don’t want to fix something.

If they like it, they wouldn’t want to fix it.

If it was an exploit you WOULDN’T see it in OWL play. The bans for using an exploit is damn near instant - even in the open.

That is ban material like you have NEVER seen.

Bunny hopping itself isn’t really that bad since it doesn’t really put you that much above your team (it really just gives enough distance to jump on top of the payload without touching the sides). It’s just SJ 1.0 and 2.0 that are giving real problems.

People keep claiming it’s a bug but don’t know the difference between software bug and game engine exploit.

Plenty actual bugs in this game that need to be fixed, such as Baptiste Amp Matrix not amplifying healing bug or Symmetra’s teleporter randomly exploding when it’s on a stairway with no obstructions or Dva’s bomb exploding people inside walls.

Exploiting physics engine to make turns and keep momentum in rocket punch, being able to break out of graviton surge with rein shatter making you bounce forward, being able to strafe in this game and instantly changing directions while crouch spamming, hitbox manipulation in all sorts of ways, Zarya rocket jumping forward being faster than walking, animation canceling moves with no lag to other moves… these are exploits of game mechanics and not bugs and they’d have to code game physics anew if they wanted to fix things like these and superjump.

It is funny how people complaining about it, don’t complain about pogoing, or hyperjump, or walljump, or any of the other crazy stuff that AD keeping momentium lets you do.

Uh huh. It’s not banned because Pine, or any Hitscan, can still kill Mercy when she does it. That doesn’t make it not an exploit.

Yeah, it REALLY does.

You get a pro account and they make a lot of stuff VERY VERY clear to you.

Use an exploit, and it is OVER for you. They do NOT mess about there. I saw someone use one in one of the games.

It is why JFTM got enough wins to get to trials.

Banned SO very quickly.

Technically it is an exploit/overlook but calling it a “bug” is not wrong either.

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Uh huh. Like I said, my mind isn’t changing until Jeff or Geoff make an official statement on it. Bunny hopping is fine, SJ isn’t.

Well, I guess you will be waiting a long long time.

Unless this xQc thing actually get traction, in which case they will say something public.

You could help that, by filling out a bug report hint hint

Not all exploits are necessarily bannable. That doesn’t mean they are OK to stay in the game though.

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I see it as a bug that I count as part of her overall ability set, ie towards my perception of her balance at this time

I have been very clear that I find her well balanced in her current state

if this bug were fixed, ie superjump goes away I would consider this to be a huge hit to her overall ability, pushing the needle notably towards underpowered in terms of her overall balance, and I would not longer feel she is well balanced


Maybe later, but I doubt it. Last thing I need is 50 shut up xqc fan messages.

You know I would never do that to you.

From the others?, you may get one, likely nothing.

You wouldn’t, but you saw Project’s thread. Completely dismissed with xqc fan blah blah.

Yeah, well, I am sure that Blizzard takes that comment into account /s

I’ve had good experances with Blizzard accepting posts of mine, commenting about them in live talks, even some stuff ended up hitting live.

I think they take well thought out posts a LOT more seriously than people think they do, and I KNOW they care about the bug report forum. That is treated seriously.

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