Why nerf one of the most balanced heroes in the game?

It’s not though?

Baptiste is the FIRST hero in the game to have a winrate lower than Sombra in all ranks. He’s literally the worst hero in the game, and the weakest support. They would need to revert pretty much every nerf he got except the immortality field ones for him to be playable again

Orisa was already mediocre outside of Masters, and now she’s used less than Winston, with the third lowest winrates in the game only beating Sombra and Baptiste

They went too far nerfing heroes to please OWL viewership

That feel when it’s Reinhardt/ Ball’s massive increase in playtime that made Brig go from the least used support to 3rd

And only her and Ball get nerfs, while Reinhardt continues to be the most used hero in every single rank

Bap is by far not the worst in his role. if anything, I would say it’s mercy. Bap still has his immortality, god forbid now he has to really think about if he needs to use it or not. He has an aoe heal for himself and everyone around him, and splash primary healing that still does a decent amount. His ult is meh for sure, but it can still pick up some kills and is a good barrier-break/zoning ult.

Mercy is in such a weird spot, because she only really gets value from a rez nowadays. Her primary heal isn’t as strong as the other healer’s were, since she could only heal single target. AOE is way stronger than single target healing, as we’ve seen with every meta for the past godknows how long. With brig, lucio, bap, moira taking the top of the support meta.

While it’s true these two are incredibly strong, you have to actually be able to play them properly. Heck, if you play any of the other 75% of the DPS roster that isn’t very viable, you’re going to be having a terrible time. Genji, junkrat, tracer, soldier, pharah, sombra, torb, bastion, symm are all subpar DPS picks. Heroes like widow, hanzo, doom, mei just do way more than they do.

Support picks are starting to come more in line with each other, and they may have nerfed orisa a bit too much, but she’s still viable in certain situations.

Nerfs need to keep coming whether you like it or not. Powercreep has gotten out of hand, and the devs can see that, clearly, with all of the nerfs coming in and very few buffs.

Baptiste is trash tier my dude?

45% winrates or lower in every single rank? Mercy having 2x his pickrate in GM?

Baptiste is garbage. Moira AoE heals stronger and easier; Ana heals way better single target, and Mercy has consistent utility that.

People always spew that Mercy is so bad, this and that, despite the fact she has been sleeper amazing for a VERY long time. The fact she was one of the most used supports at the OW world cup over even Ana, kind of shows that she can be a very powerful option if people were actually open to running her more.

The difference is, the DPS power creep hasn’t been toned down nearly as fast or as hard as the Support/ Tank line up. The fact that they pretty much cut down the support/ tank roles by over nerfing Orisa/ Baptiste kind of shows the flaw in the whole “toning everything down”

Hitscan all still have their fall off buffs from Goats
McCree is still able to deal damage 2x faster than ANY support can heal

If we look at a 1:1 in terms of healing and damage, Moira is the current highest healer with 12k healing done on average, there are 16 heroes who deal more damage than that per game, with 5 of them being tanks.

Even right now after the healing nerfs, Moira is one of the most used supports in GM even though Ana hasn’t been touched in 2 years, simply because Moira can actually do something against all the damage going out

and winston dva’s use made genji and tracer and picked more often, but they nerfed them both AND released brig as a hard counter.

Where are you getting these stats from? In the last month, bap is the single most picked hero at GM according to overbuff, and has a 50+ percent winrate everywhere above diamond. Even in the last 3 months, on average at all ranks his winrate is still sitting just above 50%. He’s just not braindead now, and that’s okay. Mercy is far lower down the list in GM my dude. Can I ask where you got these stats?

There isn’t as much power creep in the DPS category as in the tanks and supports. There are a select few heroes that are powercrept, being hanzo, doom, widow, and mei possibly. Consider all the DPS heroes that have been trash tier for the longest time, the ones that I listed in my previous post. Being a DPS main is horrible if you can’t play the select few heroes that are viable out of such a large selection of heroes. Sure, ana has been bad for a long time, but all the other support heroes have had a turn in the meta. That’s more than we can say for the DPS roster.

Soooo, why isn’t mccree meta then? You’d expect his pickrate to increase as you go up the ranks since people can pop heads more, but it actually decreases. Hitscans have an incredibly low pickrate right now. Hanzo and mei are very high up the list, with reaper being picked a decent amount, and mccree being about the only hitscan that has a pretty high pick rate, but I wouldn’t say he’s overpowered by any means.

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Brig deserves the nerf. After the global mass buff to armor a few months ago, she naturally got incredibly stronger. Everyone cries that she’s too hard to play but learn how to shield dance, learn how to get inspire value from all your whipshots. It’s not cool that her armor literally makes any not burst dps that much weaker.
And you all cry about widow/hanzo/doom. What else are you supposed to play when individual pellet dps is decreased so much with armor? You have no choice but to go 1 shot.
I know brigs a lovable character, but blame blizzard for making her kit one of the most unlikable kits in the game, forcing people to dislike her naturally.
Nobody likes getting a dps to 1 only for them to be armor packed across the room

Overbuff? The nerfs to Bap/ Orisa haven’t been out for a month so it will still include the times before they were gutted into the ground

Here’s Baptiste having sub 2% pickrates, sub 50% winrates for more than a few days

And McCree IS meta? He has a 5.3% pickrate already.

And again, you can’t look at monthly yet as the nerfs haven’t been around for more than a month so the data is still skewed to be including prior meta data

Then Ana’s nerfs are about 2 years too late (and still nowhere in sight)
Seriously why pick Brig over Ana at this point, ever, in any situation.

Ana has better healing output, burst heal, better cc, better range, better damage output, better self heal, better utility (antiheal), better and cheaper cost ult

I’ve always thought armour back needed a small amount of burst healing.
It’s absolutely USELESS on squishies (outside of over armouring them) when they’re at low health, as 9.9/10 they’re just gonna get hit by something before the healing actually takea effect.
It’s only good healing wise on tanks for the most part because most have some form of damage mitigation to compensate for the slow rate.
If the over armour is getting nerfed and the healing rate is decreasing, I feel like she needs something else.

ALL healers have been broken op at some point. Most tanks have been broken op at some point. Some dps have been broken op at some point. They nerf heroes that perform too well.