Why nerf Sym? Seems completely pointless but k

I haven’t played overwatch in a while and posted here even longer, but why on earth did they nerf Sym like?


***Bug fix is what she got


she deals too much freaking damage


The beam nerfs were good but idk why they nerfed her turrets?

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Hmm… Consider 3 turrets hitting someone can currently deal 3/4 of a 200hp hero’s health in 1 second. They also slow them down, making them even harder to get away from.

Seems reasonable to me.


Not really? She needs to amp up her damage, her sentries are still 1 shot for pretty much every single hero and her ult is kinda useless (she’s a dps hero with a non-damage/disable ult?). Tp is sort of useful now as you can just place it right outside of your spawn so your team will get to the point quicker but that’s it


They’ve been able to do that for like 3 years or more. Why is it suddenly a problem? In fact it did more dps when she had 6.


They are trying to make her more brain dead to play with less differences between someone who has mastered her and someone who hasn’t.

They started with the teleporter increasing its uptime but lowering the number of times it is used per match and reducing the replacement value.
This hurt good players who constantly placed her teleporter and gave them less viable strategies and situations to use it essentially making teleporter easier for unskilled players.

Now they are nerfing turrets because turret placement is another way to tell the difference between a good Symmetra player and a bad one.

Eventually they will nerf something else or remove her beam chargeup to make her less strategic and more brain dead to cater to the masses.


Yeh, that’s my point. Those sentries are now pretty much only a threat if they’re clustered together which makes them easier to destroy

Her insane win rate.

Yeah, but when she had 6, they could be destroyed instantly. Now they have 30hp each. If I’m not mistaken they only used to have 5?

This meant that you didn’t have to take your attention away from the fight for very long to destroy them. Now you do, especially when the heroes that are best for taking them out have relatively low damage.

tbh, if they give her a flat high damage beam, that’d probably be a healthy improvement given how blizz is somehow adamant on sym having all of low mobility, low sustain, low range and high delays and seemingly don’t know how to balance that.

30hp = 1 melee, 1 shot for slow firing heroes (tho snipers might need to charge up for like 0.1~0.2s rather than spam), or like 2~3 bullets for fast firing heroes (defs not many for tracer too, she only needs to land 5 bullets).

before they were 1hp which literally a dva or reaper could snipe.


I’m fine with the turret nerf; I just wish she got some compensation buffs

If the turrets are high up - you can’t melee them.

Slow firing heroes tend to stay in the backline, so often won’t even be in LOS of symm turrets, unless you’re playing hanzo.

I think the thing with symm turrets, is that they’re so incredibly strong in overtime fights - You don’t want to be prioritising turrets when you need to try and get clutch picks. Those turrets have enough health to stop you shooting at the enemy just long enough for the enemy to kill you. At least with a damage decrease, you might not take as much damage from the turrets as you’re killing them, making it less likely that you will die outright.

no LOS means turrets won’t do anything to them either ._.

again. it literally takes probably 0.1~0.2s for non melee heroes for each turret. That’s legit nearly the same as before with 1hp turrets because they still require a shot per turret (unless clumped up and you have splash). except the difference is 30hp turrets don’t die to a dva or reaper pellets that missed their target and ended up scratching them or some other stray bullets from other heroes.

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This is why i am an advocate for Sym Support rework. I rather have a reworked sym support that can heal, than a Offensive character that is Half Support have dps with brain dead abilities.

I also do not want a character that is only useful at breaking shields and being an unused taxi.

Sup sym was more fun back then and more mentally engaging…This was kind of heading the right direction, but it went south rather quick. Even 2.0 sym deals more dmg than 3.0 Ptr sym its sad.

Sym Suppot rework IDea: Symmetra Sup Rework Idea
My complaint Post for this patch notes: PTR PATCH IS A JOKE-- SYM DEAD – Rework her back to support

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Have you tried shooting at them? They dont even move.


She’s very powerful at close range. But it seems that she’s still built as a defense hero which is more about pushing enemies back. Smart players will know how to kite her at range (e.g Pharah) and destroy her tp and turrets (winston and junkrat).

Sym’s should give tracer a try now and see how she feels.